The PC2 World Classic SeriesPS4 

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
Results from Texas


Thank you @IfAndOr ! It was a great race, I had a really good setup both on dry and wet conditions. Started on soft tires and put a strong pace, but the tires got smoked after 10 minutes... the change to wets came at perfect timing! Then it was just cruising and controlling fuel/tires to the finish.

I am really enjoying this endurance series, lots of heritage tracks still to go. A great experience, thank you @Hun200kmh for organizing!
Good race! I was caught by the fog+rain for the middle part of the race. At first I thought it was only fog so when I realized rain was coming hard I was a lap too late using slicks.

In any case, @GTP_RPREGO did a commanding race and I got himself a great win. He had the pace and once again he got his strategy perfectly executed. These enduros have this "other" element added and I can understand it can frustrate some, but I wanmt to keep an element of undpredictability added and this is definitely it.

Confession: at first I had the weather set to "light cloud + light rain + clear" but at the last minute reverted the middle weather slot to random again. I do like NOT knowing what is going to happen. More than I like having dry+wet+dry and knowing in advance that's what I'm going to get. And I understand that probably heavy fog isn't realistic (in real life the race would be red flagged) but, then again, no lives are risked here, are they? So let us all just deal with it :D

@half_sourly haven't heard from you in a while but if you're not on holidays, for scoring purposes what we had last night means:

1st GTP_RPREGO - 9 pts.
2nd FLAT_TWELVE - 6 pts
3rd Hun200kmh - 4 pts
4th - raeggee - 3 pts.
5th - jmpa_PREGO_f - 2pts
DNF - Djagman71 - 0 pts

Next race will the recreation of Ferrari's revenge at the Daytona 24h of 1967 (if you all saw the movie Ford vs Ferrari you know what this is).

I'm planning a long one for this, will probably be the longest before the last rounds of this series (those being Nutb 24h and Le Mans classic 24h), thinking about 100 minutes but I will hear your opinion.

And the car for us humans will be, of course, the Ferrari 330 P4. Not an easy one, but a few spins don't scare any of us I'm sure! :dopey:

About the date, lots of time to practise, we will be doing a small summer break so the race will happen on the weekend August 3rd and 4th, the precise date (3rd or 4th) will be set closer to it, trying to find the best day/hour combo to suit the racer's conveniences.

Until then, enjoy the summer! :gtpflag:
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These enduros have this "other" element added and I can understand it can frustrate some, but I wanmt to keep an element of undpredictability added and this is definitely it.

I share your opinion @Hun200kmh the uncertainty adds a lot of fun and mental challenge to it. Also, it makes it less "mechanic" as not always doing the same trajectory/strategy will yeild the same outcome.

Daytona Road Course, I like so much that track, never tested it though with the P4. But a great track and a beautiful car must certainly mingle quite well 😀

Let's test and prepare for the august race!
Thanks for the scoring @half_sourly 👍

Some of you may have noticed I edited the opening post, not only to reflect that the Texas race is now done and next up is the 1967 Daytona Road Course 24h, but also with a change to the series list of events.

I have now included two "Special" events, even had to come up with a new colour for them :D , and they are:

10. The DAYTONA 500

A few words about each of these events.

The Daytona 500 is our very own NASCAR race. It'll be run using the Daytona Oval Course and of course we won't be doing 500 miles (200 laps) but the length of that race will be no less than one hour in any case. Weather will be alwasy dry, no random slots. The car to be used will be the Ford you can find within the GTO class. There are setups available out there (loose or stable setups are crappy, some engineereing and assymetric thinking is needed). As always I will share whatever setups I have with anyone wanting them.

The WORLD RALLY is a totally different thing, and we will have to be clever and bend the game-rules to be able to make it happen and feel like a "proper" rally. It is called "WORLD RALLY" (emphasis on "World") because we will be jumping, from stage to stage between several tracks and therefore world locations (I'm thinking between 5 and 10 stages, still have to work out the time needed to do each of them). It will be a winter rally, therefore most special stages will be snowy, but not all.

If anyone has a special interest in having a particular track considered for this rally, please ask for it and I will test the feasability of using it.

When I know more about how we will do this I will inform. Cheers!
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Right, The recreation of the Daytona 1967 24H is coming up, another fantastic Ford / Ferrari battle is to be expected, and we will be doing the honours for "Il Commendattore", driving his fantastic 330 P4s!

And here's the announcement post



(in 100 minutes)

That will take place next

Saturday, August 3rd 2024

Lobby opening for all players at
6 PM (UK/PT Time)

Cars racing this time will be from the the Vintage Prototype-B Class, but available to us human entrants only the most beautiful of them all and maybe one of the most beautiful cars ever created, the fabulous

Ferrari 330 P4




  • Private Lobby - Invite only
  • Fill vacant slots with AI - Yes (16 cars on the grid regardless of how many human players)
  • Wait for race ready - On
  • Rules & Penalties - On
  • Track Limit Penalties - On
  • Allowable Time Penalty - 30
  • Drive Through Penalties - Off
  • Pit Exit Penalty - Off
  • Competitive Racing License - Off

  • Track is "Daytona Road Course"
  • Rolling Start
  • Allow Auto Start Engine -Yes
  • Force Interior view - No
  • Force Driving Line Off - No
  • Force Default Setups - No
  • Force Manual Gears - No
  • Force Realistic Driving Aids - No
  • Allow Anti Lock Brakes - Yes
  • Allow Traction Control - No
  • Allow Stability Control - No
  • Damage Type - Visual Only
  • Mechanical Failures - Yes
  • Allow Ghosted Vehicles - Yes
  • Force Manual Pit stops - Yes
  • Pit Stop Errors - No
  • Tire Wear - Accelerated
  • Fuel Depletion - On
  • Force cool down Lap - No

  • Free Practise - clear sky, night time (11:00 PM)
  • Qualifying - Overcast, daytime (11:00 AM)
  • Race - Starts at 3:00 PM, goes through a day/night/day cycle and ends at approximately the same hour. Weather will change during the race

  • It is August(in this series the date will always be "Current Date") so for this game it is a "summer" race.

  • Racers can only pick either the Ferrari 330 P4

  • Will be set to "Same Class" meaning they can choose whatever Vintage Prototype the game has on offer. There's an annoyance here, a Can Am Porsche without headlights, a stupid inclusion in this category, but I can't shake that one and make it just a Ferrari/Ford race, sorry. :indiff:
  • The field will, regardless of how many human entrants, always have 16 cars, the AI filling all available slots.
  • The AI setting, always a contentious issue, will have both the aggression and skill level set to 70. They will be slower than us, but not by much.
  • In any case don't treat them as if they arent there, because even a damage-less crash (remember damage is set to "Visual Only") remains a costly experience (in time lost if nothing else). Plus if you have a crash that leaves you without headlights during the night period that will mean either a mandatory pit visit or a huge gamble, with more crashes being very probable.
  • There are places where the AI is dangerous. The most dangerous is, by far, the approach/braking into corner 1 and also the "bus stop" chicane. If you have an AI car close behind you there, you better either let him past or learn how to block successfuly, he will either attempt an overtake or outright punt you there. Everywhere else, they aren't much of an hassle, but they tend to not give an inch of track, especially under braking, so son't do risky overtakes or last minute lunges, you'll end up facing the wall or the wrong side of the track (and you'll only have yourself to blame)

  • Pits are fully manual. This means you will still be driving your car inside the pit lane, and you must be the one parking it in your pit stall. It is best if you don't have a "pit limiter" button set because then the game will activate the limiter for you (same happens with headlights, but people usually like to have full control over them.
  • Strategy and setups - There's not much you can do (no downforce setting, only one kind of tyre) unless you are a suspension wizard. The game offers 3 default setups (stable, loose and low drag). I haven't tested this event so there's no hints I can provide. The car is difficult, so some practise is advised.
  • Also, and because my own testing for this race is close to zero, I have no idea on what to expect regarding tyre degradation. I suspect its maybe a one-stopper (for tyres) , but its even possible the tyres last the entire race. In any case you will need to stop more than once for fuel so you'll always be able to choose if you take those oportunities to change tyres also or just decide to leave them.


  • LOBBY - will be open and invites will be sent a few minutes before 6 PM(UK and PT time,7 PM in most of continental Europe).
  • PRACTISE AND QUALIFYING - You don't have to take part in either of these! Just make sure you enter the lobby well before the end of quali, or else you won't be able to enter the race.
    • Practise will last 15 minutes (night time, so you get an idea of it) track will be DRY
    • Qualifying will last 15 minutes. (day time) track will be DRY
    • RACE - This one you must enter! It will last 100 minutes but accelerated by a x20 factor, so it will simulate an aproximated 24h cycle (day/night/day).
  • WEATHER (in Race) - Mostly DRY, but with possible, sudden and brief showers. Details as follows:
    • 4 slots, first random, all others dry.
    • x10 multiplication factor (means 10 slots per hour, each lasting about 6 minutes).
    • So here's what the entire race looks like (Random slots highlighted):
      • slot #1 - RANDOM (start to 6 minutes)
      • slot #2 - LIGHT CLOUD (6 to 12 minutes)
      • slot #3 - CLEAR (12 to 18 minutes)
      • slot #4 - OVERCAST (18 to 24 minutes)
      • slot #5 - RANDOM (24 to 30 minutes)
      • slot #6 - LIGHT CLOUD (30 to 36 minutes)
      • slot #7 - CLEAR (36 to 42 minutes)
      • slot #8 - OVERCAST (42 to 48 minutes)
      • slot #9 - RANDOM (48 to to 54 minutes)
      • slot #10 - LIGHT CLOUD (54 to 60 minutes)
      • slot #11 - CLEAR (60 to 66 minutes)
      • slot #12 - OVERCAST (66 to 72 minutes)
      • slot #13 - RANDOM (72 to 78 minutes)
      • slot #14 - LIGHT CLOUD (78 to 84 minute)
      • slot #15 - CLEAR (84 to 90 minutes)
      • slot #16 - OVERCAST (90 to 96 minutes)
      • slot #17 - RANDOM (96 to race end)

See you Saturday at Daytona!
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Hello FLAT, count me in for saturday!
Regarding tires the briefing is not accurate, only TRACK tires available that work on both dry and wet.

Don't think it will be a strategy race, guess it will be more of a mental endurance challenge.
You are of course right, text has been corrected.

PS - I was testing if these long posts are actually read by anyone, you passed the test! I will be more careful next time! ;)
Good morning! Today is race day.
See you all this afternoon to recreate the Daytona marathon race !


I will be racing the #24 car
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Letting anyone possibly interested know that, after being requested to do so, I postponed race start to 22:30 tonight. No FP, a short quali and then the race
Daytona (classic) 24 hours finished! Another great victory from Duarte, with Ricardo 2nd, myself 3rd and raeggee 4th. Jmpa was also present but admiting to dislike of this particular car he bowed out immediately after race start.

We forgot to register quali times but us 4 were all within 1 second. Ricardo got pole from raeggee at the last minute with a very low 1.47, raeggee some 3 tenths adrift, my self some 3 tenths more, but still 1.47, and Duarte got a ver very low 1.48.

Couple of pics and final result



Good morning! Very competitive race last night, with all drivers with very similar pace. The AI Porsches were also super-fast, which made it all quite tricky.

Qualy was fun. In the first try I pulled reaggee the whole lap, and I clocked 1:47,7 and he did 1:47,3! Nobody got near, but I kept trying and then on the final run, I clocked a 1:47,1 with an AI pull before the chicane.

Race start, mistakes were this time very costly. In my case, 2 spins on turn 1 (lap 2 and ~6) put me 25sec back on P7. I had to crawl back to P5 behind reaggee and FLAT (with an AI P2!!!), but the gap to Duarte didn"t change! Even with the rain and fog, he knew the track by memory...

Just before the pitstop (60min time) a touch in a slow AI cost me 5 or 6 sec, I entered the pits P4 32sec back but after all stops I was P2. I opted to also change tires, and as my distance to Duarte was 33sec, I went flat out to the end!
But the gap didn't move much, except for some foggy laps. A spin in the final lap ended it all.

Congratulations to @Madbigdog for his dominant, flawless win! You rock. 😉
Congratulations to FLAT and reaggee for racing hard and not giving up, that's the spirit that keeps you alive!

See you all after the summer break! Have a nice holiday!


Picture from Daytona beach, inspiration for holiday
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And It will be a long summer break, almost into Autumn ! Cant return to racing before mid-september, so this series will pause until the weekend 14th/15th of that month.

In any case, dont rest by the car as pensive as Ayrton. Spa with the 98T is not for the faint-hearted! ;)


Soooo ... you all have a nice summer break, knowing that you'll return to this ...

Edit - And this, here in the hands of the 1988 Le Mans winner, the most honourable (and, sadly, also late) Johnny Dumfries


Beautiful car ... :drool:
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Just a heads up for anyone interested, next Sunday (Sept 22nd) we will be resuming the "world classic series" with our second classic F1 race. Lotus 98T at Spa (modern layout), as already stated above.

I haven't picked my PS4 to play anything since July but I do remember the car is tricky,with a Turbo that makes the rear wheels want to go to the front of the ... front wheels! :dopey: in any case, the main problem is that the turbo pressure destroys the engine, so beware.

Side comment: This isn't unrealistic, back in those days they would ramp up the pressure in qualifying to achieve what some reported was close to 1000 hp! Of course those engines were toasted after a few laps, and boost pressure level was seriusly downgraded to race trim (new engine, of course! Back then there was no limit on how many engines you could use up in a season).

I will try to publish the usual "Event Post" before the weekend. In any case the settings for this race will be the same we used for the first classic F1 race we already hed (Lotus 79/Fuji).

Hope to meet again some familiar faces next sunday! :gtpflag:
Ah sorry Mario, I've completely lost track of the date. Just found out the 22nd was last weekend, not this weekend like I had set in my brain! Jeez, nearly October already.

I've also realised my PS Plus has expired. Since we're not really racing on Mondays these days I'm going to let It lapse for a while to save a little cash.

How's the race go? That 98T is a handful!
Hi Paul, worry not, we had a wonderful race last Sept 22nd but since only 3 of us were present due to several constraints (Ricardo, raeggee and myself) we decided to use that one as a practise run, in full rehearsal mode, and not make it count (FWIW results were Ricardo won, myself 2nd and raeggee 3rd, due to his pitcrew once again getting it all wrong with the weather changes and tyre selection :sly: )

We had meanwhile a momentous ocasion, it so happens that one of the PT crew (@Madbigdog ) decided he already had all the gaming investment completed so now it was time to leave a bachelor life. In short, he got married last saturday and is now in some exotic (but so far peaceful) location somewhere on this troubled globe we call Earth. So the PC2 World Classic Series is waiting for his return, with everyone hoping that from now on he will be more sensible and therefore slow! :sly:

I think maybe mid-November we will resume the Series, and finish it in what will probably be everyone's fond farewell to PCars2 (although I still don't see a game to replace it in the horizon, bar Project Motor Racing ... maybe).

I will in any case publish any news, when I have news to share. And if by then you decide to join in again and resume your subscription with PS+, we'll be all the more happy for it! ;)


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