The New GTPlanet Scavenger Hunt...

  • Thread starter Famine
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This is going to be a hard week for me.....

Does AMG count?!?

Dang... AMG doesn't count as it's an internal tuner, or rather AMG is property of MB... but if you can find another Mercedes tuner, that works.

**Wanders off to find a Mitsubishi Mirage V6***

There's a surprising amount of 6-cylinder engined cars around. Didn't you guys get the Mitsu FTO? True, it's kinda big, but it's the smallest I can think of right now. Porsche 911?

Don't get in NZ x N

Don't tell me you guys drive around in Falcons all around. :ill:

I put down many bonus cars, however, I highly doubt anyone will get them all... that's a 17 point potential right there. The norm will be around 2-3, me thinks. Personally, I've only seen one Brabus here, and of the bonuses one Autobianchi and a Seat Ibiza Cupra and maybe one Spitfire at a classic car rally.
Dang... AMG doesn't count as it's an internal tuner, or rather AMG is property of MB... but if you can find another Mercedes tuner, that works.

There's a surprising amount of 6-cylinder engined cars around. Didn't you guys get the Mitsu FTO? True, it's kinda big, but it's the smallest I can think of right now. Porsche 911?

There are heaps of crazy Japanese import V6's running around in NZ. IF I can find a Mirage V6 though I think it will be tough to beat. I photoed a FTO and a Eunos AZ-3 V6 (Mazda MX-3) today though which are both fairly small.

Don't tell me you guys drive around in Falcons all around. :ill:

I put down many bonus cars, however, I highly doubt anyone will get them all... that's a 17 point potential right there. The norm will be around 2-3, me thinks. Personally, I've only seen one Brabus here, and of the bonuses one Autobianchi and a Seat Ibiza Cupra and maybe one Spitfire at a classic car rally.

Does the Jensen count if it is in pieces? If so, I've got that one done, if I can get to the back of dads storage shed. I think he might have a Spitfire too, could be a GT6 though now that I think of it.
Wouldn't a ricer mean it would have to be Japanese? If anything it's more like uhhhh...what the hell do us Americans grow? How about a Corner or Wheater?

You win Joey! I dissed your car and you didn't go postal on me!

Right, so pics being due yesterday night means I'll be dishing out points shortly:

1) Crappiest police car
Forfeited. Granted, it wasn't the easiest of categories, and at a point I thought of changing it to just "slowest" one, but due to my work having blocked everything leisure-related and me getting home a bit not in the mood for GTP, and the overall fact that I came up with that on thursday evening, I didn't update it.

2) Are you sure you got the car you wanted?
Same as above. This one required a bit more footwork, as in actually getting out of your car and scouting a parking lot or something of the sort. Good to know we're not all about to do so, for next time.

3) Fastest cars with most (more than one) colours.
This one was ammended to just finding the car with most colours, however, only Joey posted anything, so he nailed it.

4) Newest car with glass headlights
I expected more entries, since Famine was feeling up all the bonnets around Yawkshire, but heck. Joey takes it with the Chevy Van.

Bonus Porsche Cayman:
Joey D

Joey D: 3 pts.
M5Power: 1 pt.

Officially and non-debatable back in the saddle again Joey! 👍
Lorinser is a Mercedes tuner but was unlisted. Does it count?

Bonus car:
More trickyness from me:

I'm having a GT4 nostalgia. Gran Turismo 4 has many one-model marques. You will receive one point (and one point only) per model marque. These cars are:
- AC Cars 427 S/C
- Autobianchi A112
- Callaway C12
- Caterham Seven Fire Blade
- Cizeta V16T
- DMC DeLorean
- Eagle Talon
- Ginetta G4
- Hommell Berlinette
- Jensen Interceptor III
- Marcos Mini GT
- Mercury Cougar (the 1960s model)
- Proto Motors Spirra
- Saleen S7
- Seat Ibiza Cupra
- Spyker C8
- Triumph Spitfire

The Range Rover Range Stormer Concept entered production as the 5-door Range Rover Sport. Any chance of it counting?
Yes it does.

Any more Mercedes tuners we should know about, oh walking, talking car encyclopaedia mastah? :D

Seems like you've covered them all - I only mentioned Lorinser because it's extremely popular locally.
That's alright. I managed to have a Brabus 101 next to me in traffic this morning. It's the thid Brabus I see here, making it the most popular MB-Tuner around.
What generation Eagle Talon were we supposed to have again? I assume the "final" round one, right?
We really need to find a new way to get more people involved in this competition.
I am competing this week, just reserving posting until tomorrow!

Though admittedly I have not done well.
I am competing this week, just reserving posting until tomorrow!

Though admittedly I have not done well.

Snap - I think I've got three (two and a half) GT4 cars and the smallest V6 almost in the bag (shared) - though two smaller V6-engined cars exist and one of them is pretty recent, so I'm itching to snare one. No Merc tuners at all... :(

Annoyingly, I know exactly where to find a DeLorean. Annoying, because it's 200 miles away and I'll be there ON SATURDAY!
I tried for this week's categories to be a bit more open, although I guess if people don't even glance in here, it's hard getting them to participate.
I tried for this week's categories to be a bit more open, although I guess if people don't even glance in here, it's hard getting them to participate.

Siglink it...

I've also just realised that I'm behind a driving school car every day and haven't taken a photo of it yet...
1) Most Expensive Driver's Education car
300M wow I wish I would have learned to drive in one of these bad boys
New about $30,000, used about $15,000


2) Slowest"sports" car
Dodge Dakota Sport...yes an unaltered suspension pickup truck really inspires sporty and blistering 0-60 of 11 seconds.


3) Mercedes tuners.
Hahahaha like those are in the Detroit area.

4) Smallest car with a 6-cylinder engine
Chrysler Two-Dogs-Humping...errr I mean Crossfire
4.05m x 1.76m x 1.31m = 9.33768


Eagle Talon

only one bonus?

Either way, new categories coming from you tomorrow, right?
I can't believe I just discovered this thread. My participation will start once the new categories are posted.
All I have:


4.02 x 1.74 x 1.27 = 8.83 (smaller than an MX-3, you'll note :D)
EDIT: America got a 4-cylinder Z3 but only '96-'98; you'll note this is a facelifted '00-'02 model and this could not be a 4-cylinder. It's actually a 2000 2.3i (which used a 2.5-liter 6-cylinder).


Cherokee 'Sport' = 190hp 4.0-liter 6-cylinder; ~3500lbs. 0-60 in 9.5sec.

First time ever I didn't get a single bonus this week. That said, this has been the busiest week of college thus far!
only one bonus?

Either way, new categories coming from you tomorrow, right?

The only Cougar I saw was at a car show and pretty much the rest of them I wasn't really going to see one the road. But I promised a Talon and that is what I gave.

And you can bet your sweat ass the new cats will be up tomorrow morning before I head off to work. Hopefully they will be really generic to boost participation.
All I have:

4.02 x 1.74 x 1.27 = 8.83 (smaller than an MX-3, you'll note :D)
EDIT: America got a 4-cylinder Z3 but only '96-'98; you'll note this is a facelifted '00-'02 model and this could not be a 4-cylinder. It's actually a 2000 2.3i (which used a 2.5-liter 6-cylinder).

Interesting dimensions you have for the Z3 there. What's your source? I only ask from curiousity, since you seem to have the very smallest possible dimensions from across the range - there is a Z3 which is 4,025mm long, and one which is 1,740mm wide, and one which is 1,270mm high, but I cannot find one which is all of the above. But then again, we never got the 2.5 either.
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