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Originally posted by InsertCoolName
Pulp Fiction, when Mia overdosed on the pure heroine. That entire scene was pretty messed up.
Also that rape scene, but it was cool when Butch came back with a friggin sword and sliced the guy up and let marcelius blast the guys d*ck off with a shotgun. "This is between you, me, and Mister rapist here, who's gonna live the rest of his short life in agonizing pain..."
Also when Vince shoots the guy in the face by accident and blood goes all over the car. But that was kinda funny though...
And in fight club, when norton shot himself in the face, coupled with the collapse of all those buildings, that was friggin wierd. And that scene where he pulls the skimask off Bob's face and his brains fall onto the floor, wierd. Impossible considering he was shot in the back of his head, but wierd
Now that I mention it, Fight Club and Pulp Fiction in their entierity are very messed up.
Also in Pink Floyd The Wall when pinky's getting dragged down the hall and that weird stuff is growing on him, then pulls it all off in the car and hes wearin that uniform (comfortably numb, I think.)
And also.... I just like messed up movies I guess I could go on and on. some of these might be pretty tame to you guys, but they're wild to me
EDIT: Forgot the scene from deliverance. no more description needed, anybody who watched it knows what im talking about
I almost forgot about Deliverance. That movie was ****ing disturbing; Im never travelling south EVER. And I still freak out somethimes if I hear that song on the banjo