The North American GT5:P Petition (Thanks for signing and share your thoughts)

  • Thread starter RACECAR
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*signs it* Now I just need a PS3!! :D --- Randy
i wounder how many people here bought/buying a ps3 just for this?
I asked this question in a well known games store today and the answer was "a gazillion". That's close enough...

SONY doesn't need to ask us to show hands because they already know how we compare to all other regions around the world, just by counting GT:HD Concept downloads.


As of this post, we are now up to 41. And I have just sent the e-mail containing this thread to SONY so hopefully, they will "see" their mistake and come to the realization that it "makes sense" to release it here.
I don't own a PS3 (yet) but signed anyhow, makes not one bit of sense why they wouldn't release it here. Regardless of failure to release the earlier prologues in the franchise. Like someone said earlier people are buying PS3s just because of this game so why the hell not!
Ok, people, why don't you just simply import it ? The PS3 is region code free, if you didn't know that...,,, just to name a few...
Ok, people, why don't you just simply import it ? The PS3 is region code free, if you didn't know that...,,, just to name a few...
Why do we have to import it? North America Deserves GT5:P as equally as Europe and Asia did. If europe didn't have to import theirs from Asia, then neither should we. I purchased PS2 solely for GT and I'm like many am gonna get the PS3 purely for GT.
^ I'm with Racecar, I bought a 56 inch 1080p HDTV, HDMI cables, 2 Logitech DFP, and recently a PS3 just for GTHD! And before that, we bought a 32 inch 1080i HDTV, a Yamaha 5.1 component system, and Monster cables just for GT4. And also before that a PS2 just for GT3. :dunce:

-> Our entertainment system revolves around the GT series, and I see no point why SCEA is holding itself back. No wonder XB fans are laughing their butts off at us here in the US. :indiff:

-> For GT5, we need an Onkyo or Harmon-Kardon 7.1 system, two race seats w/ frame, and two Logitech G25 specifically designed for PS3 just for GT5! :crazy:
I'm dont live in North America, I live in England. But I really dont wont you guys in North America to miss out, so if it's allowed then me is signed to!

P.S: Can someone tell me how to sign since I do not know how!
^ I think you've already been signed in. (sorry for the OT)

-> Stupid SCEA, I think they don't know crap. Or I also think most of them really work under Micro$oft trying to sabotage SCEA from the beginning, to gain their XB360 to their advantage. :indiff:
I still don't understand how this could've even crossed their minds. because look at this
Gran Turismo 3

* 7,130,000 North America (2001/07/10 ~ 2006/12)
* 5,840,000 Europe (2001/07/20 ~ 2006/12)
* 1,890,000 Japan (2001/04/28 ~ 2006/12)
* 10,000 South East Asia (2001/12/13 ~ 2006/12)
* 14,870,000 total sales (2001/04 ~ 2006/12)

Gran Turismo 4

* 4,870,000 Europe (2005/03/09 ~ 2006/12)
* 2,630,000 North America (2005/02/22 ~ 2006/12)
* 1,160,000 Japan (2004/12/28 ~ 2006/12)
* 70,000 South East Asia (2004/12/28 ~ 2006/12)
* 60,000 South Korea (2005/03/10 ~ 2006/12)
* 8,790,000 total sales (2004/12 ~ 2006/12)
The 20 best selling console games, not originally bundled.
1. Pokémon Red, Blue and Green (Game Boy - 20.08 million approximately, 10.23 million in Japan,[28] 9.85 million in US)[34]
2. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES - 18 million)[25]
3. Nintendogs (DS - 14.79 million)[51]
4. Pokémon Gold and Silver (Game Boy - 14.51 million approximately, 7.6 million in US,[34] 6.91 million in Japan)[28]
5. Super Mario Land (Game Boy - 14 million)[25]
6. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2 - 13 million)[77]
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (GBA - 13 million)[55]
8. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2 - 12 million)[78]
9. Super Mario 64 (N64 - 11 million)[28]
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2 - 11 million)[67]
Grand Theft Auto III (PS2 - 11 million)[77]
12. Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (GBA - 10.66 million)[47]
13. New Super Mario Bros. (DS - 10.52 million)[51]
14. Gran Turismo (PS1 - 10.5 million)[67]
15. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (DS - 10 million)[58]
Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES - 10 million)[25]
17. Final Fantasy VII (PS1 - 9.8 million, includes Final Fantasy VII International)[68]
18. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (DS - 8.61 million)[51]
19. Gran Turismo 2 (PS1 - 8.5 million)[67]
20. Mario Kart 64 (N64 - 8.47 million approximately, 6.23 million in US,[36] 2.24 million in Japan)[28]

Us Americans have contributed greatly to the Gran Turismo franchise and deserve to have access to this game just like the Europeans and Japanese do. (notice how Japan is lower then Europe and North America but it's still being offered there only because it's made there)

Posts criticizing me are welcomed. :)
Do you guys realize that the game will be available as a PSN download? All you have to do is create an JPN or European account and you can buy it.

You can also buy from many importers and get the JPN version which will work with a US ps3. There's no such thing as a region specific game when it's on PSN.
Do you guys realize that the game will be available as a PSN download? All you have to do is create an JPN or European account and you can buy it.
We shouldn't have to beg for something that everyone else in the world, except us, is going to get unconditionally!

If SONY had made it clear in their plan to make us download it from another site, then fine. This is not their intention, though. What they are doing, by making us do tricks to get our bone, is just plain insulting, even more so when this happens twice in a row.

How can someone make a business decision like this, in this day and age?
GT is big business, the second largest PS game franchise, til now.

This morning, I came to the conclusion that Kazunori has become a problem (Does the Peter Principle apply now?). He lets the media act as PD's Publicity arm, spreading rumours here and there, rather than taking control of it themselves by issuing clear statements in an international language, not through an interview interpreter. Those of you who I read in the XBox threads here praised how information was released for Forza. Codemasters has a much better system of customer relations, too. PD needs to learn from both of them because this latest act is just "bush league" in comparison and it again tarnished the company's reputation. When you have a director of the company making these kinds of requests of his customers, when they already know exactly how many Concept downloads have been made, when they need to be building on their new console franchise, when they are so out of line with respect, goodwill, good business sense or even just doing "the right thing", you know things are way out of control.

SONY needs to do some triage.


I'm in Europe, but can I chip in too?

It sucks that they're 'considering' releasing the game on the US (and the rest of the American continent), it just doesn't make any sense. C'mon, hundreds of million people, huge fan base, and they're not sure if it's a good move?!...
I don't think it will do any good, but signed.

As for buying it from other regions: Games CAN be region locked by the developer, even if the PS3 is not. So importing a Blu-Ray copy may not be an answer, as we have not been told if it will be region locked or not. Past GT games have varied from region to region, so it may be region locked.

Buying from a foreign PSN account is easier said than done as it wants a credit card from the store's region. You can get all the free stuff you want but when you have to pay it requires a lot of work to do it.
I hate to rain on the parade here, but what makes anybody think Sony/PD will care about a petition with just a couple dozen names on it? They don't care what a handful of people want. It could even be counterproductive; consider this scenario:

PD staffer: "Kaz, we just got a petition from those geeks at GT World or something like that. They say we should release GT5P in North America too."

Kaz: "Oh? How many names are on it?"

Staffer: "Uhh, 67..."

Kaz: "67? 67 thousand?"

Staffer: "Nope, just 67."

Kaz: "Okay. If there's that little interest in a NA release, it looks like we made a good decision not to bother with releasing it there."
Honestly, I can't see why they made such a big deal at E3, with SCEA executives, if it wasn't coming to North America.
Remember what happened with the proposed microtransactions with GT HD Premium and GT HD Classic. There was a huge fuss made about it all over the internet and guess what happened. PD canned the project.

So if you want to help out make a fuss out of this everywhere you can, on every message board you go to, anywhere. If PD hears that every gaming site on the internet has people talking about a release in North America they will release it here
Sign me up too please... but even if I can't get it here probably ask someone to get it for me in asia... BUT STILL
I hate to rain on the parade here, but what makes anybody think Sony/PD will care about a petition with just a couple dozen names on it? They don't care what a handful of people want. It could even be counterproductive; consider this scenario:
Exactly! SONY already has all of the info they need to assess our level of interest in Prologue - the number of Concept downloads, through the PSN. These are their own statistics, too.

The last time I checked here, there were less then 50 hands raised, which does not look good as a percentage of member from N.A. With many members still away on vacation, the numbers will stay low and, by the time they return, this will be old news and will be ignored by many of them, too. Dividing "voting" up over all of the forums around the web won't help matters, either, because SONY won't be coming to us asking, "OK, where are the requests?"


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