The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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took this a while ago with a friend.

we like to burn evil AOL CD's. đź‘Ť

took this a while ago with a friend.

we like to burn evil AOL CD's. đź‘Ť


I'd like to make Photo - Op known here as it was established soley by GTP members. Hopefully it'll grow to something cool..

Everyone here that would like to, go ahead an join. The sooner we can get a user database the sooner we can start activities, and crap. and stuff. :dopey:
antihero, I like the sky pictures. The three dimensional clouds remind me of the cloud in Oregon.
Here is a picture of some silverware. The image is quite odd, I am not so sure if I like it.

Make sure to throw some of those pics up on the Dump Thread in Photo-Op too. Make sure uuuuuuuuurveryone sees 'em, 'cause they're great!
I shot in film for the first time in about 4 years last sunday. I got the negs and 4x6's back today. 2 rolls worth of shots, and about half are absolutely stunning. I'll try and scan them at work tomorrow.

That shoot was enough to completely convince me to go SLR though... but I can't afford film, they don't make lenses for my camera any more (Canon's manual focus FD lenses), developing at a good photolab is VERY expensive, and going digital would destroy my computer fund (which I need if I want to do any advanced image work).

Being broke because of school sucks :grumpy:
Being broke period sucks. :grumpy:

My mom wants to put a big screened in porch on the front of the house, but she wont even think about a 300D. :grumpy:
I merged these photos of the Tetons, which I took this summer on one of our vacations, in photoshop. I know that you can see the seam in both, but still, which do you think looks better? One photo is flat, and the other was put into prespective.


I've returned to the realm of film photography!!! if only I could afford the film, the cost of developing at a good photo lab, and the cost of having it scanned in the process :(

The camera body and the lens on the left are old, my parents have had them for 20+ years. The lens on the right is "new". I bought it used on ebay for $46 canadian with shipping and it's in almost perfect condition (the telephoto part is a tad loose)

If you're wondering why I haven't had much posted lately, it's because the level of control I have with the SLR has spoiled me to the point where I'm very uncomfortable shooting using my cybershot (the viewfinder sucks and the LCD is nowhere near as crisp as what the human eye can see)
So buy a nice digital camera. :P

wanna buy for me? A Digital Rebel XT is *only* $1200 canadian :rolleyes:

Add a 1gb CF card @ $150, a tripod, a 70-200 or 70-300mm lens, and a decent wide angle and the price gets bumped up to almost $2000
I know that you can see the seam in both, but still, which do you think looks better? One photo is flat, and the other was put into prespective.
Personally, I like the perspective better.
I don't have any kind of fancy camera so it's doubtful that you'll see any pictures from me in here but I thought I'd stop by and say that I just found myself spending about 45 minutes trawling through the last few pages just to see how great some of these pictures are.

Nice work all. đź‘Ť
wanna buy for me? A Digital Rebel XT is *only* $1200 canadian :rolleyes:

Add a 1gb CF card @ $150, a tripod, a 70-200 or 70-300mm lens, and a decent wide angle and the price gets bumped up to almost $2000
I want a Drebel.

I just bought a new camera, though.. My final price ended up being $555 US for the camera and a 512MB card; a PowerShot G6.

This is my S5500/S5100 photo I took. Any good? I took it in RAW format but I don't think Imageshack accepts it so there's less detail.

By the way, my Dad owns a Fuji S3 Pro. Very professional camera and my Dad struggles to use it sometimes. He's learning though.

Meet my buddy, the fat poney.
Blimey, that pony's fat.

This is my S5500/S5100 photo I took. Any good? I took it in RAW format but I don't think Imageshack accepts it so there's less detail.

By the way, my Dad owns a Fuji S3 Pro. Very professional camera and my Dad struggles to use it sometimes. He's learning though.

Blimey, that pony's fat.

The S3 Pro isn't too bad..

That picture isn't bad for an S5100. What exactly are you asking about it? Creativity, composition, lighting, all of those, maybe just overall image quality?
The S3 Pro isn't too bad..
The only niggle my Dad's found so far is the long pause waiting for the picture to save to the memory card between each picture. Even scrolling through the pictures taken in RAW format takes a good few seconds for each picture to load up and to delete. Not a camera for multi-shooting. This might be because of 13 megapixels. :eek:

That picture isn't bad for an S5100. What exactly are you asking about it? Creativity, composition, lighting, all of those, maybe just overall image quality?
Yep everything please. I just want to know weather I've got anything right, or wrong in the picture for future pictures.
The only niggle my Dad's found so far is the long pause waiting for the picture to save to the memory card between each picture. Even scrolling through the pictures taken in RAW format takes a good few seconds for each picture to load up and to delete. Not a camera for multi-shooting. This might be because of 13 megapixels. :eek:.
Get a faster compact flash card. An 80x will drastically reduce the time it takes to read/write
Get a faster compact flash card. An 80x will drastically reduce the time it takes to read/write
He's got a 2.0GB Compact Flash Ultra III or something already which boosted performance a bit but my S5500 is still faster in some areas.
emad, are you done with the photo comps then, since you can't scan your film pictures?
Not quite yet. I'm going to try and use my brother's canon again over the weekend. if I can convince one of my friends to lend me his student card so I can sneak into the image arts building at school and use their professional Nikon negative scanners...

worst case, I'll have to resort to scanning the 4x6's as much as I'd prefer not to. I HATE the grain and noise I get from doing that.

I'd shoot digital, but it's gotten hard now. The sony is nice, but it lacks the depth of field I can get with the SLR... and the depth of colors...and the 200mm lens... and the 2000 shot battery life... bah, the list goes on.

I probably shouldn't have used the SLR for last week's photo shoot. It spoiled me too much :P
Not quite yet. I'm going to try and use my brother's canon again over the weekend. if I can convince one of my friends to lend me his student card so I can sneak into the image arts building at school and use their professional Nikon negative scanners...

worst case, I'll have to resort to scanning the 4x6's as much as I'd prefer not to. I HATE the grain and noise I get from doing that.

I'd shoot digital, but it's gotten hard now. The sony is nice, but it lacks the depth of field I can get with the SLR... and the depth of colors...and the 200mm lens... and the 2000 shot battery life... bah, the list goes on.

I probably shouldn't have used the SLR for last week's photo shoot. It spoiled me too much :P

What kinds of adjustments does the Sony allow you to do?
shutter from 30s to 1/1000 of a sec (something like 40 steps in between),
film speed of ISO 100/200/400,
white balance is pretty intelligent, and the camera is pretty good overall.

The lack of control comes with the viewfinder. The optical viewfinder is horrible and doesn't offer an accurate image. Worse still, it's very small. The LCD is crisp and clear but LCD's of this size will always lack the definition that the human eye paired up with a good optical viewfinder will offer. I have no option to manually focus my shots, and the autofocus isn't very great in bright light situations.

It's a great camera to have for really quick shots when you don't have time to prep an SLR, but it can't possibly replace the power and control over minor details that you get with SLR.
shutter from 30s to 1/1000 of a sec (something like 40 steps in between),
film speed of ISO 100/200/400,
white balance is pretty intelligent, and the camera is pretty good overall.

The lack of control comes with the viewfinder. The optical viewfinder is horrible and doesn't offer an accurate image. Worse still, it's very small. The LCD is crisp and clear but LCD's of this size will always lack the definition that the human eye paired up with a good optical viewfinder will offer. I have no option to manually focus my shots, and the autofocus isn't very great in bright light situations.

It's a great camera to have for really quick shots when you don't have time to prep an SLR, but it can't possibly replace the power and control over minor details that you get with SLR.

I completely understand.. Similar situation.

Mother has a film SLR, great camera. Film is expensive, incase anyone was wondering... Anyways, because of my lack of funding, the whole film thing didn't last too long, because of which I was forced to use a 2MP Fuji which had the extent of manual WB, that's it. Heck, the camera didn't even have focus as it was a fixed lense. Fine for snapshots, bad for everything else.

After that my sister bought a Fuji E550. While the camera is still within P&S boundries it had many more options that what I was using had, for example:
Manual focus (kinda weird how that worked, wasn't great)
Manual WB
Manual aperature
Manual Shutter
Manual ISO
Some other things, but I believe you get the picture. It's a decent P&S with some manual options. I fell in love with it.

Eventually I ended up getting her mad at me for using it for some stupid petty reason, and ever since then she has been rather risilient against letting me use it. So I was back to the 2MP.

Recently I bought my new camera, the PowerShot G6. It's one of the nicest non-DLSR digital cameras I've found. Every option I need and then some, you can see the specifications here. It'd fall under enthusiest cameras.. I absolutely love it. Name an option, it probably has it. The only thing it doesn't really have is changeable lenses.. You can get addons for longer zoom, closer focus, filters, so on so fourth, but you have to use the lense that's on there right now.

I wanted a DSLR but I wanted a nice one. I figured that I'd just get a decent camera now and get a nice one when the funds free up, at which time I'll have a camera to put in the glovebox and take with me where ever I go without worrying about destroying my DSLR.

Incase anyone is wonder, yes, I highly recommend the G6.. I got it for ~$510 US.
My friend has this very old camera and he's looking to buy some backing for it to make it a 24MP digital camera. I wish I knew the specs. But it's costly. Very costly.
My friend has this very old camera and he's looking to buy some backing for it to make it a 24MP digital camera. I wish I knew the specs. But it's costly. Very costly.

Here's a picture I took recently.. I wish the sky hadn't been so overexposed. :guilty:
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