The little things that you find ANNOYING IN GT SPORT.

The Fuel reminder. So annoying
Gran Turismo™SPORT_20180714234857.png
I still can't get around those ugly pop-ups!
Trees, cars, buildings, it all pops up like we're playing a PS3 game.
And it seems to be even more since the latest patch. The cars just change their look after a few meters. It's ok in the rest mirror, but in front?!
Annoys the hell out of me. Especially in this gorgeous looking game, pop ups shouldn't be a thing anymore...
When the saved custom decals gallery take ages to load. It's really bad when you have almost 1.000 of them and the ones you need are in the bottom of the list and you have to wait for every single on of them to appear in the screen. This is probably more of an issue on my end, tbh.

Not to mention that when you add decals to your collection, they get sorted as to when they were uploaded, not when you added them to your collection. What happens is that, as you are browsing and you fancy a decal someone made, you add it but you can't see it in your collection. Then you find out that it ended up at the bottom of the list because it was uploaded months ago.

Also, PD and Sony's leniency towards the trolls who keep posting porn and other offensive decals. There was an idiot who kept spamming his horrible decals every single day until he was rightfully banned last week.

Damn, that sucks. At least he finally got banned.
I feel like you're just looking for an excuse to complain about this particular Mini.

On the contrary, I am thrilled that this car has appeared in the game.

It is close to being my 1965 ride, which was a 1965 Morris Cooper with the 998cc (short stroke) motor. Mine had the grey with white roof colors, and red seats. Shortly after acquiring it, I had the combustion chambers and porting modified, which raised the top speed from about 86mph to about 98mph

Thus the 970cc Cooper S is similar to my 998 Cooper. I enjoy driving it in-game even though the FWD torque steering is not as pronounced as it was in my Cooper, the performance is otherwise similar.

I drove this toy around Bathurst back in the day, albeit not as quickly as I do in the game :lol:

Oh, and I should have used the word "make" rather than "brand". Either way, 1965 predates both 1969 and 2000
On the contrary, I am thrilled that this car has appeared in the game.

It is close to being my 1965 ride, which was a 1965 Morris Cooper with the 998cc (short stroke) motor. Mine had the grey with white roof colors, and red seats. Shortly after acquiring it, I had the combustion chambers and porting modified, which raised the top speed from about 86mph to about 98mph

Thus the 970cc Cooper S is similar to my 998 Cooper. I enjoy driving it in-game even though the FWD torque steering is not as pronounced as it was in my Cooper, the performance is otherwise similar.

I drove this toy around Bathurst back in the day, albeit not as quickly as I do in the game :lol:

Oh, and I should have used the word "make" rather than "brand". Either way, 1965 predates both 1969 and 2000
Oh, nice! Now I have a better understanding of your last post, at least.

I hope GTS' Mini drives like yours does.
Not being able to choose what kind of license plate holder(s) are on the car. It bugs me not being able to put North American or Japanese plates on the European cars, and vice-versa.

It would also be great to be able to select RHD or LHD when you purchase a car, for those models that come in both variations.
A while ago I decided I wanted a nice screenshot for the platinum trophy so I saved the 100 photos trophy until last. I set up a nice shot with my favourite cars and took the picture 40 times to reach the total. It turns out the game gives the trophy when you press the shutter release rather than when the photo is finished.

Instead of the Lexus RC F being flanked by 2 TS050s I have a black rendering screen. FML.
Dang, I'm laughing, but I can see why that annoys you! Haha
Traction Control is still forced on when in gravel and now forced on when reversing, no matter if you set it to the magical "Off" mode.

Speaking of Traction Control, the fact that what I set it to in one car doesn't save across all the others - but Auto/Manual transmission does?

AI crashes - It's a nice feature, I'll give it that, until turn 1 of the Nurburgring GP. Every. Time.
The fact that distance driven in lobby practice phase doesn't register for the distance driven in that car. It still counts towards daily workout and generaæ stats in the game, just doesn't register for the car stats :(
getting booted twice in a row from daily race B , lost about 40min of my life just waiting

Had the same thing happen for the daily C. Instead of waiting again I did a daily A race, which was actually worse than waiting. At least I know sport mode can still work. 2 minutes to go to find out whether I'm allowed to race the daily C today or not.

And for minor annoyance, the player list covering half the rear view mirror in the mini. I usually drive in bumper cam, maybe that's the case in most vehicles.
I like to use 'check livery' option in driver list, but i hate that i can't quickly check my own helmet design, racing suit and car livery next to each orher and see how my driver match up with the car!
I would like to know what little annoyances you have in game. This is not a thread where you crap on the game. I.e. No tracks/cars, everybody's ramming me and I hate it etc.

A little thing I find annoying is when in an FIA race when everybody starts flashing their lights/turning wheels before the race.
The search function on discover. Sometimes I want to search for a specific car or tag, yet the results come up WEEKLY. Meaning I would have to scroll through pages and pages of liveries to find what I am looking for. Why not just have all of the search results on one page??????? Wtf PD?
Custom, one make race on Maggiore. 1965 Cooper S 970.

I’m using standard power (100%), standard 4 speed gearbox, manual transmission, weight reduced to 92%.

Three “little things”:-

1. The AI drivers only use ⅔ throttle on straight sections...
2. ...yet can slightly out-accelerate me.
3. The AI drivers use automatic transmission
What happens when you're using the interior camera in the Gr.3 Evo and you use press the rear view button

Trophy screenshots that are taken at stupid times. I have several that are black screens

"Disqualified for having too many incidents" happening to me and nobody else
My PSN is russian and the system language on my PS4 is German, yet it shows the horsepower in kW, not PS or hp. And there's no option to change it up. Just why?
On the contrary, I am thrilled that this car has appeared in the game.

It is close to being my 1965 ride, which was a 1965 Morris Cooper with the 998cc (short stroke) motor. Mine had the grey with white roof colors, and red seats. Shortly after acquiring it, I had the combustion chambers and porting modified, which raised the top speed from about 86mph to about 98mph

Thus the 970cc Cooper S is similar to my 998 Cooper. I enjoy driving it in-game even though the FWD torque steering is not as pronounced as it was in my Cooper, the performance is otherwise similar.

I drove this toy around Bathurst back in the day, albeit not as quickly as I do in the game :lol:

Oh, and I should have used the word "make" rather than "brand". Either way, 1965 predates both 1969 and 2000

Re the Welcome Belated Appearance of the Legendary Mini, are those Wheels correct for the vehicles Year ? As I can't help thinking that they're from the 1970's. :confused: But I'm not an expert on all things "Mini"....the look of them just bugs me a bit.
The Stupid Roulette Wheel of Crappy Cars. :yuck: :grumpy: 🤬

It's obviously NOT TOTALLY RANDOM:banghead: 🤬 I've got loads of duplicates of a dozen of the cheaper cars. :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:
Plus several times I've had one cheap car on the Roulette Wheel & all the others were Supercars and guess which one I'll get ? 💡 👎👎👎
(could make it a little more exciting by letting us hit the "x" button to select the car under the spotlight.) :cool:
I dont know how many times it has been mentioned but make it 1 more time- The Stupid Low Fuel Light that is dead in the middle of your field of vision.

The 2nd very annoying thing is that for some reason PD cannot make a throttle with a decent profile. Why not make the throttle profile user adjustable???