- 240
- Kansas
- nofxmike06
- nofxmike06
The point they were disbanded is in the public record. Feel free to provide proof they still exist. You're stubborn but still wrong. I did not make a claim. I asked you to support yours. Otherwise, you're without any credibility. How long will this go on before you admit you're wrong? Unless you're a part of this illuminati, then you have no right to claim you Do know. Get it? So, your answer as well should be don't know.Bollocks - You said the illuminati had folded. Do you have any evidence, or is the observation that you can't see them indicative of them not existing? It was your claim, not mine. If it's a fact that they've disbanded then you can prove it, otherwise it's just supposition. And yes, you will be thinking, aha but if you can't prove that any of them exist then they don't. Welcome to the world of "having to answer stupid questions".
Anyway Famine said I should use swearwords, if I want to.
Depends, whether it's ontopic or not. But "telling people to edit posts" is ridiculous, that's like having a conversation whilst all the time being told to speak in a different accent. Bloody annoying, waste of time and stinks of petty-mindedness. Same number of characters in the thread, so what's the big deal. If anyone wants to edit my posts, because they've got OCD, that's fine.
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