The Parity Club - Interest Check and TestingFinished 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Yeah, the Garaiya's good for mid to low 43s in stock form. I dropped the power down to 90% or so, ditched the ballast (it's the heaviest GT300 as it is), and ran some consistent 44 flats -- though my top speed is down to 149 now.

I tried some soft spring setups, and they seemed to work nicely on the Garaiya and the IS350. I dropped the front springs down to almost minimum, dropped the rears to keep roughly the same initial balance, bumped up the dampers a notch and, combined with a looser LSD (half initial and accel, and tweak from there), got a much nicer turn-in at the small cost of a little high-speed stability. It helped ameliorate the chattering that one gets in the final corner, as well.

Got the Lexus on pace, too. A little trickier to do so, as it's pretty close to the target time in stock form but 5mph down on speed. Trimmed the DF to minimum, added 10 hp or so (Low RPM Turbo, then limited) and ended up at nearly 150. I'll keep it as my backup in the event of an excess of Garaiyas. :sly:
How about this? I could try the 1st Gear idea from @hobbsy and start last to boot. I have no problem with that. You guys may think I'm sandbagging, but if you ask around the XFEL, I am not the best driver in online racing (clean). :sly: I only want to be competitive and the best way for me to do that is to drive what I am comfortable with. If I am wrong, I'll even pit and throw on a set of SH. Pitting alone would prevent me from taking first. And meanwhile I will work on tuning an alternate for next week if everybody feels it's necessary. Even if it has to be the RX7, which I personally think would give me a greater advantage since I work with a real life tuner of Japanese cars. I have a Spirit R that rides on rails regardless of what tire you put under it, with no aids at all. It would still likely be the BR-Z or MR2 though.

SM - Low 1st gear and start in rear. Sound fair enough for this week?
@hobbsy, nice work mate. You do realize I'm going to have expectations now? :sly: (and I also know you're first name now! :dopey:)

@r34love, no worries fella, just race/start like you normally would. Technically we're still just testing here and this will be a good test of the AWD's vs. FR's. I want you to have fun and enjoy some good racing without having to jump through a bunch of hoops. I don't get the impression you're trying to sandbag, and I'll be able to spot it if you are, so do whatever's comfortable. I would like you to try to get one of the FR's on target for the next event (once I announce the targets) so you can have a go in both kinds of car, I'm quite confident you'll be able to get one of the FR's on target using SS tires and some light power parts/tuning. As long as you're within a half second/1-2mph of the targets then you're going to be able to stay right with the pack and enjoy some intense action. 👍
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I don't mind mixing awd and fr cars together, it'll be a good way to see if it works or not. I was a little on the fence about GT300, but I got some laps in yesterday and now I'm loving it, if the races work out (and I think they will) I wouldn't mind staying on GT300 for a while.

Fair enough, I don't mind allowing the awd for these cars if there isn't any objection from the group. The draft on the straight will probably equalize things pretty quickly. On that note, the draft is extremely strong with these cars on this straight so I'm probably going to dial it back to "real" to tame it down a bit.

That Garaiya is the fastest of the bunch that I've tested. I could hit the targets with it in stock form where I slapped a low rpm turbo on the others.
I don't mind mixing awd and fr cars together, it'll be a good way to see if it works or not. I was a little on the fence about GT300, but I got some laps in yesterday and now I'm loving it, if the races work out (and I think they will) I wouldn't mind staying on GT300 for a while.

I agree with you @Torzilla Once the kinks are worked out, it should be a fun little series.

@BrandonW77 - I can't stand the way it looks, but I will try out the Garaiya and see how well I handle that one before I tune the Subaru tonight. And I'll need to test with you guys a bit before the race to make sure my 1st gear is set to a good ratio. I still want to start at the back. IMO that's the best way to determine the performance capabilities of the car and it tell will a big story. I don't care if I finish last. But if I finish first easily, then I certainly would be out of arguments wouldn't I? Besides that, I would rather follow you guys for a lap and get a feel for how you interact. Clean racing should be universal, but I have seen in many different rooms that it's all relative. Some rooms are cleaner than others based on everyone's interpretation of clean.

I won't be holding back, but I won't be at 100% either until I get a feel for the on track interactions. Then I'll put my visor down and come looking! Thanks for giving it a shot everyone! :cheers:
I'm not saying you should drive the Garaiya, I was just commenting to amar how it was the fastest one I'd tested. The Lexus was probably the second fastest, I could almost hit the targets with iron stock form.
I'm not saying you should drive the Garaiya, I was just commenting to amar how it was the fastest one I'd tested. The Lexus was probably the second fastest, I could almost hit the targets with iron stock form.

The Lexus was the first one I drove, and it felt very stout. I was ready to go with it when it got all tail happy with me. I may try to get to that one. I like several of the cars and given time to tune them the way I like, this may be the one and only race in the Subaru for me. I want to spend an afternoon with the MR-S (Thanks for not correcting me on that). In other words, I'm enjoying the opportunity to try some new cars. One way or another, it's a growth experience for me.
I'm going to need to show up to the lobby early because I need a bit of warm up to get up to the targets. It took me maybe 10-20 min to consistently reach the targets. Another thing about these cars, is that although they are relatively easy to control, they are very difficult to recover from a slip with and sometimes it's just flat out impossible to make a recovery.

What a bunch of cry babies. (I hope I don't get sacked for making that comment. :lol: )

I've never understood the hubub about Jezza's "offensive" remarks, the show is scripted and edited so if the BBC brass was really bothered by any of this they should be looking at their script writers/editors for allowing it in the first place. I guess Murica's political correctness disease has started to spread to the rest of the world. :rolleyes:
RE: AWD Cars.

Doesn't Fuji GT allow rolling starts? That would eliminate the advantage if so.

And it would make it more authentic as SuperGT does rolling starts.
RE: AWD Cars.

Doesn't Fuji GT allow rolling starts? That would eliminate the advantage if so.

And it would make it more authentic as SuperGT does rolling starts.

AFAIK no road courses allow rolling starts. Can't say I've ever tested it at Fuji though, so maybe it does?
Great fun guys,nice clean and exciting races.
Have to appologize for the last race where I indeed crossed the rumbles at the first corner and carried more speed to overtake the Cusco.
Wanted to give all room for the inside car but went wide to much.
Great battle though with Brandon and King.👍
great battles indeed and we all expect some nice pictures @Sjaak :D
@BrandonW77 , I just checked the replay and we had no contact during the last overtake maneuver :odd:
If you meant the whole race , yes sure, there were some scratches in the paint and I appologize, seemed like I had more downforce = more corner speed and I wasn't able to know my car dimensions sometimes.
the last race , despite all that, was absolutely great , the whole 20minutes :bowdown:
Great racing today, hopefully my car wasn't overpowered:) I was trying to feather throttle on the straight, so I wouldn't be faster:)
hopefully my car wasn't overpowered:)

It was quite a bit...

Like I said in the chat, try the limitter. Your speed was perfect at the curvy parts, it was just the straights where the power was an issue in my opinion. Limitter should help fix that without reducing the torque and acceleration and that should help bring you to same pace 👍

As much as I dislike the Limitter, situation like this is where it does get useful.

Off-topic: is that a bug or how a real life limitter works? I have seen cars limitted by 100hp but having ridiculous torque not affected by the limitter at all...
great battles indeed and we all expect some nice pictures @Sjaak :D
@BrandonW77 , I just checked the replay and we had no contact during the last overtake maneuver :odd:
If you meant the whole race , yes sure, there were some scratches in the paint and I appologize, seemed like I had more downforce = more corner speed and I wasn't able to know my car dimensions sometimes.
the last race , despite all that, was absolutely great , the whole 20minutes :bowdown:

You bumped me from behind which pushed me towards the inside and off of the driving line, nascar style. No biggie.

Great racing today, hopefully my car wasn't overpowered:) I was trying to feather throttle on the straight, so I wouldn't be faster:)

I watched the replay and your car was way too fast, and backing off the throttle half way down the straight to minimize it isn't exactly in line with the spirit of the rule. Your max speed at full throttle on the straight shouldn't exceed 152 mph (unless you're in the draft). 👍
