The most disturbing movie scene

  • Thread starter Mike Rotch
Originally posted by InsertCoolName
Pulp Fiction, when Mia overdosed on the pure heroine. That entire scene was pretty messed up.

Also that rape scene, but it was cool when Butch came back with a friggin sword and sliced the guy up and let marcelius blast the guys d*ck off with a shotgun. "This is between you, me, and Mister rapist here, who's gonna live the rest of his short life in agonizing pain..."

Also when Vince shoots the guy in the face by accident and blood goes all over the car. But that was kinda funny though...

And in fight club, when norton shot himself in the face, coupled with the collapse of all those buildings, that was friggin wierd. And that scene where he pulls the skimask off Bob's face and his brains fall onto the floor, wierd. Impossible considering he was shot in the back of his head, but wierd

Now that I mention it, Fight Club and Pulp Fiction in their entierity are very messed up.

Also in Pink Floyd The Wall when pinky's getting dragged down the hall and that weird stuff is growing on him, then pulls it all off in the car and hes wearin that uniform (comfortably numb, I think.)

And also.... I just like messed up movies I guess I could go on and on. some of these might be pretty tame to you guys, but they're wild to me

EDIT: Forgot the scene from deliverance. no more description needed, anybody who watched it knows what im talking about

I almost forgot about Deliverance. That movie was ****ing disturbing; Im never travelling south EVER. And I still freak out somethimes if I hear that song on the banjo
Originally posted by NISMOskyline
I almost forgot about Deliverance. That movie was ****ing disturbing; Im never travelling south EVER. And I still freak out somethimes if I hear that song on the banjo

im glad i live in LA

'cause thats one twisted movie
A lot of Saving Private Rayn had me flintching. I guess I felt that the film seemed like it was a good interpritation of what the war could of been like and the whole seen with the knife in teh chest at the end :crazy: :ill: .....
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
You are talking about the movie We Were Soldiers staring Mel Gibson. It was the Japanese-American soldier named Tommy who got burned. His wife just had a baby boy.
Hey Solid did you read the book by any chance? I think We were Soldiers was a decent re-enactment of it but many parts still were missing. Tommy died unfortunately, trying to save another comrade by lifting him up on his shoulders and was shot in the back. The Napalm grenade occured with the cutoff platoon I believe after they got ambushed by the NVA regualrs on the first day at landing zone X-Ray.
Originally posted by Ethix101
Se7en is definitely a good movie. I highly recommend seeing it at least once if you haven't already. It's a disturbing movie to say the least, but the cast, acting, story, and script are all awesome. I've been using Se7en quotes in my sig for a while now because there are tons of good ones from that movie.


I can't remember exactly how it went, but it was something like this...

"He's a nutbag! He brobably out somewhere dancing around in his grandmothers panties, rubbing himself in Peanut butter!" - Mills
theres that scene from bad boys 2 where theyre checking the dead body's mouth and his brains fall out.....not really that gross but SERIOUSLY funny.:lol:
Originally posted by miata13B
Hey Solid did you read the book by any chance? I think We were Soldiers was a decent re-enactment of it but many parts still were missing. Tommy died unfortunately, trying to save another comrade by lifting him up on his shoulders and was shot in the back. The Napalm grenade occured with the cutoff platoon I believe after they got ambushed by the NVA regualrs on the first day at landing zone X-Ray.

No, I didn't read the book, but I'll ask for it for a Christmas present. I loved the movie, but it was missing some details I would have liked.

Thanks for the heads up about the book. 👍
heres a reall winner:lol:

that scene in gothika where the thing is all walking funny towards the door and it stops dead in the middle of the hallway, looks at halle berry, turns around, and walks right through the door


also when halle berry is underwater and she opens her eyes and the thing screams in her face:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

i heard that halle berry herself had nightmares after doing that movie
The part in Event Horizon when the designer of the spaceship is crawling in the duct and the green lights are flickering on and off. At one point when the light comes on again his wife's (?) face is right next to his and then in the next second it's gone again. New pants please!

Also from the same movie: when they receive the video message from the Event Horizon and the crew are eating themselves. 'Liberate Me!' Horrible, horrible, horrible :eek:
Originally posted by chaser_fan
The part in Event Horizon when the designer of the spaceship is crawling in the duct and the green lights are flickering on and off. At one point when the light comes on again his wife's (?) face is right next to his and then in the next second it's gone again. New pants please!

Also from the same movie: when they receive the video message from the Event Horizon and the crew are eating themselves. 'Liberate Me!' Horrible, horrible, horrible :eek:

ewwwwwwwwww thats freaky:nervous:

event horizon scared the piss out of me
i can't believe no one has mentioned The Sixth Sense yet. especially when he sees that kid with the head shot wound.

"c'mon, i'll show you where my dad keeps his shotgun."


and the entire Ninja Scroll series is depressing as hell. i only watched up to episode 5 or 6 and had to stop, yeech.
In se7en with the 'sloth' sin with the drug dealer?? tied to the bed for a year i think and he was all skinny, deformed etc...what was worse was when we found out he was actually still alive. That made my stomach somersault.

Pulp fiction didn't have disturbing senses, you didn't actually see Marsellus shoot Zed's d*** off did you? neither did you see Marvin actually getting shot in the head or butch slice Maynard, he just turned around with a red line across his body,...not really disturbing is it lol!
One scene that seems to be burnt into my mind is when they shoot Peter Weller into pieces for fun in "Robocop".

Oh, and has anybody here seen the movie "Irreversible"?

*warning* very graphic description ahead! *warning*

There's that scene where the guy gets into the sm-club to find the rapist of his wife (which was a damn awful scene as well). He mistakes a guy as the rapist and attacks him. That guy punches him down, kneels down on his arm and breaks it at the elbow. Then he rips his trousers down to rape him anally. A friend of the husband then comes with a big fire extinguisher and hits the guy on the head. He falls off his victim and just lies there, while the friend keeps hitting his head with the fire extinguisher several times, until it's just a bloody mass. The jaw stays pretty much put, while the rest of the head is fairly flat when he's done. Of course it's only CG, but it looks damn real, and they actually show the whole scene - no cuts, no turning the camera away. That was so disgusting, my stomach turned upside down. If you ever come to watch that movie, be prepared.

the Interceptor
Final Destination 3 has two lovely deaths:

*Spoilers + Gore*

So, the main crew are in this garden warehouse, due to the nature of the film you automatically start looking for things that could kill them, a rake? A forklift truck? A plant pot?! So anyway, the scene moves to a little area at the end with saw blades on the wall, then you think "Ah hah!!", a dude in the forklift truck cruises over and whilst distracted, crashes into a shelving unit holding all sorts of stock including planks of wood which fall on half the crew, they suvive of course, it was only plywood. :rolleyes:

However, a female that misses the planks of wood looses her balance and falls back/head first into a shelving unit setting off a well-placed nail gun, cue 5 nails stright through the back of her head poking out the other side. Lovely, she was a pretty woman aswell..

The other one I can do in a simple equation: Two teenage women + Tanning beds x Overheating = :scared:
The scene in Hotel Rwanda where Paul and that other guy are driving, and its foggy and they come accross a road full of dead people... :scared:
For me the needle pit in Saw II was absolutely terrible. It really looked like that girl had the needles in her actual skin.

The achilles tendon of that dude in Hostel being cut was pretty nasty too...mainly when he tried to walk and just fell over.
A Man Called Horse, when he was initiated into the tribe (or manhood, or something, it's been a while) by having pins punched through his pecs just above the nipples, and hoisted from those pins. Pictures on imdb.

The end of Deliverance, when the hand floats up out of the lake in his dream. I saw that movie the first time late night on HBO, and that was about 3 in the morning and I was ready to go to bed. Until that! Also, the broken leg scene, and of course, "Squeal like a pig!"
A coupe of nominations

Eraserhead. The whole movie is the most disturbing thing you will ever see in your life, but the part where he cuts up the bandages of the giant sperm thing and it starts convulsing and fills up with weird foam is very, very, disturbing.

Or the part where he goes to eat the cooked chicken and it's legs start moving and it starts bursting out blood out of it's arse.

Or the part where Henry’s head detaches from his body, sinks into a growing pool of blood on a tile floor, falls from the sky, and, finally, lands on an empty street and cracks open. A young boy finds Henry's broken head and takes it to a pencil-factory.

On a more mainstream level, the part in Silent Hill where that big Pyramid thing rips off Anna's skin and throws it against the church door is pretty bad...
There are not many things which disturb or scare me...
But three scenes in Irreversible hit me direct in the stomach:
- this fire extinguisher head smashing scene: holy macaroni, what a brutal way to show such a thing, with the camera showing every single punch...
- THE rape scene: 9 Minutes, one camera, no cuts... real real hard stuff... Monica Belucci had to cry at the premiere show... what else is to say...

Fight Club - "I felt like destroying something beautiful."-scene: mentioned above. The scene where edward norton smashes this smart blonde guys face to the ground. Everyone around is shocked, but he just goes away and sez "I felt like destroying something beautiful." hell yeah!
I found alot of the original version of The Wicker Man pretty disturbing - especially Christopher Lee, who is brilliant in the film... the whole film is just plain nuts!

Nuff said... :ill:

Also, the scene in The Shining where Wendy is leafing through the typed pages that Jack has been working on, and they all just say "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" - what's really scary about that is that Kubrick ordered his staff to actually type those pages...
Oh joy! I just rented Hostel, and haven't seen it yet.

Way to revive a thread, but still, I'll put some into it, sorry if they have been said before, but I'm not going to go over the whole thread.

I'd have to say the most disturbing scenes I've seen are the final fight in Dobermann (French movie), where the guys are fighting in a moving car and one of them puts the other's face on the pavement.

Second is most of the gore-filled parts in Dead-Alive, but mostly when the guy's severed head is rolling around.

And the third most disturbing scene is the rape scene in Irreversible.
Oh joy! I just rented Hostel, and haven't seen it yet.

Way to revive a thread, but still, I'll put some into it, sorry if they have been said before, but I'm not going to go over the whole thread.

I'd have to say the most disturbing scenes I've seen are the final fight in Dobermann (French movie), where the guys are fighting in a moving car and one of them puts the other's face on the pavement.

Second is most of the gore-filled parts in Dead-Alive, but mostly when the guy's severed head is rolling around.

And the third most disturbing scene is the rape scene in Irreversible.

If you consider that a spoiler then i apologise, but I'm pretty sure you were expecting some gruesome stuff anyway.
Yeah, I got many comments on it. Don't worry about the spoiler, it's a slasher movie anyways, not much surprise there :)

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