The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Oh **** that, I just bought my d70 and it's already obsolute. It would be nice if Nikon offered a trade in program.

Awww hell. Everything is that way. If it makes you feel any better, theres pretty close to concrete evidence that Subaru will implement a 2.5L block into WRXs in 2006. That was a whole hell of a lot more expensive obsolute object than the D70. Also, something I just thought of, Canon brought out the Digital Rebel XT. So, theres another thing I loose out on.
Yeah, digital cameras are always a bad investment, although I don't know what the differences are between the D70 and the new one, the D70s.

And don't you mean "obsolete", by the way? :dopey:
Yeah, digital cameras are always a bad investment, although I don't know what the differences are between the D70 and the new one, the D70s.

And don't you mean "obsolete", by the way? :dopey:

Yes, Obsolete. I'm a :dunce: .

Nikon said they were releasing two new cameras, one marketed to entry level dslr, and one for the proffesional dslr market. I can guess one will be along the same lines as the new Rebel. Simply a d70 revamped. Either way it still sucks.
Picked up a new Lexar 1GB 80x Compact Flash card today. It kicks total ass! RAWs are written just as quickly as my JPEGs were, and downloads are a ton faster! I went around my neighborhood and fired off a few.






I have some more that I'm looking through, but these are the ones that stood out.
I love the first one. How did you get the camera to stay out of the reflection?

Also, is it me, or does the dog look as though it's going to jump off a cliff?
Also, is it me, or does the dog look as though it's going to jump off a cliff?
That looks like a tree to me.

I like the first one very much as well.
The dog one also looks very nice. Shame about that cliff... err, tree. :D
While it underwent heavy editing, I think this photo is a great example of why you shouldn't just go out and delete something if it doesn't look good at first.

You can check the original photo here
I love the first one. How did you get the camera to stay out of the reflection?

Also, is it me, or does the dog look as though it's going to jump off a cliff?

If you look very closely, you can see me. I took the picture with my big lense with a 200mm focal length.

I really wish the tree/cliff didn't get in the way. I think it could of been a much cooler picture.
Nice pics Goomba. I really like the one of the branches against the blue sky.

Thanks. I enjoyed that one quite a bit as well.

Gah, I wish I had some time to go through the rest of the photos, but it was a looonng day today and I'm beat. Yet, its nice to know that when I come home, I want to look/mess/take photographs. I think this is the start of a very nice and fun hobby/possible career.
I found my sister's camera just laying around.. Cameras weren't meant to do that..


So, I found the only area of green in the whole yard and took pictures. I wish there had been some not-dead flowers around the yard, though..






Hmm. I need to get back into photography. Anyone else have the same feeling as me, that when you have a crappy camera photography is not nearly as enjoyable?
Anyone else have the same feeling as me, that when you have a crappy camera photography is not nearly as enjoyable?
It takes all the fun away, although there are people who take great pictures with mediocre cameras.

Nice greens, by the way.

EDIT: I see a connection... ;)
I've been talking with a really cool photographer ( and he showed me the beauty of levels. Holy crap I never realized they could do so many cool things! Anywho, these are the most recent pictures I've taken.


wish i had a better camera but i have to make due with fixing levels and curves and things in photoshop :)

heres a couple i took recently.




Hmm. I need to get back into photography. Anyone else have the same feeling as me, that when you have a crappy camera photography is not nearly as enjoyable?

Or a broken camera. :(
^I feel that way about cameras. I don't take nearly as many pictures as when I first got my digital camera. Now, I need to get some new batteries because they only hold a charge for like 15 to 20 minutes. Also, the battery door is broken, so I have a rubber band holding it closed. It is only 1 megapixel, so everybody else's images are better. It just becomes such a hassle to take a picture that I rarely do it.
My weekend shooting frenzy yielded me these:

I took this one a few months ago. That is just too much damn snow. Made an interesting shot, though.

And finally, A bank we did the electrical work on (lighting, power, comm).

Here's a few of my cat

Both taken with Nisis DV4 camera in 3mpixel mode (it goes up to 4)
I'm looking to change it. I bought it for it's movie mode, but now we have a decent camcorder, i'd like something with macro mode and an optical zoom
Integra Type R

Curves adjusment and verticle flip.
*queue Monty Burns voice*


Awesome shot man 👍

I think we need to set a rule on the thread to limit the width of the photos posted here. It's a bit annoying running into enormous pics with the thread's text...
^Isn't there an "unnofficial" rule of 800x600 or thumbnails?

Makes it easier to view when I'm at home with dialup, too.
Thanks, Emad. 👍

I suppose it's a given, TB. I'd edit the first post but I doubt that would help any. :dunce:
I was just digging around on my computer and found this one, taken last October. It hit me pretty well, so I slapped a border on it, and thought I'd see what you all thought of it.

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