The most disturbing movie scene

  • Thread starter Mike Rotch
requiem for a dream- The entire movie, especially the part when the dude has the infected arm and then goes to the hospital and they cut it off. And when the refrigerator is all argh and stuff.
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
I'm not too keen on that scene in "Sphere" (sp) when they were getting all the jellyfish parts off of that chick that got swarmed by the blasted things. :ill:

ugh yeah good point. That DEFINITELY has to be the most disturbing scene ever.....ever since then, i cant even hear the word jellyfish without thinking of that....and that movie was like what? 5 or so years ago?
Originally posted by Shadow
ugh yeah good point. That DEFINITELY has to be the most disturbing scene ever.....ever since then, i cant even hear the word jellyfish without thinking of that....and that movie was like what? 5 or so years ago?

wait a minute take that back....THE most disturbing scene(s) of ALL TIME must be in the ring when

1. You see the girl in the closet(FREAKY!!!)
2. When you see the guy in the chair(not as freaky as #1 but pretty close)
3. When the thing comes out of the TV

after that....i couldnt sleep for a week and i was always checking my closet.......just in case:lol::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: really disturbing movie or just mental problems?

disturbing movie indeed....jus thinking about it now makes me want to **** my pants. Thats the one scary movie ill NEVER rent or buy period.
In Cape fear, when De Niro's character was with the main guy's (name?) lover.

Niro handcuffed the womans hands to a bed then broke her arm, THEN he bit a chunk out of her face. The camera moved away and you can see him beating the h3ll out of her through the window...
i think one of the funnyest (but rather disturbing in the eyes of the other 8 people i saw it with) scenes in a movie could be in freddy vs jason, where he gets the guy lying on the bed, stabs him about 10 times, flips him over, stabs him another 5 times, and swiftly folds the bed-with him in it. his back bends backwards in such a way that EVERYBODY(well almost everybody) went "OH MY GOD!!!" while i was sitting there about to pass out from laughter. it was then and only then did i realize that everybody in the theater was staring at me with this look......:nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Matrixhasu77
The chainsaw scene in Scarface was pretty gruesome. You don't see much but its still there.
Very realistic scene, awesome movie!

Originally posted by GoKents
That movie, "house of a thousand corpes"... now that whole damn thing was sick.

Watched about 10 mins of that, it was sick from the start :yuck:

Originally posted by Solid Lifters
Damien, the scene when that guy gets his head sliced off. It's not bad by today's standard. The music was great during that part, real intense, I loved it.

Got me as a child that one, the music scared the crap outta me :nervous:

Originally posted by Bollocks#999
How have we forgotten the "hobbling" scene in Misery?
Every time I see that I wince, I dont know just seeing a guys ankle getting smacked 90 degrees the wrong way with a sledge just does it to me

Ouch! she was a nasty ***** :D
The scene in Resident Evil where the lab asisstants are in the sealed room and the water from the sprinklers fills up the room. It was disturbing because you knew they were going to drown, and it felt really hopeless.

BTW, that was the only "scary" scene in the movie; the rest of the movie sucked. Night of the Living Dead is still the scariest movie I have ever seen:nervous:
"Das Boot" is quite scary, not for gore or violence but again like Saving Private Ryan it has a great sense of relovance. It is one of the best submarine films ever made unlike half of the crap ones around like "Enigma" so when exactly did the americans recover the enigma machine again? Or did i miss that somewhere?
there was this vietnam movie where napalm was accidentally dropped on american troops, when they were evackuating 1 of the burn victims, all the flesh came off his legs. It was grose
Originally posted by ExigeExcel
there was this vietnam movie where napalm was accidentally dropped on american troops, when they were evackuating 1 of the burn victims, all the flesh came off his legs. It was grose

You are talking about the movie We Were Soldiers staring Mel Gibson. It was the Japanese-American soldier named Tommy who got burned. His wife just had a baby boy.

That scene was from a true story about the sailors who were burned at Pearl Harbor. One lifeguard went into to the water with a boat to rescue soldiers who were burned by the burning ship, and he reached for a guy in the water. The flesh from his entire arm fell off as he pulled the guy into the boat. Just like what happenend in the movie.
Se7en also has some fairly desturbing the one where the guy is wearing the strapon that he used to skr00 the ho to death (the stapon was one big blade)...and various other that fat man...*shudder*
Originally posted by ShobThaBob
Se7en also has some fairly desturbing the one where the guy is wearing the strapon that he used to skr00 the ho to death (the stapon was one big blade)...and various other that fat man...*shudder*

Dude, thats ****ing disgusting. How could you watch a movie like that? :ill:
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
SPeaking of which....I heard about these 2 guys who took 1 of the guys arms and cut it off then they both ate it. YUCK.

It was the dick on the one of them, not the arm...
Originally posted by NISMOskyline
Dude, thats ****ing disgusting. How could you watch a movie like that? :ill:

it doesn't show the guy being forced to **** the woman, but it's pretty well implied.

I want to tell you, but don't want to spoil it... you reall, REALLY should watch it at least once

But Lust wasn't the worst, IMO, Sloth got it worse than the others.
Originally posted by InsertCoolName
it doesn't show the guy being forced to **** the woman, but it's pretty well implied.

I want to tell you, but don't want to spoil it... you reall, REALLY should watch it at least once

But Lust wasn't the worst, IMO, Sloth got it worse than the others.

what happened, now you got me all psyched up about it!
Yeah, Sloth was pretty gross. Come to think of it they were all pretty well done.

NISMOskyline, I'd definitely recommend you see Seven, it's brilliant. Good cast too.
Originally posted by chris100575
Yeah, Sloth was pretty gross. Come to think of it they were all pretty well done.

NISMOskyline, I'd definitely recommend you see Seven, it's brilliant. Good cast too.

Could you give me some basic background of the movie's story?
Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are cops on the trail of a serial killer who murders his victims based on the seven deadly sins, So there's a Gluttony murder, a Sloth murder etc. I can't really say much more without giving stuff away, but its very well written and acted, and has a great twist at the end.
Se7en is definitely a good movie. I highly recommend seeing it at least once if you haven't already. It's a disturbing movie to say the least, but the cast, acting, story, and script are all awesome. I've been using Se7en quotes in my sig for a while now because there are tons of good ones from that movie.
