The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Thanks Pako! Our weather is pretty much like that right now too. Most of these pics were taken about 2 months ago and some even more. But whenever I get tired of the cold grey skys outside, I just look at pictures from the Spring and Summer and it helps to get me through the crap weather.

Thanks for the comments! :)

Burnout - That picture is pretty darn good to me. I don't think you need to redo it. I don't really get the title, though. Is it b/c the lamp is out or what? 👍
Nope, not because the light it out. I just didn't want the title to intrude too much, but like I said, I may redo it, looks kind of stupid. :indiff:

Thanks. 👍
i just read this whole thread and finally im home! <8- ) i am taking a photography class. do all of you guys use digital? i almost fell out of a tree getting a shot though <8- ) i want to get a scanner and maybe get a couple of my prints on here 👍
i just read this whole thread and finally im home! <8- ) i am taking a photography class. do all of you guys use digital? i almost fell out of a tree getting a shot though <8- ) i want to get a scanner and maybe get a couple of my prints on here 👍

I have a film camera, but rarely use it. I use a digital camera most of the time, but I do have a scanner.
This thread starting to die, along with all the other graphic forums.

This thread starting to die, along with all the other graphic forums.


Red X. I see nothing.

I still check this page. You people should go back and check out the 19 pics I posted. I got two comments! C'mon, it took time to take those and upload them on here. Comments are welcome, so I can get advice and improve. :)
Image fixed.

SO YOU WANT COMMENTS EH? I have a few I can provide for your images Raptor. The money shots were cool. The nissan logo would be alot better if it followed the rule of thirds. With it smack dab in the middle it seems like a regular snapshop. Nice landscapes though, the flowing water was good but I would have put on an extremely long shutter speed, rather than a semi-long one. Shots tend to look better when the water is completely blurred by it's motion, creating an amazing etheral affect. Same with the waterfall, and again, keep the rule of thirds in mind. Avoid putting the object right in the middle of the frame. All good shots, some of those landscapes are beautiful.
Really cool shot antihero. 👍

Do you have a deviantART page? If not, you should register! I think you'd become quite popular there.
Integra Type R
Really cool shot antihero. 👍

Do you have a deviantART page? If not, you should register! I think you'd become quite popular there.
Cannon Scanners are pretty slick. Cheap and they're hundereds of times better than the HP scanners. I bought one for my bro after he upgraded the equipment at his office 👍.

Anyhoo... just another week or 2 till I get my camera back from the repair shop :D

I fiddled around with the color balance in Adobe Photoshop to make it look a little more vibrant.

Looks good, architecture is always a favourite subject in my books 👍 . Photoshop is the studio of digital photography.

Was cleaning the dust off my heatsink (dropped temp 4 degrees C.) I had it under a lamp to dry (ran it under the sink to remove dust buried deep within the coils).

Looks good, architecture is always a favourite subject in my books 👍 . Photoshop is the studio of digital photography.

Was cleaning the dust off my heatsink (dropped temp 4 degrees C.) I had it under a lamp to dry (ran it under the sink to remove dust buried deep within the coils).

nice. 👍
Looks good, architecture is always a favourite subject in my books 👍 . Photoshop is the studio of digital photography.

Was cleaning the dust off my heatsink (dropped temp 4 degrees C.) I had it under a lamp to dry (ran it under the sink to remove dust buried deep within the coils).


Thanks for the feedback. Hah, yeah for once, I'm getting some use out of that damn Photoshop. :)

Thats a very awsome picture and illustrates why I like photography so much. The tiniest, most miniscule detail, that next to nobody may realize can be so great looking or see can be captured by one person, and then shared with the world. Knowing that just about everything in this world of ours can be so beautiful if given the right circumstances is amazing.


Yeah, I'm definatly tired. :)
Mmm, lavender with some good ambience and i'm in heaven. Nice pic. There's something enchanting about the value in the blue holster mixing with the beige ash.
Mmm, lavender with some good ambience and i'm in heaven. Nice pic. There's something enchanting about the value in the blue holster mixing with the beige ash.

Yeah. Lavender is my favorite. :drool:

Thanks. :) I took probably 40 pictures of this today as it was burning. I might try it again tomorrow with a different stick and lighting.

Yuck, incense! Incense is awful. I think I am getting a headache from the bad smell right now.

You're crazy! :P
Good gravy. Looking at you guys makes me realize just how much I suck. I guess i'm not an arteest, just some dude who thinks he likes to take pictures. :indiff:

Whatever. Here's some stupid pic I took of an old '67 Mustang GT model I had. Just messing around and wanted to see what I could do with it.

Looks pretty good. 👍 Honestly though, I would have liked the very front of the car to be in focus as well.

Just keep it up. You'll get better with practice. Just go to the very first post in this thread. I took those shots in July of 2004. It doesn't take too long to improve if you set yourself to it. :)
Integra Type R
Looks pretty good. 👍 Honestly though, I would have liked the very front of the car to be in focus as well.

Just keep it up. You'll get better with practice. Just go to the very first post in this thread. I took those shots in July of 2004. It doesn't take too long to improve if you set yourself to it. :)

I really have no idea how to get the whole thing in focus. I can't use manual mode or anything. I just used the automatic close-up thingy.

Thanks for the comments guys. I've been taking pictures for about two years, so I don't know if i'll get any better. I don't have time to learn manual mode, I know I could if I put my mind to it but i'm just too preoccupied with other things. Maybe when I'm an old fart with nothing else to do I'll sit down and figure it out. Until then I'll stick regular amateur photography.
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