The Official North American GT5:P Petition

  • Thread starter RACECAR

Do you Think GT5:P should be released in North America?

  • Are you kidding? of course they should!

    Votes: 56 100.0%
  • Nah, not really

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Keeper of the Undocumented Changes Threads.
United States
It appears PD one again is not listening and after hearing that they want to "see" American interest, well they'll see it alright. This is why I've created:

The Official North American GT5:P Petition

The purpose of this thread is simple: Convince PD that we want GT5:P released over here by signing this petition. I will provide the link for this and the GT5:P thread together in my email to show them just how much "interest" there is for this game in america. Sign up now and support the North American Release of GT5:P!
I cannot believe North America doesn't get GT5 prologue. The only game I'm waiting for on PS3 right now IS GT5 and to not let us try it out and let me get our fix of GT before it comes out. I'm holding back on GT and was considering getting a PS3 because of GT5 Prologue. I'm as big a playstation fan as much as GT but without GT and with such poor reviews on games on a lot of the ps3 games I'm getting very disappointed and impatient.

Maybe I should just get a Xbox 360 with Forza 2 instead. As much as GT5 prologue impresses me with it's videos etc, there's no point if i can't try it out myself
I called them too!
Alright dude. I'm about to send them my e-mail with the link to the petition as well as the GT5:P discussion thread. What did you tell them?
I thought SCEA wanted us to write paper letters, like in 1982? I'm furious about writing kiss-ass love notes to them so they can take my money. I feel like a child being punished for some unnamed and unknown past indescretion, my favorite toy snatched away and then placed on a shelf in full view but too high to reach.

Beg for it, boy, beg! Good dog!

Complete, total, utter mismanagement. :ouch: Pathetic.

I have no doubt it will eventually come to US and EU but im sure it will be like atleast 6 months after the JPN release if its on blu ray disc. If its on the ps store then it may be available to everyone from day one.
As far as I'm concerned, the only reason the PS3 exists is for GT5. Why they wouldn't release GT5:P here is beyond me.:nervous:

The bad news? A North American release has not yet been confirmed. The Europeans and Japanese will get their driving gloves on the game this year, but Yamauchi asked us to solicit fan feedback. They said they'll be evaluating fan interest to see if a US and Canada version makes sense.

You know what to do. If you want it, say so.

So KY wants us to beg for does a US and Canada version NOT make sense? This is absurd.

In his little demo of GT5:P he shows locations of players from the US, Monterrey CA, Daytona FL, etc but guess what, he's going to lock those same people out of the game. So everytime you log onto GT5:P in Europe the entire western hemisphere we'll never get 1 light...

With PS3 games like LAIR and Heavnely Sword bombing we PS3 owners need a great game to get our hopes up...this is it Sony!
How does a US and Canada version NOT make sense? This is absurd.

That's what I don't get, either. Surely they remember all the flak they caught for not releasing GT4:Prologue here. There was a general "WTF?!?" all over the internet.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the game being planned for both online distribution and store-bought Blu-ray disc? If they're that worried about demand and production cost, they should test the waters by releasing it as a PSN download. There's practically no overhead cost for that. And surely they've realized that GTHD remains one of the PSN's top downloads to this day? The demand IS there.
Why would they not make a NA version, it is a win-win situation. The hundreds of thousands of GT fans in North America get there GT fix before GT5 releases and PD would turn a huge profit while avoiding thousands of complaints from GT fans.
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