The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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speedy_2 - Why are you adjusting levels? You should be shooting in raw, RAW > JPEG in 50 million different ways...RAW is like a negative, and opens up your flexability for post developing like nothing else in photoshop.
There's been some beautiful wattle flowering outside my house for a while now so on the suggestion of my parents I went out and took a lot of photos of favourite so far:


Directly linked to because it would probably cause problems if I posted in this thread...(no thumbnail option for photobucket as far as i know). Also quality seems to have taken a hit when I resized it from the 2560x1920 it was originally in.
speedy_2 - Why are you adjusting levels? You should be shooting in raw, RAW > JPEG in 50 million different ways...RAW is like a negative, and opens up your flexability for post developing like nothing else in photoshop.

Yes I know. But I'm in the process of switching to my desktop computer. Handling those big RAW files on my laptop is not fun. :crazy: I'll definately be shooting RAW soon. :)
I'll add these too. This little guy decided to make himself at home in my moms yard. Doesn't care who's around either. He seems tame. It's wierd. lol. The cat wasn't liking it though.

which one do you guys like better? b&w or colour?
Although the conversion to b&w is fantastic, I still prefer the colour one.
I absolutely love the first five shots of your next post. Well done! 👍

vlad: Those bike shots are cool!

By the way, guys. Help me out: do you like any of these shots? Which?

I think the first and last stick out the most. The middles are nice but the outer ones have a better visual flow and composition.
for me its 1, 3 and 5. i don't really like how the left guy is cut of in the 4th and i think the colours are very nice to the black and white, although good in itself, doesn't live up to the other three. great stuff.👍
1 is almost perfect.
2 lacks a bit of impact, and the weed/junk between the right-player's legs is distracting.
3 is excellent save for the left player's left hand.
4 might be better in b/w
5 is very good too - although would be even better were the ball closer to the left player.

Oh, and don't worry about posting images up to 800px (on their long edge) into this thread.
i don't really like how the left guy is cut of in the 4th
I actually liked that small detail... :indiff:

2 lacks a bit of impact, and the weed/junk between the right-player's legs is distracting.
Another detail that I liked. I thought it gave a nice sense of action.
#4 in b&w is a good idea. I'll give it a try.

Thank you so much for commenting, everyone. You were of great help. 👍
Some of those pictures are VERY over done. It sort of gives away the name for "photography" in my opinion. Too much work. But nice angles.
Yeah. Not sure if you added alot of glow to it or had direct sunlight. But, most of those shots are blown out. It does look nice in some of the shots. But, not all of them benifit from it. Nice bike too. :)


By the way, for anyone that's interested, you can get an EXIF plugin for Firefox here. Shows you the EXIF data for an image when you view its properties in Firefox.
I'm using the Opanda exif plugin but I don't really like it. It's really indepth but often comes up with nothing.
I'm using the Opanda exif plugin but I don't really like it. It's really indepth but often comes up with nothing.

It seems that Photoshop's "Save for Web" function dumps the EXIF data.

Loving those dawn shots. You done any PP on them save for the frame?
Have my babies. Now.

Those are very nice, antihero. 👍

Allright, but first you'll have to take me out for a dinner in which we'll talk about things and you can pretend to be interested. After dinner you can take me to watch a bad movie, during the movie our hands will touch awkwardly as we reach for the popcorn and the sexual tension will built. After that we can go back to my place for some drinks and i'll throw on my favourite Elton John ablum and yeah....

It seems that Photoshop's "Save for Web" function dumps the EXIF data.

Loving those dawn shots. You done any PP on them save for the frame?

Thanks. PP; very little. The first basically has none other than a small sharpen and a bit of contrast. The last one I kinda went wild with the contrast but oh well; I also blurred the edges of the viewfinder because I found they were too jagged and took away from the shot.

Just trying out my new lens :)

And what lens would this be? It looks sharp...
It's a macro lens but I was playing from a big distance, it really goes for in zoom and still does it verry sharp.. I'm using a Nikon D70.

here are my Harley pix :) nothing new for those who already visited my TT Gallery
a little bit too much glow on a few of them, but otherwise very nice pictures.

even back in the analogue days there wer endless possibilities on how you could work in the darkroom and that job is nowadays done in photoshop, so i don't think that this wasn't photography anymore.:)


i like your "trademark style" that is often found in your pictures (e.g. the one with the cross), how do you work on them?
i'm not interested in copying you, i'm just interested in the way you process your images. i've been experimenting a bit with the crossprocessing kind of curve editing, but yours seems to be quite different. it has a kind of very analogue feel to it, which is very nice.

a very nice ride i came across today, an old VW T2 with a wooden flatbed in marvelous condition.

i like your "trademark style" that is often found in your pictures (e.g. the one with the cross), how do you work on them?
i'm not interested in copying you, i'm just interested in the way you process your images. i've been experimenting a bit with the crossprocessing kind of curve editing, but yours seems to be quite different. it has a kind of very analogue feel to it, which is very nice.

Trademark? ****, now i'm boring... haha. I'm just a fan of minimalism and empty space which is reflected in alot of shots, I guess it's my trademark. Good to hear that about the analogue feel which is usually what I try and go for. Usually in PS I do some curves or brightness/contrast, then color balance and finish it with appropriate dodging and burning; nothing special unless it's something like that statue. I have a black and white action that I use along with a tonal action; both give me a wide range of freedom of how much or how little I want to add. PM if you want details, I don't mind sharing.

Nice VW.
allright then, thats just what i do. i just wondered if there were any secrets involved. :lol:

here are two more from today, quite contrasting in many ways actually.

a commieblock, edited

and...erm, i actually have no idea what it is. :lol:

the latter is completely unaltered, except for the frame. i prefer shooting with a little bit of underexposure lately to get the sky nicely exposed.
I've recently learned how well a polarizer works to bring down the exposure of the sky. I want one bad.
I like the first shot alot, specially with those tones.
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