The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Hey guys.

Some very nice pics here.

Here are some of mine.
Been into photography for ova a year now.
I don't even have my own camera. I've been using my housemates camera, which is a Sony DSC-P73 for anyone who wants to know.
I'm still lookn for a camera for myself. Not sure which one to pick. So, I'll just be patient and pcik the right one. :)

Any comments or critiques welcomed. :)

Here are some of my favorite car photos: :cool:

Ferrari Lusso

Countach and a Pantera

I like them both, emad. 👍 I'd suggest Castles in the Sky as a daily deviation on deviantART if I knew how. :embarrassed:
thanks man :D

here's what I found on their site for the topic of daily deviations:
What is a Daily Deviation?
This is a deviation which has been selected by one of the administrators. They cannot be added by members, but members can recommend deviations for this feature by notifying one of the daily deviation administrators via the email address. when sending suggestions, make to include your deviant name, and link to the deviation you are suggesting, and a quick write-up about the deviation.

Please Note: Suggesting your own deviations will be ignored, and will certainly be passed over for a daily deviation.

Trainy Day
Towers in the Sky is pretty cool, but I love Thunderstruck. Good work as usual Emad.

Nissan Fan, that last pic is a beaut. Awesome lighting, awesome crop, it's what a car photo should be.
That's actually a cool shot. It looks like something you'd see in camera brochure 👍

I've got a camera laying around that looks a lot like that... but the battery compartment's latch is busted so it's not practical to use it much :(
Here's those shots of the old Ricoh.

What do you guys think? I had to do a little curves adjustment to brighten them just a tad but thats all I did.

a bit more light would have helped. Also try desaturating by about 25-60%. It adds a really nice effect to certain pics
The simplest shots are often the nicest. Nice work as usual, emad.

ITR, nice shots of the Ricoh, but I have to agree that it is a bit dark.
hah, "you can't handle this". Nice shot emad. Charles, the first one looks good if the top of the camera in the top right corner was aligned equally with the border.

A few from a trip visiting various univeristies, trying to figure out where to go this year.




Trying to be experiemental. I wanted to show two images cropped from one image. The 1 and 2 serve to emphasis just that (first image, second image).
Feedback would be appreciated, so give it or die . :ill:


This was done along time before in this thread, but I forget who did it so I can't give any specific credit 👎 . Either way, here's to him/her/it :cheers:

This was done along time before in this thread, but I forget who did it so I can't give any specific credit 👎 . Either way, here's to him/her/it :cheers:
That would be Nemo. Nice job on the other shots, antihero. My only comment on the "split pic" is the space between the two pics should be the same as the border, but that's your call.
really excellent shots antihero. Make that split a tad smaller and it'll be perfect 👍
I took this shot of the constellation Orion 2 weeks ago. It was dark enough out when I took it that I couldn't see the tree. I guess that's what a 30 second exposure will do.
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