The Must Have Upgrade for any Logitech G Wheel Owner

  • Thread starter GTEYE
Hi Dansk, Thanks for that.
I suspect there is a difference in the pedals you have vs what I have. I am 100% unable to do what you are showing.
There is simply not enough clearance to pull the top of the red piston up from the assembly.

Can I ask when was your G27 purchased?
Was it the new G Series Logitech livery`d box?

Comparing the shape of the cover in your photos to mine, there does appear to be a subtle difference in the covers edge line around the piston, which may be enough for you to pull it out.

Is there anyone else who is able to confirm or deny their ability to do the spring swap without removing the cover?
Hi Dansk, Thanks for that.
I suspect there is a difference in the pedals you have vs what I have. I am 100% unable to do what you are showing.
There is simply not enough clearance to pull the top of the red piston up from the assembly.

Can I ask when was your G27 purchased?
Was it the new G Series Logitech livery`d box?

Comparing the shape of the cover in your photos to mine, there does appear to be a subtle difference in the covers edge line around the piston, which may be enough for you to pull it out.

Is there anyone else who is able to confirm or deny their ability to do the spring swap without removing the cover?

My G27 was purchased November 2010.
Mighty pleased! :D Thanks, @Dansk!! Still waiting for the gear to all arrive, but this will allow hassle free swap tests on the gas especially... maybe I will, maybe I won't like a higher rated spring in there...
Hello from Germany,

saw the thread and all your positive replys, and just placed my order ;-)
Hope shipping doesn't take too long ;-)))

Can I ask when was your G27 purchased?
Was it the new G Series Logitech livery`d box?

Is there anyone else who is able to confirm or deny their ability to do the spring swap without removing the cover?

I just recently bought my G27 about a month and a half ago. It does have the "G" series logo on the box. I literally just placed an order for the spring a couple seconds ago on eBay. Once it arrives I'll try to install it without removing the cover and take some pictures to throw up on here.
I just installed the spring (finally came, yay :), I can confirm that you can do this with the cover on as @Dansk suggested. Although its a bit tricky to keep the spring compressed while re-adding the brass piece, everything went smoothly. Only 2 screws to remove BUT be warned, you need strong hands to compress the spring while re-attaching the top end of the "piston" with brass piece.

I haven't swapped the other springs, and might not do it - unless anyone can suggest otherwise.

With that said, great product! Came nicely packaged and even pre-lubed (my hands stink right now :lol:). I haven't done any real driving yet with it but I'll update with more feedback
I just installed the spring (finally came, yay :), I can confirm that you can do this with the cover on as @Dansk suggested. Although its a bit tricky to keep the spring compressed while re-adding the brass piece, everything went smoothly. Only 2 screws to remove BUT be warned, you need strong hands to compress the spring while re-attaching the top end of the "piston" with brass piece.

I haven't swapped the other springs, and might not do it - unless anyone can suggest otherwise.

With that said, great product! Came nicely packaged and even pre-lubed (my hands stink right now :lol:). I haven't done any real driving yet with it but I'll update with more feedback

It is easier if you install the upper spring section with the brass pin already place. And yes it is worth swapping the gas and clutch spring. At first the high rate spring takes a little getting used to but totally worth it.
Good point. I had assumed one didn't need to disassemble the brass rod from your original instructions. Confirmed. Noted... 👍
Good point. I had assumed one didn't need to disassemble the brass rod from your original instructions. Confirmed. Noted... 👍

It kinda just falls out, at first I didn't know where it came from but then realized it was for the screws :lol.

@Dansk, I'll definetly give the spring swap a shot, thanks for the heads up.
Mine came too (has been sitting at the post office for 2 days before I saw the note). I've been trying to drive in AC for several days without ABS. The moment I started driving with the GTEYE spring I no longer had lockups. And it is not just the change in the brake, if you swap the clutch and accelerator you get a very improved feeling in them too. I love having a stiffer gas. It is pretty hard to press that brake pedal, though. I don't feel comfortable while the pedals are in the original casing and lying flat on the floor. I will have to mount them on the stand udpside down so I don't have to push down with my foot. I need to be able to push forward with my leg, otherwise my foot gets tired.
So I flipped the pedals upside down and it is much better. My foot no longer slips over the pedal and I can use my legs to push forward. It is also easy to place the brake pedal forward and offset it enough to make heel-toe much easier.
Alright so I received my spring. As others have said, installation can be done without taking it apart and is actually pretty simple. I took some pictures and will include a link to the album at the end of the post. I also swapped the clutch/gas spring out as well. While I do like how the clutch feels, I was not too happy with the gas pedal. I ended up swapping the original spring back into the gas pedal and am much happier. I play barefoot so that may have something to do with it. Of course though, to each his own.

The brake pedal is heavier than I anticipated. However, it does help avoid pushing it too far and engaging the ABS/locking the brakes. I'm going to give it some time to get used to it and hopefully it becomes more natural. I think using shoes would help but I'm going to avoid that for now. Thank you GTEYE!

Here is the album:

Let me know if you have any questions!
I also swapped the clutch/gas spring out as well. While I do like how the clutch feels, I was not too happy with the gas pedal. I ended up swapping the original spring back into the gas pedal and am much happier.

My GTEYE spring arrived yesterday, 👍
Installation on G25 without problems, but had to remove the cover and erverything.
Switched back to original accelerator spring after some testing, but I also like the stiffer clutch.

GTEYE :cheers: this a nice product !!!
I swapped the clutch spring and the throttle, but the accelerator is very hard .. Is not there a middle ground between the accelerator and clutch spring?
GTEYE: When the spring sets, have to go put on one side in particular?
Is it indiffernt as insert?
Hi Bluecat84, If I understand you correctly, the end with the closer coils should be placed down towards the base. Although either way would work fine, this is technically the correct orientation for a progressive spring.
Hi Bluecat84, If I understand you correctly, the end with the closer coils should be placed down towards the base. Although either way would work fine, this is technically the correct orientation for a progressive spring.
Ok friend .. Thank you ..:sly:
Do I have to have a PayPal account as I will be using a cc
You don't need a Paypal account, but the website payment is still handled through Paypal. There is an option in checkout to enter credit card details.
You don't need a Paypal account, but the website payment is still handled through Paypal. There is an option in checkout to enter credit card details.

just ordered my G27 and a stand so will be a couple weeks before i can order the spring..thank you for response
Ordered the spring at 2pm yesterday, it was at my house by 1pm today, so under 24 hours to get from Melbourne to Sydney, very impressed with the service.

Installed the spring straight away, I had previously swapped my clutch spring to throttle so was already familiar with the process.

Let me just say, worth every penny. From the first press of the pedal on the Nurburgring in GT6 i was amazed at the feel and smashed my record 550pp time by about 14 seconds on my first lap with the new brake mod. The control is so much better, where I found I used to fly up to a corner and pretty much slam on the brakes full to slow down, I am now easing onto the brake a lot more and carrying a lot more speed through the corner.

Cannot wait until I get even more seat time. Great product, Highly recommend it.
These guys are really fast do deliver their product, it took me 4 working days to get it.
About the spring I just have to say I was a medium GT6 driver in championships and now I am one of the fastests, it really improve my driving skills, off corse I changed too the Gas Spring with the old Clutch spring. It is incredible how fast you can go just with this simple and cheap mod for G25/G27. Thank you GTeye!!!!!
Changing Spring Without Removing Base (gas pedal shown, but same procedure for all pedals.

Step 1: Remove screws holding top section of spring cover in place.
Step 2: Pull up on the top section of the spring cover.
Step 3: Remove Spring and replace into lower spring cover.
Step 4: Install top spring cover make sure that that upper spring cover slides over the lower spring cover. Use the allen wrench or screw driver to push down on the top of the lower spring cover. Image 231 shows the the upper spring cover in the wrong position prior to being place down by the allen wrench in to the right position, as per image 233.
Step 5: Push down on the top spring cover. The spring will seat itself.
Step 6: Align the top spring cover section holes and reinstall screws.
That should have taken you about five minutes. Repeat for all pedals.

Hi Dansk, thanks for the pictures. Need a little help as I can't seem to get the lower housing pushed down further with an allen wrench tool, to insert the top housing. Do you have a clearer picture of image_233 where the lower housing is 'being pushed down by the allen wrench in to the right position'?

I've now installed 2 GTEye springs without removing the covers: one from a green packaged box and one from the new black packaged box. It's a bit of a PITA to get the top red cylinder to fit over the bottom one when re-installing, but it takes a couple of minutes and a long thin screwdriver to help slip the two together and its done.

👍 @Dansk for this one :cheers:

And two happy friends with great brake pedals:cool: