The Lucid Dream // Dreaming Thread

  • Thread starter Sttrobe
Aaaahhh, I was so close to a lucid dream last night!

So there I was, in my ridiculous dream. All sorts of crazy stuff was happening, up to the point where I realised that I wasn't in reality-i was dreaming! The moment that I realised this, I thought 'I hope I don't wake up'....
Then I woke up -.-
*snip* Flying dream

Flying dreams are great aren't they?

I remember my 1st flying dream... though i remember i was quite scared the 1st time i flew.

To start off with: i was at a friends house in a room and suddenly started to float to the ceiling (funnily enough, the same friend was explaining to me about astral projection earlier that very day IRL), after that i went outside and the floating became higher, initially the dream was set in daylight but it quickly turned dark, and that's when i got a bit scared...

I quickly developed the ability to zoom out into the atmosphere at an alarming rate, best way i can describe it would be: has anybody played TDU 1?.. well it was exactly like what happens when you zoom out to the map and back again, and the sensation felt exactly the same as those falling down the stairs dreams (sense of uncontrollable momentum), but once i realised i couldn't actually harm myself or crash into buildings etc (i discovered i could come to a dead stop on command).. i began to harness even more control over placement and trajectory.

I've had quite a few flying dreams since then and have gained even more control and confidence, but there are side-effects....

When having these dreams there are a couple of things that happen.

1: Once in the flying dream, there is a sense of semi-consciousness, and i hear (mostly faint but sometimes loud) what only can be described as an electrical buzzing/humming noise, (happens every time, and can hear it even though i'm half asleep/semi conscious).

2: Again i'm fully aware i'm doing it as i'm semi conscious when flying (aware that i'm dreaming/sleeping)... I convulse (head and neck mainly and quite violently sometimes), my partner confirms it, as it usually wakes her up.

3: The 3rd thing isn't a side effect, more of a requirement for me to have the flying dreams in the 1st place... i have to be lying on my back, usually with my head tilted back slightly (pillow behind my neck as opposed to behind my head), i don't know, but it might not be the wisest thing to do, as i imagine the blood can pool in the back of the head, which i imagine can't be all that good for me. :indiff:

Anyway has anybody experienced similar things whilst flying in a dream?.. i'd be interested to know.
I'd like to try lucid dreaming but I've heard you can wake up during sleep paralysis and see horrifying things. Is this true? Has it happened to anyone?

Any other bad things that can happen?
I'd like to try lucid dreaming but I've heard you can wake up during sleep paralysis and see horrifying things. Is this true? Has it happened to anyone?

Any other bad things that can happen?

I've had this sleep paralysis many times before, but to me, it isn't all that scary. Since hallucinations are created by your mind, just don't think of scary things and nothing scary will happen. Also, don't move while paralyzed. Try to, and your mind will likely assume something is holding you down. Just let go, and hope to fall asleep or until the ride's over.
I've had this sleep paralysis many times before, but to me, it isn't all that scary. Since hallucinations are created by your mind, just don't think of scary things and nothing scary will happen. Also, don't move while paralyzed. Try to, and your mind will likely assume something is holding you down. Just let go, and hope to fall asleep or until the ride's over.

Thanks. I'm laying in bed at the moment about to go to bed and I want to try this so I'm glad to read this as I'm sure it will help.
I've read quite a bit on sleep paralysis, LDing and the like. So when I woke up paralysed, I knew why and was like "zomg awesome" instead of hallucinating and seeing scary monsters.

and nice sprites
Thanks. I'm laying in bed at the moment about to go to bed and I want to try this so I'm glad to read this as I'm sure it will help.
It's not something to take lightly, as it can be pretty fricking terrifying if you don't know what's going on. I've had two (I think) in the last couple of years, and they happened randomly. (I wasn't attempting to have a lucid dream)

I remember in one of them I thought it was low blood sugar, as I could barely turn my head. I could barely gasp out words as well, so I couldn't call for help. I was lying there, thinking that I had the most severe case of low blood sugar I've ever had, I couldn't call for help, and I thought that somebody would have to find me for me to recuperate. And on top of all that I had the feeling that something wasn't right.

Between that and hearing even more horrifying stories than mine, I NEVER sleep face-up.
Last night I my dream became a Lucid Dream for about 2 minutes, then I drifted back into 'normal mode'.

The strange thing is, during the LD I felt like I was about to wake up; so I starring doing stuff that I had read about which, apparently, helps you stay asleep (spinning round in circles. However, I only done a half spin, got bored, woke up 5 minutes later.

The contents of said dream arent shareable on here, due to the AUP. :lol:
Last night I my dream became a Lucid Dream for about 2 minutes, then I drifted back into 'normal mode'.

The strange thing is, during the LD I felt like I was about to wake up; so I starring doing stuff that I had read about which, apparently, helps you stay asleep (spinning round in circles. However, I only done a half spin, got bored, woke up 5 minutes later.

Dream Stabilization/Clarity Tutorial.

^This forum in general is a useful board for discussing lucid dreaming.
I've noticed the past couple of nights I have been able to remember my dreams for a few hours after I awake. That is very odd for me. They weren't lucid though.
Write down the dreams as soon as you wake up. Write key-words in first; they'll help you remember. You'll find yourself amazed at the 'coincidences' as you refer back to them many months later. In time, if you do this, you'll learn to 'read' your dreams and the messages they send you can be very helpful.
The subconcious knows a lot more than you are conscious of, and the way it speaks to you when unfettered by your sense-adulterated thoughts, can be clear - though symbolic.
Only you can decipher those symbolisms.
Any new interesting dreams?

Well I commited a violent crime in a dream. No one witnessed it, and I stated to the police that it was in self defence, even though it wasn't. The person passed away as a result. In my dream it seemed that guilt started eating away at me and I went insane. This dream scared me, because I know the person well, I did what I did for self benefit, I did the wrong thing and it ended up leading to the end of me. I take it as a warning, to do what is right, even if it means I don't get the big thing I want, I'll feel like I accomplished something simply by being the best person I can be. It scared me because it felt so real, and I was seemingly in control of what I was doing, I unleashed my dark side and used the force of evil.
I never dream. Anyone know why?

Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers their dreams when they wake up. You should try recalling your dreams as soon as you wake up. The more you go on with your day the more you tend to forget what you dreamed about.

And anyone else wondering what their dreams mean can check out this website.
It helps define my dreams and let's me realize what my subconscious is thinking. It doesn't work for everyone, but might as well try.
I never dream. Anyone know why?
I used to not have many dreams either, it would depend on how long I slept, seems if I sleep over 8 hours I don't have a dream, either that or I don't recognize I had one. It seems like the nights when I wake up at 3am, have a drink of water and go to sleep again are the nights where I have dreams that I can remember when I wake up in the morning. EDIT: ****ING TREE'd :mad:
I've had two dreams about tornadoes in the past week, does that mean something?
If you're psychic, then it would. Otherwise it probably doesn't mean anything unless it's like symbollic, as in negative life choices you are making are going to lead to destruction of what you value most? Could be anything really.
That website said it can mean you having emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. No, I haven't had any of them lately. Also something about destructive relationships, which as far as I know I don't have.
That website said it can mean you having emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. No, I haven't had any of them lately. Also something about destructive relationships, which as far as I know I don't have.

Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't work for everyone. :(
I'd contribute to this thread about lucid dreams because I'm trying to, but all I've had was sleep paralysis. Pretty terrifying, actually.
Sorry if sex is not allowed, I have to post this.

I had a dream that I had sex with this weird girl from my class, she isn't bad looking just odd. We were playing games while having sex... I know it's weird. So I wake up in the morning and she's in my living room, I nearly walked up to her and I went to go put some clothes in the washer, and I do a double take on her. She went from some blonde girl to a brunette wearing glasses with messy hair reading a newspaper.. (That's my dream girl) Such an odd dream because I remember asking her who she was, and she just laughed at me, I just walked away to go wash clothes, that's the ending of the dream.
Sorry if sex is not allowed, I have to post this.

I had a dream that I had sex with this weird girl from my class, she isn't bad looking just odd. We were playing games while having sex... I know it's weird. So I wake up in the morning and she's in my living room, I nearly walked up to her and I went to go put some clothes in the washer, and I do a double take on her. She went from some blonde girl to a brunette wearing glasses with messy hair reading a newspaper.. (That's my dream girl) Such an odd dream because I remember asking her who she was, and she just laughed at me, I just walked away to go wash clothes, that's the ending of the dream.

Don't worry about it, your dream seemed interesting.
This is a very cool read.

I'll probably end dreaming about wanting to lucid dream knowing my luck but we'll see. :cheers:
Well, I'm not quite sure the dream was lucid, it was more just what I wanted to dream about but I had no control over it. I was just talking to the girl I like and then she pulled me to her and, well I'm sure you can guess what happened next.