Ok, so I got mine this morning in the post.
Just a spring in a bag in a jiffy bag, but definitely an improvement over stock.
Is it worth £18?
Maybe not.
But it depends on how serious you are about your sim racing I guess.
The spring gives you a brake pedal with a much better feel to it, meaning you can have greater accuracy while driving.
Installation was easy once I went online to read the instructions.
Might be an idea to include some with your packaging, I think, GTEYE, but I found my way around your site easily enough.
The instructions are clear and precise, and it's pretty common sense stuff, as long as you have an Allen key and a screwdriver with a small Phillips head, or cross head as some might say.
Took a few minutes to get the pedal box apart, and back together again with the GTEYE in the brake pedal, and the brake pedal spring moved over to the clutch pedal.
Control over your vehicles is instantly improved, with you being able to gauge the severity of your braking with much greater accuracy than before.
This opens up a better sense of speed in GT6, which is something that has always been lacking.
Realising how hard you are having to brake to slow the car down, tells your brain how fast you must have been travelling in the first place, which adds to the realism of the moment.
I am not an ABS - 0 kind of guy, but it imagine that this addition to my G27, would mean that I can maybe adjust to that setting in the future, should i wish to.
All in all it's a no brainer, as long as the price point is something you are comfortable with.
If you have a G25/7, then you should get a GTEYE.
My only gripe is that it is a little highly priced.
Throw in some printed glossy instructions, and a throw away Allen key and screwdriver to aid installation, and I'd say it's a bargain. As it is, it's a must have if you're serious, and a good idea if you're a casual racer.
I will be telling all my online colleagues.
We'll done GTEYE.
