The Parity Club - Interest Check and TestingFinished 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
I think I used the BRZ, Lexus and Wedsport. I didn't use just one car because they're are some gaps in performance, so I found targets I could hit with several different cars. I'll try to have another go with them this evening to see if I come up with the same numbers. If you don't think those targets will work I'll try to come up with something else.

I'm assuming you used a Low RPM Turbo with those? I bought a new IS350, slapped a Low RPM Turbo, and ran a low 11 with 144 mph. Could only get a BRZ with the turbo up to 142 though, and only in the 13s... the default setup on that car is just plain not good/doesn't suit my driving style. :yuck:

But, when I took my Garaiya with the Fuji setup and restored it to stock power, I ran an 11.5 at 145mph. So I guess I'll just use that one, dial back a little power and I should be good to go. 👍 I was rather hoping to run the Lexus, but I'd have to nerf it too much. ;) Might set up a BRZ as well, not too many people have been running that one.

Maybe reducing your downforce by quite a bit would bring back some speed without significantly negating the suspension work you've done? Less downforce would slow you down in the corners but I'd guess your tweaked car would still handle better through the corners than an untweaked car with high downforce. Or not, I really don't know as I'm complete rubbish with a spanner. :dunce:

Would be a good idea if I hadn't already trimmed all the wing off my Lexus. :dopey:
Yes, I had a low-RPM turbo on those. I will test again tonight to see if I'm hitting those same times, but I'm only testing in stock form (plus low-RPM turbo) so I don't know how the targets will relate to a tuned car. So far we've had people who couldn't get up to the targets or down to the targets so either I'm doing something wrong or these kinds of race cars aren't suited to parity racing. I'll probably avoid using these kinds of dedicated race cars in the future.
Hello everybody! Long time no see!

Does anyone remember me? ;)

I miss those great, clean races. I didn't have much time lately for racing, because of school etc etc, bla bla, but virtual racing is just my hobby, that I can't simply abandon! I was very very close to make a decision of selling all the stuff (wheel, cockpit, and PS3), but now I feel I need to get back to racing with You guys! :)

Is there some free space for me?
.............. I'm only testing in stock form ..........................

I'd hate to see the GT300's (or any car class for that matter) get omitted going forward, so I'm open to occasional "No Tuning Allowed" races if that would help close up the field. :sly:
Yes, I had a low-RPM turbo on those. I will test again tonight to see if I'm hitting those same times, but I'm only testing in stock form (plus low-RPM turbo) so I don't know how the targets will relate to a tuned car.

I used default setups on the Lexus and BRZ that I ran with the Low RPM turbo. :cheers:

So far we've had people who couldn't get up to the targets or down to the targets so either I'm doing something wrong or these kinds of race cars aren't suited to parity racing. I'll probably avoid using these kinds of dedicated race cars in the future.

I think the windows are just a little narrower is all. I remain optimistic that this format can work for purpose-built race cars.

@kHamcio, who can forget someone so quick? :D
So, if there is still some free space (but I can see a full list of drivers), I would like to reserve number #69!
@kapnk006 No tuning allowed would only increase the spacing between the cars. This group varies in speed tremendously and I would say judging by the times the racing was still much better than if there was no tuning allowed
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@BrandonW77 what the hell did you post that cricket video for?! :lol::lol::lol:. So random it's hilarious! And who the hell thought it would be a good idea to make a 60 minute video of crickets chirping?! :lol: :lol:

Oh wait a minute. Now that I thought about it again, you must have posted that because there aren't very many people in the lobby am I correct?
@BrandonW77 what the hell did you post that cricket video for?! :lol::lol::lol:. So random it's hilarious! And who the hell thought it would be a good idea to make a 60 minute video of crickets chirping?! :lol: :lol:

Oh wait a minute. Now that I thought about it again, you must have posted that because there aren't very many people in the lobby am I correct?

Yeah, it was just me and amar at the time. Torzilla and R34 showed up later but that was it.
Well that's disappointing. I'm sorry I didn't show up. I need enough time to get up to pace with these cars and I wasn't really around. I had too many things going on and I couldn't get my practice in.
HELLO ALL, 久しぶり!!
It's been awhile.. I had moved apartments, so my Internet was all messed up... I been back about 1 month... I'm ready to jump into the league!! @r34love - thank you for the "shout out" and support, I want to test ASAP. At TS and race organizer--- GREAT WORK !! I hope we meet online soon!!
@r34love, is my family, he say it's a great league!! COUNT ME IN !!
SEE YOU GUYS LATER (mata ne〜!)

Back in the GT5 days I used to enjoy some epically close racing with DeadNutsEven Parity Racing and I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in reviving this format of racing? The WRS had a go with parity racing as well but it seems to have died off. Some friends and I have been testing with the parity method used by both these groups and have been having some good times. If there is interest, I'm thinking of putting something formal together featuring weekly parity racing.

For those who don't know, parity racing is where everyone "tunes" their car to a pre-determined lap time and top speed so everyone on the grid is dead even on pace and the racing comes down to racecraft instead of all out speed. This does require a little prep-work as it is very important that everyone shows up with a car already dialed into the targets, you can't really just show up and race. But most of the time all that's needed is the addition/removal of power and/or weight, you don't need any extensive tuning knowledge (I am complete rubbish at tuning and even I can manage to get cars on target fairly easily). All you really need to know is more power/less weight = faster and less power/more weight = slower. If you enjoy tuning than you can tinker and tune all you want, but if you're like me and avoid the tuning screen like it's your psycho ex-girlfriend then very little tinkering is needed.

We have been sticking to the exact formula used by the two groups above. I will set a lap time and top speed limit (your speed at the end of the front stretch) on a particular track, as well as an approved class of cars. Everyone picks a car (or cars) they want to race and gets it "tuned" to meet those criteria and then we go racing. We will also be using the two tire rule where two compounds will be available (SH and SM for example). One benefit of this, you can decrease your lap time and lower your top speed just by switching tires (a softer compound will increase your cornering speed which will lower your lap time, but you'll need to reduce power a bit to stay on target time which will lower your ultimate top speed as well). This also makes it easier for a wide range of talent to get on pace quickly (slower guys can toss the softer compound on and be fairly close to the faster guys on the harder compound). You can stick with the same car for the whole night/week or you can have a different car each race (depending on how much time/desire you have for prep).

I will also try to divide things into classes of cars to make the selection process easier and to help keep the cars fairly close in performance and appearance (we all like a nice looking grid!). Here are the basic classes I've come up with so far, these may be adjusted as we find necessary but it's something easy to get us started and everyone should have something in their garage that fits the bill.

High Power Street RWD (any FR, MR, or RR street car 1989 or newer, recommend over 475pp when in stock form)
Low Power Street RWD (any FR, MR, or RR street car 1989 or newer, recommend under 475pp when in stock form)
High Power Race RWD (any FR, MR, or RR race car 1989 or newer, recommend over 475pp when in stock form)
Low Power Race RWD (any FR, MR, or RR race car 1989 or newer, recommend under 475pp when in stock form)

Street FF (any FF street car 1989 or newer)
Race FF (any FF race car 1989 or newer)
(I don't think there's enough range in FF cars to have high and low power categories, but I could be wrong)

Street AWD (any AWD street car 1989 or newer)
Race AWD (any AWD race car 1989 or newer)
(I don't think there's enough range in AWD cars to have high and low power categories, but I could be wrong)

High Power Vintage Street (any street car pre-1989, recommend over 450pp when in stock form)
Low Power Vintage Street (any street car pre-1989, recommend under 450pp when in stock form)
(I think we can probably mix all drivetrains with the vintage cars, most are going to be rwd of some fashion. But if they need split out by drivetrains we can do that. With mixed drivetrains like this we'd probably do a mini rolling start to minimize differences off the line)

High Power Vintage Race (any race car pre-1989, recommend over 450pp when in stock form)
Low Power Vintage Race (any race car pre-1989, recommend under 450pp when in stock form)

The PP ratings listed are just a guideline to help you look in the right area of your garage. If you want to take a 500pp car and dial it back to run with the low power street rwd cars you're more than welcome to as long as it meets the targets. But you're going to have a hard time getting a 650pp car dialed back that far, or a 375pp car tuned up enough to run with a 650pp car.

To start with I'm going to ask that everyone try to use Premium cars so we can put the number plates on them and look like a proper racing grid. I'm also going to ask that we refrain from putting big ass wings on the cars, only because I think the grid looks silly when some cars have big wings and some don't. All other aero bits and mods are allowed. Right now we're just doing some informal testing/racing but if the interest is there we can make it a regular thing every week. So, if you're interested, send me a FR on PSN @ BrandonW77.

Right now I'm looking at Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm EDT and Sunday afternoons at 3:30pm EDT for our racing days, we can race on both days to fit varying schedules. If you're available both days, you can race both days, but the room will be a first-come-first-served basis so get their early! The room will be open at least a half hour prior to those times so people can practice and get their cars dialed in. I will reset the track 15 minutes prior to the start time and this will be considered qualifying, make any final adjustments to your car and once you've set a time that you're happy with please park your car at a safe place on the track or drive into the pits (do not hit START to go the pits as this will cause your time to be erased, drive into the pits and press the pause button to hold your car their) and wait for the race to start.

To start with we will do two 10 minute races that everyone can use to make sure their car is on target and to get used to driving in the pack. After those two races we will up it to 20-25 minutes for a grand parity battle. The first race starting order will be determined by qualifying, all races that follow will be reverse grid. We will use false starts, real grip, weak slipstream, normal tire wear, light damage, no penalties/boost, mics disabled, high race quality.

So what say you, GTP? Are you ready for some Parity Racing?

Reserved Car Numbers:

BrandonW77/BrandonW77: #77
hobbsy/nemesis-reaper: #79
amarynceos/amarynceos: #42
Drex124/Drex125: #46
GranTurismo916/atongo619: #91
Kingklingeling/Kingklingeling: #32
torzilla/torzilla: #13
LongBowX/LongBowX: #55
iainoflo85/GTP_iainoflo85: #85
roamer2629/roamer2629: #7
daddyo845/daddy-0845: #98
RDAardvark/RDAardvark: #70
jonnaidoo/jonnaidoo: #25
cu3e/beargele: #33
Sjaak/GTP_Sjaak: #22
kapnk006/GTP_Xiamoto: #88
Acedition333/Acedition333: #34
bobph/bobph: #31
Hello !! :) please reserve -- suspension/SHAKOYM-JP: #58
(58- my father birth year) :)
Well that's disappointing. I'm sorry I didn't show up. I need enough time to get up to pace with these cars and I wasn't really around. I had too many things going on and I couldn't get my practice in.

That's the bad thing about parity racing, it makes it kind of impossible for someone to just grab a car and jump on track with us because prep time is needed. That's also why I set the targets using a totally stock car (GT300 excluded), my thinking being that if someone doesn't have prep time they should be able to grab that car and be pretty close with little-to-no work. The pay off is worth it because the racing has been spectacular and provides the competition I think all of us have always wanted, I think pretty much everyone has been leading the field at some point in a race which I hope adds to everyone's enjoyment.

Hello !! :) please reserve -- suspension/SHAKOYM-JP: #58
(58- my father birth year) :)

We'd be happy to have you. Make sure you read through the OP to understand the parity concept, it's rather different than other racing offered around here and requires a bit of work but it's worth it in the end as the racing has been stupendous. Send me a FR on PSN, same name as on here. 👍

NOTE: Some family stuff has come up and I'm not going to be able to host races this Sunday, and Tuesday is iffy. If someone else wants to guest host that would be fine, or we can take a week off.
That's not exactly what I meant Brandon. I had a car ready but I need about 15 minutes to get the car back up to race pace. I needed the warm up and I wasn't able to get that in.
NOTE: Some family stuff has come up and I'm not going to be able to host races this Sunday, and Tuesday is iffy. If someone else wants to guest host that would be fine, or we can take a week off.

I'm away with work right now, so I will not be ready to race this weekend anyway. With reference to the car selection, I prefer the stock vehicle (but then tuned for Parity) over the purpose built race cars, as it gives me a greater sense of achievement (ah hmmm... Copen!) and variety. That's not to say that I don't want to race with the race cars though!

Speaking of car selection, are we going to venture into the "Standards" market??? I know they take away the ability to use race numbers, but I think we are missing a big piece of the pie by not using them! We could do it as a "Standards only" event! And how about battle races... e.g the Subaru Impreza Vs the Mistu Evo, or Mustang Vs Camaro...?

Just some alcohol fuelled thoughts! :dunce:
All good ideas, I've had similar thoughts. My concern with only having two available cars is that most people would end up in one or the other and it would be more like a one-make race than the diverse grids we've seen lately. I don't have much of an opinion one way or the other on Standards, but it's really a shame the number plates can't be applied to them as that's probably one of my favorite features that's been added to the game and for me it's really transformed the image/feel of our racing for the better.

In a lot of cases there is a premium "equivalent" so we're not missing out on that much, but the vintage cars are where Standards pull some weight and I do like me some vintage cars. I'm thinking of doing vintage cars for the next selection, but there are plenty of vintage Premiums available to have a well-rounded grid. The only thing I really don't like about using Standards is having to change the rule from "everyone having number plates" to "nobody having number plates". I always try to keep my rules and format very consistent to prevent confusion and I'm sure someone wouldn't read the post carefully and show up in a Premium with a number plate on it. My OCD wouldn't cope very well if one car had a number plate and all the others didn't. :nervous: :lol:
@BrandonW77 I understand the two car battle thing, but we could just make that either a multi-car or drivetrain battle. All AWD would be fun, and we could exclude certain cars like my favorite ZZII simply because they are too competitive. Or other high powered cars like the Skyline, GTRs, and 3000GT types in favor of the smaller AWD cars. Or not. I've been dialing down my R32-34s for years and have had no complaints.

The number plate issue could perhaps be resolved by colors? You may notice that my cars tend to always get a coat of purple? I do that for brand recognition, so that even if you don't see my number, you see the purple and you know its R34. :D So perhaps we could claim a specific color swatch and use it for identification on Standard cars, or any other car we wish to use?
@BrandonW77 I understand the two car battle thing, but we could just make that either a multi-car or drivetrain battle. All AWD would be fun, and we could exclude certain cars like my favorite ZZII simply because they are too competitive. Or other high powered cars like the Skyline, GTRs, and 3000GT types in favor of the smaller AWD cars. Or not. I've been dialing down my R32-34s for years and have had no complaints.

The number plate issue could perhaps be resolved by colors? You may notice that my cars tend to always get a coat of purple? I do that for brand recognition, so that even if you don't see my number, you see the purple and you know its R34. :D So perhaps we could claim a specific color swatch and use it for identification on Standard cars, or any other car we wish to use?

My point was that if we only have a Mustang and Camaro available, for example, I could see the majority of the grid grabbing a Mustang and only one or two Camaro's on the grid, which kind of defeats the purpose. People are going to gravitate to whichever one handles better, but I guess that could have a limited effect in parity racing. I like the concept, but for the most part people have voted for large car selections and that kind of goes against that. I'd personally prefer a smaller group, but I try to do what makes the group happy.

Honestly, I generally recognize people by their color scheme (for those who stick to the same color) and that's why I generally paint my cars in the same color scheme. I couldn't tell you anybody's number, but that's not why I like to use them. IMO the number plates on the doors/bonnet/boot make it look like a proper racing series instead of a bunch of hooligans horsing around with street cars, kind of like a SCCA sanctioned event and that really pleases my eyes. :drool: It's more for appearance than identification purposes (at least from my point of view). 👍

Thanks for the input though, I always welcome feedback and always try to explain my line of reasoning. :cheers:
The number plate issue could perhaps be resolved by colors? You may notice that my cars tend to always get a coat of purple? I do that for brand recognition, so that even if you don't see my number, you see the purple and you know its R34. :D So perhaps we could claim a specific color swatch and use it for identification on Standard cars, or any other car we wish to use?

I know Brandon likes the number plates and he's running the show, but I do like the idea of specific driver colors. In the Ferarri series I only used lime green to bring attention to the fact that limes rule and lemons suck.

My point was that if we only have a Mustang and Camaro available, for example, I could see the majority of the grid grabbing a Mustang and only one or two Camaro's on the grid, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Could we have a limited number of each car available, like if there are 14 spots have 7 Mustangs and 7 Camero's, first come first choose.
All good ideas here. I agree with the suggestion of limited number of each car available, I think it's a good idea (Camaro for me! ;D).

But still, I can't wait to try the concept of Parity Racing - never driven before, because I had only raced with You in great, unforgettable Ferrari Festival and perfect Zero Cup.

Now, I'm going to make some first preparations for the next race (and first race for me)!
I know Brandon likes the number plates and he's running the show, but I do like the idea of specific driver colors. In the Ferarri series I only used lime green to bring attention to the fact that limes rule and lemons suck.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Could we have a limited number of each car available, like if there are 14 spots have 7 Mustangs and 7 Camero's, first come first choose.

In theory, yes. But if only 8 people show up and 7 choose Rustangs...... That's not necessarily a likely scenario, but I kind of don't like the idea of telling people what car to drive either. A slightly different idea could be Murican Muscle vs. Euro Muscle, have the Challenger, Mustang and Camaro going against the Alfa 8c, a Bimmer and a Merc. Or just leave it open to any Murican FR car and any Euro FR car.
I've got one question - about the tires. I get the idea of two tire rule, but... What compounds of tires can I use for incoming GT300 cars? Did I missed something?
I've got one question - about the tires. I get the idea of two tire rule, but... What compounds of tires can I use for incoming GT300 cars? Did I missed something?

Sorry, it appears I left that bit out. SM or SS tires can be used on the GT300's. I've mended the OP.

If people are available we can race on Saturday instead, otherwise we'll take this Sunday off because I won't be around.