The 'I didnt know that' Thread

  • Thread starter MUSC4EVER
Something I didn't know about until about a month or so ago was there used to be a race track called Bennett Speedway here in North Carolina. :eek: This is interesting to me because I have lived near Bennett my whole life and have never heard of the place until recently. I wouldn't be surprised if I have passed by it before. What's crazy is some of the banking is still there after all these years. My sister's husband is actually familiar with the place, I wonder what he knows....
I've understood the expression "baptism by fire" recently. It is when you are thrust into a challenging situation for the first-ever time. It was originally meant to mean a soldier's first battle.
Something I didn't know until today is when you install a PC game, the disc has to be run from that CD drive and not any other on that computer. Like, if it was installed on CD Drive (E), then the disc needs to be run on CD Drive (E), not CD Drive (F) or any other, otherwise, it won't work.

For years I wondered why Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver 1 and 2 didn't work when I ripped both games and tried to mount them on a virtual drive after installing them from the original disc. Now I know why! 💡
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So I assume you haven't had a PC back in the days when you had a CD-Rom Drive (2x, 4x or maybe OP 8x speed) + a second drive CD-Burner to write CDs in 1x, 2x or richkids 4x speed on the fly back in the 90s. It still took ages but was half the time with a CD-Burner alone and very limited harddisk space to buffer a whole CD of 650/700 MB ☺️

So I assume you haven't had a PC back in the days when you had a CD-Rom Drive (2x, 4x or maybe OP 8x speed) + a second drive CD-Burner to write CDs in 1x, 2x or richkids 4x speed on the fly back in the 90s.
Maybe? 🤔 My family's personal computer has 2 disc drives, but I couldn't tell you what they both really are other than that.
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CD/DVD drives are from the age of the dinosaurs. I’ve had 12 year old students who have never used a CD.

I remember games on floppy disk. Jungle Strike and Desert Strike sprint to mind.
Me Grimlock
For years I wondered why Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver 1 and 2 didn't work when I ripped both games and tried to mount them on a virtual drive after installing them from the original disc. Now I know why! 💡
So I said this earlier and turns out I was wrong, theirs's more to it than just that.
It's a nerdy joke in itself talking about a pc with a cd drive in 2021 😄
Actually, I looked at my family's computer again recently and I was wrong, it had 2 DVD drives, not CD drives. Not really sure why I said CD drives to be honest. 🤔
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I recently learned that our galaxy is travelling through the universe with a speed of 1.3 million miles per hour. Makes everything here on Earth seem like a severely disabled turtle.
Something I didn't know until today is I can quickly create a txt file with all the filenames inside a folder by doing this. Glad I found out about it because this makes things a lot easier for me.
Found out Colarado City, AZ is ran by a cult. And now know never to visit or stop there for gas if i ever visit America. Quite interesting tbh, reccomend giving it a google.
Something I didn't know until recently is Seagrove, North Carolina actually considered building a drag strip at one point in time, but it evidently never happened. 🤔 I am familiar with the place and a drag strip seems a bit out of place for it, but it's interesting to know it was once considered.
Found out Colarado City, AZ is ran by a cult. And now know never to visit or stop there for gas if i ever visit America. Quite interesting tbh, reccomend giving it a google.
Yup, it's where the Fundamental LDS church started and it was more or less a schism over polygamy. That whole area of Arizona, Utah, and Nevada has a bunch of really weird breakaway LDS groups that practice all sorts of questionable things including child marriage. It was also heavily populated by Confederate sympathizers during and after the Civil War where slavery may or may not have continued (the details are unclear). St. George, Utah which is in that general area had mock "slave auctions" until like 20-ish years ago where kids actually dressed in black face.

I...uhhh...avoid that part of the state.

The whole Mormon cult thing has been pretty interesting to me since the regular LDS Church is weird to begin with. Add in even crazier people and the breakaway sects are even stranger with a healthy dose of insanity.
Something I didn't know until this past hour is the song "You've got to stand for something" is by Aaron Tippin. :dunce: Known this song throughout my life, heard it many times, but it's not until now I finally realized he was the artist for this song. Not the first time this has happened either, "Kiss This" was another one from him I had known for about as long, but didn't realize it was by him until recent years. I really need to look at his music a lot closer because I feel like theirs other songs by him that have been under my nose for years that I have overlooked.
Queso Potato Skins ... exist.

I never really thought of the idea until i had some at a get together recently. They are so good. 😭
Something I didn't know until this past hour is the song "You've got to stand for something" is by Aaron Tippin. :dunce: Known this song throughout my life, heard it many times, but it's not until now I finally realized he was the artist for this song. Not the first time this has happened either, "Kiss This" was another one from him I had known for about as long, but didn't realize it was by him until recent years. I really need to look at his music a lot closer because I feel like theirs other songs by him that have been under my nose for years that I have overlooked.
Get yourself a workin' man's PhD!
The highest possible single game Jeopardy score is $566,400. To finish with this amount, a contestant would have to respond correctly to every clue and wager the maximum at every opportunity. But it's even more unlikely than that, because "Daily Double" clues would have to occupy the lowest possible denomination clues (the clue value is disregarded on a "Daily Double") and they would have to be flipped at the very end of each round by only the winning contestant.
The highest possible single game Jeopardy score is $566,400. To finish with this amount, a contestant would have to respond correctly to every clue and wager the maximum at every opportunity. But it's even more unlikely than that, because "Daily Double" clues would have to occupy the lowest possible denomination clues (the clue value is disregarded on a "Daily Double") and they would have to be flipped at the very end of each round by only the winning contestant.
And to think James Holzhauer, who has the 12 highest scoring games, and 15 of the top 16, only topped out at $131,127. You could quadruple his score and still be $41,892 off the theoretical highest possible amount.
Something I didn't know about until last night is Need for Speed Carbon has an unused 4th theme for the main menu:

The game's main menu has 3 themes (tuners, muscles, and exotics) that will play depending on what car you're looking at. However, upon inspecting the game's files last night, I learned there was a 4th one that apparently is never heard anywhere in the game. What it was intended for and why it was cut from the game is unclear. I do know one thing though, it appears to be a variation of "Porsches" by Ekstrak, which just happens to be the original version of "Hard Drivers" in this game. Played Carbon a ton back in the day and I never knew this existed until now.
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