The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Does your camera have manual mode? Which camera do you have? If it does have full manual mode I'd suggest spending atleast an afternoon when you've got nothing to do just messing with all the different settings and seeing the results. Very good way to learn. đź‘Ť
I have macro mode, it is just that your images don't always turn out the greatest if you don't use it often. Sometimes if you try to take a picture of a flower or something, the dirt or whatever was around the object will be in focus, rather than that object.
I got a Nikon 5400. It has manual mode. I've tried a little bit before to use it. I wanted one of those fuzzy water shots I call them, you know where the water looks like silk or something. I figured I needed a slow shutter speed, looked in the manual for shutter speed settings, set a low speed, also looked at aperture and exposure and tried to figure out what it was saying. I thougt I had it until I took the pics and they were a super bright blurry mess!! and the freakin' water wasn't even blurry!!! slowest damn shutter speed on the camera and it wasn't even blurry. So, I said to hell with it. Now I just use sunset mode, it gets it slightly blurry and shows good color in the right conditions.
You're referring to a long exposure shot, where the exposure time is anywhere from 1 second, to 30 seconds (and with a film slr, you can go as long as you want, theres a special mechanism which allows you to do so.


Like that ^. (pic © Goomba...check the "New Toy" thread, just a few threads below this one)

Just keep practicing and don't EVER give up again. Or I'll hunt you down and make you practice. ;)
Good gravy. Looking at you guys makes me realize just how much I suck. I guess i'm not an arteest, just some dude who thinks he likes to take pictures. :indiff:

Whatever. Here's some stupid pic I took of an old '67 Mustang GT model I had. Just messing around and wanted to see what I could do with it.

I think it's a pretty cool pic đź‘Ť . I try not to worry about how I compare to others, besides, from what i've seen you're pretty good (the above is an example). I don't really think about how I compare to other photographers. Most of the it's impossible. A photo is a reflection of a persons perspective and thought, kinda hard to compare someones brain to anothers. What can be compared are the techniques used and how well they are used. Technical things like that are learned in time, as long as you have the eye/mind to begin with. I hope that makes sense, i'm kinda :boggled:
I think it's a pretty cool pic . I try not to worry about how I compare to others, besides, from what i've seen you're pretty good (the above is an example). I don't really think about how I compare to other photographers. Most of the it's impossible. A photo is a reflection of a persons perspective and thought, kinda hard to compare someones brain to anothers. What can be compared are the techniques used and how well they are used. Technical things like that are learned in time, as long as you have the eye/mind to begin with. I hope that makes sense,

đź‘Ť Exactly.

i'm kinda

It's the CS man, it's the CS! :lol:
Integra Type R
You're referring to a long exposure shot, where the exposure time is anywhere from 1 second, to 30 seconds (and with a film slr, you can go as long as you want, theres a special mechanism which allows you to do so.


Like that ^. (pic © Goomba...check the "New Toy" thread, just a few threads below this one)

Just keep practicing and don't EVER give up again. Or I'll hunt you down and make you practice. ;)

The fuzzy water shots I'm talking about look like this.

EDIT- Well the pic won't work so here's the link. It's the first pic.

I guess you're right about the long exposure and not the long shutter speed. It's the long exposure that creates the fuzzy water. I thougt exposure had something to do with light, I don't know. Well, now I don't know what shutter speed does now so I'll have to figure that out too. I'll try again sometime soon. Thanks for all the encouragement and comments. :)
Another incense shot that I finished working on today. :)


I guess you're right about the long exposure and not the long shutter speed. It's the long exposure that creates the fuzzy water. I thougt exposure had something to do with light, I don't know. Well, now I don't know what shutter speed does now so I'll have to figure that out too. I'll try again sometime soon. Thanks for all the encouragement and comments.

Exposure does have to do with light. The longer the shutter is open, the more light is exposed to the film (or sensor in this case).
Nice pictures ITR. I see you're messing around with Photoshop a little bit more, cool! đź‘Ť
Not much is alive during winter.



But if you look closely, you can find that there are hints of green in the gray winter-world.


I'm starting to get a little better at this photography thing. At first, I was taking up to 40 or 50 pictures and only liking one. Now I'm getting at least two or three in a set of 40. Still playing around with the camera and such as well.
Thanks for the comments antihero and tabs. :)

@ Goomba...
Those pictures are pretty cool. You're getting better. And liking only 2-3 photos out of 40 is a good thing. đź‘Ť It means that you are improving and you don't like every shot just becase you took it.
The beauty of the digital camera. Don't like the picture? Chuck it. All that you're out is the minute it took to take it. My wife showed some pics I took of our son to the people she works with and one of them asked if I had taken any photography classes. The pic in question is this one. Something about it being an "interesting angle" and she "wouldn't have thought to take a picture like that," or something to that effect. Since my wife works in the ER, my reply to that comment was: "Did someone leave the meds locker open?" Apparently my wife found someone who know less about photography than I do.
Hadn't been here for a while but I have to say I was amazed by some of the pictures posted lately...
Keep it up. đź‘Ť
I got my camera back from the shop 2 days ago!!! The replaced the LCD and the lens - total repair cost came out to $400+ and 4 weeks in the shop. It's a damn good thing that the camera was still under warranty.

My Playmate

Good to see you back Emad, i've been wondering where you were lately. Nice pic đź‘Ť

A few random pics of the dfp pedals. I would have liked to have more of a depth of field, but the low light was restricting my options.


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