The North American GT5:P Petition (Thanks for signing and share your thoughts)

  • Thread starter RACECAR
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Go ahead and put my name down. 👍
If PD doesn't release GT5P here in the U.S.A. I will be seriously disappointed (enough so to buy a 360 and enjoy it for atleast the time between the purchase and GT5's release).

I have a hard time believing PD would do that to America and Canada but at the same time I remember them doing it with GT4 so I can't really predict what will happen.

Here's to hoping for the best! :cheers:
How nice of you to join us:). Consider it done 👍

Edit: As of this post we are now up to 81!

Read ALPHA's post

PD has finally listened to us. A North American GT5:P has been confirmed!
I want to thank everyone who has signed this Petition as it may have been an influence for this to happen. And ironically enough, my birthday is tomarrow. What a early birthday present!:)

Read ALPHA's post

PD has finally listened to us. A North American GT5:P has been confirmed!
I want to thank everyone who has signed this Petition as it may have been an influence for this to happen. And ironically enough, my birthday is tomarrow. What a early birthday present!:)
aww darn i wanted to post it! :nervous: oh well. Yeah, i guess the petition worked? or they just felt that darn sorry for us? lol.
^ Don't thank Kaz, he was the one who was pushing this to the NA. Thank the people who tried stopping this game from releasing it in the US in the first place, SCEA.
<cynic>I doubt this thread had any bearing on PD apparently releasing the demo here. Especially since the reported email to PD was never sent.</cynic>

Read ALPHA's post

PD has finally listened to us. A North American GT5:P has been confirmed!
I want to thank everyone who has signed this Petition as it may have been an influence for this to happen. And ironically enough, my birthday is tomarrow. What a early birthday present!:)
Don't go crediting yourselves with getting GT5:P in North America all by yourselves. While PD listen to fans, it's not their number one priority. While you may have had some influence, I wouldn't say you're solely responsible for it.
Don't go crediting yourselves with getting GT5:P in North America all by yourselves. While PD listen to fans, it's not their number one priority. While you may have had some influence, I wouldn't say you're solely responsible for it.
Crediting ourselves? solely responsible? I don't recall saying anything like that:

PD has finally listened to us. A North American GT5:P has been confirmed!
I want to thank everyone who has signed this Petition as it may have been an influence for this to happen. And ironically enough, my birthday is tomarrow. What a early birthday present!:)

Notice that I didn't say "I want to thank everyone who signed this petition as it was the sole influence for this to happen" For I know that the 81 that already signed weren't the only ones wanting this to happen so please don't accuse me of taking all the credit solely for this to happen. You make it sound like I'm some showoff using this as an excuse to make himself popular.

And The359, I don't if its a joke or not(if it is, then disregard what I say), but please just stop. You also didn't see that I said it May have been an influence. I'm well aware we aren't the only ones, but at the same time, You seem to have had a negative attitude towards this and even while its now at its end, you still have something negative to say. Just let it go please.
Yes, it may have been an influence. I was only quoting you because it was the thread with the link in it; it was aimed at everyone giving themselves a pat on the back (even if they didn't post) for getting the game in North America rather than being aimed solely at you.
it was aimed at everyone giving themselves a pat on the back (even if they didn't post) for getting the game in North America rather than being aimed solely at you.
I surely was not trying to make it seem that way, I was myself thanking the people who showed care and interest by signing. Yes, maybe my title doesn't exactly reflect what I saying so it will be changed for that, but It wasn't meant for the reason you stated.
Polyphony also said the game MAY be released in North America. So clearly it is more then likely that this "petition" had zero effect and Polyphony merely decided to release the game based on the availabity of translators and additional coders and assistance from SCEA.

Which obviously makes a lot more sense.
Polyphony also said the game MAY be released in North America. So clearly it is more then likely that this "petition" had zero effect and Polyphony merely decided to release the game based on the availabity of translators and additional coders and assistance from SCEA
I said may knowing well that there most likely a chance that this thread may had little or no effect on the decision and you have obviously confirmed what I suspected. My point is that I was fully aware we may or may not be any "effect" and you seem eager to tell me "this had nothing to do with PD's decision" when I was already aware the possibility of that. Again, I was showing gratitude towards the people who showed that they cared by signing here and thats it, nothing else. Now I would not like to continue this conversation further and would like now to have people share their thoughts on this long-awaited release without trouble and ask you as a respectable person to kindly respect my wishes please.
Man, what really impresses me about this thread, is that it has so many hits and it's sooo useless.

-It's not official. (how do you go about to claming it is anyway?)
-it didn't, and wasn't going to make a bit of difference.
Man, what really impresses me about this thread, is that it has so many hits and it's sooo useless.

-It's not official. (how do you go about to claming it is anyway?)
-it didn't, and wasn't going to make a bit of difference.
The fact that people cared for this to be released and signed doesn't exactly render it "useless" so that was a unnecessary statement. As for me making it Official, I saw no one making one or attempting to so thats why it was "official", even if it had no big significance. And We have already established that I didn't say it made a difference and it was confirmed already so stop beating a dead horse. In case you didn't read, I said I do not want this conversation dragged on so I would like for you to respect my request as it is no longer about this thread and more about the North American release of GT5:P as put in the title.
Wow there are a bunch of whiny negative children on this site!:grumpy::irked::yuck:

Who knows if this helped or not, I imagine someone at SECA does check out this site since it is a fairly large site that is mostly about one of their premier games, did it help them make a decision? probably not but who cares, we are getting GT5 P so lets just say Whoo-Hoo & get ready to play!
Wow there are a bunch of whiny negative children on this site!:grumpy::irked::yuck:

Who knows if this helped or not, I imagine someone at SCEA does check out this site since it is a fairly large site that is mostly about one of their premier games, did it help them make a decision? probably not but who cares, we are getting GT5 P so lets just say Whoo-Hoo & get ready to play!

Finally, someone understands.
The fact that people cared for this to be released and signed doesn't exactly render it "useless" so that was a unnecessary statement. As for me making it Official, I saw no one making one or attempting to so thats why it was "official", even if it had no big significance. And We have already established that I didn't say it made a difference and it was confirmed already so stop beating a dead horse. In case you didn't read, I said I do not want this conversation dragged on so I would like for you to respect my request as it is no longer about this thread and more about the North American release of GT5:P as put in the title.

I make no apologies, i call things for what they are.

I make no apologies, i call things for what they are.
Since when did I ask for an apoligy? I simply said stop dragging this furthur and as for You "calling things for what they are", You're calling this useless out of your narrow-minded opinion rather it what it is. If you were more aware, you would see this served to survey interest so threfore it had a purpose and I just gave it a new one so stop with the negative "Useless" comments. You wish to continue this pointless bickering, then do it through the PMs instead of wasting more of this space.
this has already been up a month. i expected to see alot more signatures than this....
Unfortunately, didn't seem like many at the time cared.
Wow there are a bunch of whiny negative children on this site!:grumpy::irked::yuck:

Who knows if this helped or not, I imagine someone at SECA does check out this site since it is a fairly large site that is mostly about one of their premier games, did it help them make a decision? probably not but who cares, we are getting GT5 P so lets just say Whoo-Hoo & get ready to play!

Amen to that :cheers:
Look at it from this angle though.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that somebody from SCEA decides to check to see what the sentiment is. So they go to one of the premier GT sites around and come to GT Planet.

Pretty good, 100,000 members, looks like a lot of enthusiasts here. These are people who really seem to care about our games.

Oh look here, they have a petition on releasing GT5P in North America.

Less than 100 people have signed this petition. It's been open for a month, and out of 100,000 GT enthusiasts, not even 100 of them say they want it? Less than one tenth of a percent of the enthusiasts???

With so little interest, I would expect them to drop the idea like a hot potato. They said they may release it in North America, but if they decide not to, I think you could find part of the reason right here.
i think everybody needs to stop being so negative and start collecting eachothers gamer tags so we can be ready to play eachother:)
Look at it from this angle though.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that somebody from SCEA decides to check to see what the sentiment is. So they go to one of the premier GT sites around and come to GT Planet.

Pretty good, 100,000 members, looks like a lot of enthusiasts here. These are people who really seem to care about our games.

Oh look here, they have a petition on releasing GT5P in North America.

Less than 100 people have signed this petition. It's been open for a month, and out of 100,000 GT enthusiasts, not even 100 of them say they want it? Less than one tenth of a percent of the enthusiasts???

With so little interest, I would expect them to drop the idea like a hot potato. They said they may release it in North America, but if they decide not to, I think you could find part of the reason right here.

Quick, where do I sign? I want to see this game on the shelves on all the game stores in the country, but I never saw this thread! Help!
Quick, where do I sign? I want to see this game on the shelves on all the game stores in the country, but I never saw this thread! Help!
Put "signed" in your post and thats it.
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