The most disturbing movie scene

  • Thread starter Mike Rotch
I watched House of 1000 Corpses the other day. It's not really disturbing at all. About the closest it comes is the scene where Baby is slicing the guy's face off and doing that giggle (Which I think is pretty damn sexy, actually. I believe my exact words the first time I saw that scene were "Wow, that's my kinda *****!") that she does so many times.

Also note that the ass cleavage she shows several times throughout the movie is far, far away from disturbing.
If anyone has seen the film Casino with Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci.The but at the end where they beat the two brothers with baseball bats, and then bury them while there alive.

was well shocking first time i saw it!
Originally posted by milefile
The scene in American History X when Norton puts that guys mouth on the curb and wham! I still haven't seen that few seconds of the movie because I look away every time.

Woah,.. yeah,.. good one.

The first thing that came to my mind was in the movie "Final Destination",..... when the kid accidentally hangs himself with a laundry string in the bathtub.

I cant EVER, EVER, EVER remember puttin my hands over my face during a movie,.. except for the first time I saw that scene.
How have we forgotten the "hobbling" scene in Misery?
Every time I see that I wince, I dont know just seeing a guys ankle getting smacked 90 degrees the wrong way with a sledge just does it to me
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Woah,.. yeah,.. good one.

The first thing that came to my mind was in the movie "Final Destination",..... when the kid accidentally hangs himself with a laundry string in the bathtub.

I cant EVER, EVER, EVER remember puttin my hands over my face during a movie,.. except for the first time I saw that scene.

That one's pretty good, when the dude's eyes get all red from the blood... nasty stuff :P
I think I mentioned the overdose scene. Still, that was a good movie. I'm NEVER gonna try drugs cause of that one.

also, when poor melvin's brains splatter all over the rear window, that
I'd have to say...

The whole scene of D-Day on saving private ryan...I always turn away when their fixing that guys arm and all that bone and muscle is showing...:yuck:
Originally posted by InsertCoolName
nah, The Longest Day covers D-Day, I think. It was made a long time ago, time for a remake!

The original had John Wayne and was about as poor a war movie as you can get - talk about a one eyed story.
Originally posted by InsertCoolName
im pretty sure spiders dont lay eggs in peoples ears, thats just another urban legend.

THe movie Akira is all one large disturbing scene, ive only been able to watch it a couple times

Thanks for reminding me about spiders... now there probably all converging on my position... :nervous:

I'd say Blair witch was pretty damn disturbing because it's not really that impossible for some weird **** to happen like that. don't you think? Getting chills down my back just thinkin about that movie. Then the next day I had to go to Santa Cruz near a forest... thank god it was during the day.

One of the most disturbing scences I've seen is in Better Luck Tomorrow when the main character runs in and hits the guy in the head with the bat. Then as they are paying the guy to hide the body, he starts to move. Then they have to hold him down when he starts to move and they put a rag down his throat. It was so intense the way that they did it.

I thought final destination was the funniest movie ever. The only good part is the first part when she was the vision of the crash.

The curb part is the only part I haven't seen from American History X.

The Ring was scary, but then you just realized that it was about a really annoying little kid with powers who just wasn't getting enough attention.
Seven, when Sloth woke up. The first time it was crazy, thjen the second time I saw Sloth's third arm...

not to mention the entire monster scene in Akira, I just can't get that out of my head...
oh... anybody saw CRASH? when they crash (heh!) and the dude dies... and then she begins to masturbate in front of the dead body!!! WTF?????
also, in the cube... its first scene, when the dude goes trough the door and falls cut into tiny, tiny cubes... oh god...


oooh yeah!!! In Akira, when Tetsuo blows his girl off inside his now-monstruous body!!!! that looks just... ouch. there are many scenes in akira that look disturbing. the stuffed animals that bleed milk, for instance, or how about when tetsuo just blows the doctors off, when arms and pieces of doctor slurp off the roof?
Originally posted by risingson77
Jacob's Ladder is pretty disturbing, particularly the party scene.

For out-and-out (disturbing) gore, Ninja Scroll is still my favorite. :)

Remember that scene in ninja scroll where that guy gets hacked up in the trees then his blood rains from the sky?
Well, yeah. ;)

The fun of Ninja Scroll is that after the shock value wears off for you, you can sucker your friends into watching it. Then their reactions become the most amusing part of the movie.

The final fight on the ship kicked all kinds of ass, too.
I don't think anyone can disagree that all of Saving Private Ryan is brilliantly made, brilliantly gripping and brilliantly chilling. If you just think that it actually happened not too long ago.....also i think the scene in Jaws when the dead body drops down from the boat underwater is freaky as hell because you here the music and expect the shark but then that catches you offguard. I also think Alien is pretty good because again, like in jaws, you don't see that much of the killer which is the scary part. I have the DVD and the deleted scenes have been good to see because you see the alien...i think it was a good decision to leave them out so that you don't see it's human configuration early on and you have a bigger sense of mystery.
I'm not too keen on that scene in "Sphere" (sp) when they were getting all the jellyfish parts off of that chick that got swarmed by the blasted things. :ill: