The most disturbing movie scene

  • Thread starter Mike Rotch
The Scarface Chainsaw scene, good call.

I kjeep thinking of more, I gotta mention these, The Chestburster scene in Alien (the first one) and the faceburster scene in Alien Ressurection. But only the first time you see them

And Sy's dream in One Hour Photo, where he bleeds through his eyes.

Last one for a while: in The Fly (the new one) where the baboon got all messed up in the teleportor thing. nasty stuff

I read the Alien Ressurection book once, and the way that scene was told was poetry...
Ah, also in The Cell when Vincent D'Onofrio pokes a hole in Vince Vaughn's stomach in order to pick out some intestine to spiral around a rotisserie. Truly grisely. 👍
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Ah, also in The Cell when Vincent D'Onofrio pokes a hole in Vince Vaughn's stomach in order to pick out some intestine to spiral around a rotisserie. Truly grisely. 👍

I particularly look away while he's doing the... "poking". The rest I'm fine with watching.

EDIT: Another tough part to watch is when the guy has that thing across his chest like pierced to his nipples and Lopez yanks on it tearing the skin... argh!!! :scared:
Two scene's in 'Wes Craven's new nightmare'.
The first, where theres the husband driving home and his half asleep and the freddy glove pokes out of the seat, and then lift's one sharp finger and just lightly scratches his jeans, at the groin area, then the hand dissapears and he scratches his crotch. THen he falls asleep and the hand stabs him VERY hard in his stomach, scatching his chest over and over again and tearing the flesh on his chest to pieces.

The second is when the mother keeps coming down stairs and her son, about 5 years old, is watching horror movies on TV at midnight, with the TV unplugged. One of the movies his mother has been in is also shown and what is weird is that what hapens in the movie, is exactly what is happening in her life. The kid one night, walks downstairs again. But this time freddys razor hand is in her bed. It slowly claws the bedsheets and raises its hand while shes still sleeping, but crawls quickly back in the bed when she hears a draw of knives dropping on the floor. She goes to inspect it and she see's her son walking towards her. He starts singing '1...2... Freedy's going to get you' over and over in a really creepy voice. He then starts screaming in a high pitch voice and raises his hand towards his mother, which he has taped with sharp knives, just like Freddy, and trys to slash his mother to death,` but she just stops him stabbing her in the eyes,with 2 cm to spare.

ANYONE SCARED YET :mischievous:?

(Freddy= Freddy Kruger)
I don't know what it is about the American History X scene. It's not all that gross, at least from what I remember, but it just disturbs the hell out of me. I watched that whole part the first time I saw it, but everytime after that I just turn away. Anyway, such an awsome movie. Another good movie that deals with the same stuff is The Believer. Check it out.

But thats pretty much the worst thing I've ever scene. Some of the stuff from Blade/Saving Private Ryan wasn't exactly PG-13, but it wasn't horrible. Although... Watching 2 Fast 2 Furious, and you start thinking, "I payed to see this?" and then look over and see guys getting into the movie is pretty scary.
Originally posted by milefile
The scene in American History X when Norton puts that guys mouth on the curb and wham! I still haven't seen that few seconds of the movie because I look away every time.

Mmm. Curb treatment.
American History X : Forgot about that, :ill:

Saving Private Ryan Stab: I think that was so disturbing cos the Nazi who stabbed him a) was let go earlier on and b) that chicken S**t private was standing in the stairwell p*ssing his pants and did nothing.

Fight Club punch up: Yea, that was pretty sickening.

Full Metal Jacket: That look very authentic too.'

I think there were scenes from Platoon that were also pretty ick, but I cant remember then off hand.
In final destination two...that car wreck was pretty cool! so was when that kid got crunched by the falling glass.
Ghost ship where the people get cut in half... oh yeah Black hawk down where that guy gets blown in half and his buddy is carrying the top half of his body away while he screams and his intestines trail on the floor...
That movie, "house of a thousand corpes"... now that whole damn thing was sick.

If you haven't seen it, I dont want to ruin it, but trust me, it makes the couple from natural born killers look like the brady bunch.
How about the scene in Resident Evil where the guy gets sliced into little bite-size peices by lasers? That was pretty disturbing.

Jason X had the funniest scene ever. At the end he had two naked chicks in a sleeping bag and kept banging them against a tree. How cruel.
Originally posted by Ethix101
How about the scene in Resident Evil where the guy gets sliced into little bite-size peices by lasers? That was pretty disturbing.


The fact that you called them "bite-size" is also disturbing.
inb Saving Pvt Ryan at the beginning when they were storming the beach, Hanks dragged the scared kid up the beach and a mortar shell went off behind him and knocked him over. He got back up and continued dragging the kid only to realise he was just blown in half.

And when that guy got shot on the helmet and took it off to see the mark, only to get shot in the head.

And when they were farther up the beach, Hanks was talking to the radio operator and turned away for a few seconds and turned back to see half the guys face was blown off

And when the flamethrower exploded on that poor guy.... that entire beginning was disturbing.

Not to mention when the medic was hit, how the poor guy was aware of everything that was happening, that part just sucked and they shouldve sliced that freakin nazi's head off.

Also in Black Hawk Down, that poor guy got shot in the leg and they had to stick their fingers in the hole to grab his artery and stop the bleeding.

In real life, I saw a spider about the size of a quarter. My bro's real scared of spiders and my mom told me to kill it. I smacked it with a shoe and it was stil alive but very messed up. It crawled into a corver and I kept smacking at it but couldn't kill it. The thing was in pain for a long time and I was sharing its pain. It hurt, not being able to take it out of its misery, its like the more it suffered, the more I suffered.

Imagine being huddled in a corner with your guts spilling out and your legs crushed, and some huge thing keeps smashing at you, almost killing you but cant get to you. You want to die but cant move. Thats what it felt like to me. probably doesnt belong in this post, but oh well. I guess it means I have a soul, right? HTat was real disturbing to me, kinda winmpy I guess, but it was disturbing. you dont know what its like until it happens to you
Originally posted by InsertCoolName

In real life, I saw a spider about the size of a quarter. My bro's real scared of spiders and my mom told me to kill it. I smacked it with a shoe and it was stil alive but very messed up. It crawled into a corver and I kept smacking at it but couldn't kill it. The thing was in pain for a long time and I was sharing its pain. It hurt, not being able to take it out of its misery, its like the more it suffered, the more I suffered.

Imagine being huddled in a corner with your guts spilling out and your legs crushed, and some huge thing keeps smashing at you, almost killing you but cant get to you. You want to die but cant move. Thats what it felt like to me. probably doesnt belong in this post, but oh well. I guess it means I have a soul, right? HTat was real disturbing to me, kinda winmpy I guess, but it was disturbing. you dont know what its like until it happens to you

Serves the little cretin right for scaring people and laying eggs in their ears whilst they sleep.
Originally posted by Mike Rotch
Serves the little cretin right for scaring people and laying eggs in their ears whilst they sleep.

I can't decide if that's more disturbing than the spider story or not. Pretty close competition.
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
I can't decide if that's more disturbing than the spider story or not. Pretty close competition.

Got to kill the suckers before they learn how to fly.
The scene in Casino were Nikki has that dudes head in a vice.Now thats got to hurt

And the scene in The Untouchables(the one with Robert D,Niro as Al Capone)where Al beats that dudes brains in with a baseball bat.
The scene in Cannibal Holocaust, where they pull a shell off a living turtle.
Most of that movie is disturbing. :yuck:

In (the uncut version of) House by the Cemetary where the girl pukes so hard ,that her intestines comes out the mouth and spills on the floor..
im pretty sure spiders dont lay eggs in peoples ears, thats just another urban legend.

THe movie Akira is all one large disturbing scene, ive only been able to watch it a couple times
well, this one was probably nbever expected...

the first time I watched Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, the "live organ transplant" chapter really sickened me. These goofy doctors came into thisd guys house and asked for his liver. He said he was still using it, and the doctors barged into his house and pulled out his liver donor card. They then threw him onto a table and ripped him open, while still screaming, and started to cut him up. Blood squirted up to the roof, and at the time it was the most realistic blood ive ever seen in a movie.

also, in the ring, when she pulled that neckless thing out her throat, weird.

and in poltergiest, when the guy pulled his own face off... weirder
Hmm, probably the "bite the curb" scene in American History X... I too have to look away. I liked the movie a lot though.
Robo Cop, during the scene when the villans shoot that hand to bits. It was so graphic, they had to edit most of it out a few weeks after the movie's release. I have never seen the original footage since then.

The melted villan that gets hit by the car. His head rolls over the top, and his legs get run over, but everything else gets splattered all over the windshield.

Damien, the scene when that guy gets his head sliced off. It's not bad by today's standard. The music was great during that part, real intense, I loved it.
Originally posted by InsertCoolName
well, this one was probably nbever expected...

the first time I watched Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, the "live organ transplant" chapter really sickened me. These goofy doctors came into thisd guys house and asked for his liver. He said he was still using it, and the doctors barged into his house and pulled out his liver donor card. They then threw him onto a table and ripped him open, while still screaming, and started to cut him up. Blood squirted up to the roof, and at the time it was the most realistic blood ive ever seen in a movie.

also, in the ring, when she pulled that neckless thing out her throat, weird.

and in poltergiest, when the guy pulled his own face off... weirder

Another Monty Python routine that makes me queasy is when the fat guy eats until he explodes. It's a special kind of nausea-inducing humor.
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
Robo Cop, during the scene when the villans shoot that hand to bits. It was so graphic, they had to edit most of it out a few weeks after the movie's release. I have never seen the original footage since then.

The melted villan that gets hit by the car. His head rolls over the top, and his legs get run over, but everything else gets splattered all over the windshield.

Damien, the scene when that guy gets his head sliced off. It's not bad by today's standard. The music was great during that part, real intense, I loved it.

Oh yeah! that was great! Old movies can be SO cool!