You people annoy me! You have such little faith in the human race that it's sickening. It's actually more feasible that if anyone designed a "Penis Car" or a car with crude vinyls/words that it'd be the same ones complaining about it, YOU!!! No one here is thinking or talking about making "penis" cars besides you. IT'S ANNOYING. It's like saying, don't give them markers, they might do graffiti. Don't give them the keys, they might crash. Don't try to try to jump, you might fall. Htf will you ever know if you don't give the damned thing a chance?!?!? You're so concerned with what people MIGHT do. Well, it's also quite likely that they won't. They might create masterpieces, they might create beautiful works of art, they might..., they might..., they might... UGH. Just stfu!
There will likely be a handful at most, and they will likely be banned. Or the people with them will likely be like minded people and they might just bring them out in private rooms were your delicate virgin eyes will never see them... There might just be easier and simpler ways to have your virgin mind raped by pornographic imagery all over the internet, which you might just likely have if you are indeed gaming online and it might just be nothing @#$%ing new to anyone. We might just see it, care less and gtf over it.
::End rant, Hulk Mode deactivated...::