I'm sorry that I'm dragging this back off-topic but this quote pricked my ears up so badly I was compelled to respond.
Eh, I live with Autism, and I'm about to graduate from college. For me, it was just a matter of pushing through certain barriers. wasn't pleasant, but I've had to.
I have to applaud you Jim. It's a real pain to deal with some of the issues that we have to face in this day and age. I'm in the same boat dude (I have Asperger's myself), and unfortunately sometimes that spills out on this forum with some of my reactions. My main problem is that due to it, I can never find a middle ground with things, I'm either 100% quiet or respond to people with full force and have no qualms about it.
Sometimes I want to tell people about it, but my experience has been whenever I have spoken about it, their reaction has been that I have some mental condition like I'm a schizophrenic or something that's not even in the same category. I feel that my son has also inherited these traits from my genetics as he does similar things to what I did as a kid, and can't control himself from being too loud and we keep reminding him to use his "inner voice" because he gets so excited and goes off!
On the plus side it allows me to become super focused when it comes to certain activities to the point that I've blocked the entire world out and have my wife screaming at me before I even acknowledge her. It was the same with my mother too, she had to actually tap me on the shoulder before I realised she was talking to me, yet she had asked me the same question about nine times already because I wanted to finish what I was currently doing and would be consumed by the fact I hadn't finished it yet.
I know many people with "high-functioning Autism," or "Asperger's Syndrome," which is what I have, and many of them have been quite successful in the realm of science and technology. A man who wrote a book titled "look me in the eyes when i'm talking to you" created KISS's famous "Exploding guitars," and owns an exotic car service. Another, an MSN penpal from Sweden, makes some fantastic fantasy addons for Virtual Sailor and Microsoft Train Simulator...unfortunately, some troll has hacked his site, and he's basically said "**** the world, they dont' want my stuff, I won't let them have it." (apologies for the cursing, but I think that describes it well)
There's some others that have been quite successful in the music field as well. Take Craig Nichols from The Vines. The bands music has been quite good over the years. However, back in 2004 he went off at the crowd and called them a pack of sheep and asking if they could say "Baa!" because someone was laughing at him. But his musical genius has produced some phenomenal music.
some humorous observations of myself and other aspies.
1. We all like trains. All of us. I've not yet met an Aspie who doesn't.
For me it's cars. I'm not saying I don't like trains, but I have such a passion for cars and the speeds that they attain that I love them for that reason. My son however is the BIGGEST Thomas The Tank Engine fan around and has an obsession over travelling on trains aswell, he loved travelling on the trains in Sydney.
2. We all need someone in our lives to throw us into the fray. For me, this is mom.
For me, it's the wife.
3. We need the schedule ahead of time. WAY ahead of time. This way, we can prepare ourselves. We don't do spontaneous.
I can SO relate to this. I need to plan stuff, I can't do stuff on the spot. I also get so frustrated and annoyed everytime my wife rearranges the furniture at the house because I have to get used to the new surroundings, and it's worse because she rearranges it every few months!!
4. We all like the way we are, and can't understand why people can't understand us.
Brings me back to my comment about when I talk about it, people think I'm some sort of schizo or something.
5. We laugh, because Rain Man is way worse than most of us.
Gotta get my boxer shorts at Kmart!
6. We have friends. They're just other Aspies.
I must be different in this aspect because my friends aren't other aspies and I've never known another aspie that I've known is an aspie....ever!
7. We like stuff that makes loud noises (Airplanes, Fireworks, Monster Trucks,) but can't stand the actual loud noises.
I can't stand music being too loud, but I have attended raves and stuck my head next to giant subwoofers because I like the music that comes out of it and the atmosphere at the event. Same with car shows....love the atmosphere, but walk away the second a sound-off starts!
8. Many of us identify with animals. A few of us are Furries...but we're too shy to be hardcore Furries.
Yeah, I've always had a kinship with dogs for some unknown reason.
All I can say Jim is thanks dude for speaking out....I feel a lot better after reading what you said dude, it brings comfort to me knowing that there are other people that I could relate to, even if you're 6000 miles away.
Back on topic, I'm currently having a thirst for knowing about the population growth of countries and continents after catastrophic events (such as the 2004 Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and currently with the devastating earthquake in Haiti) and how this affects the population growth in these areas and the population total as a whole. For instance, I'm curious whether such an event like these would cause a huge population drop many years after the event has occurred and whether it would cause a drop in the total population of the world between censuses of the population....can anyone help me with this??