The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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nice shots franz. that 280z looks pretty badass in that pic.
lthiele that last shot blew my mind man.
3 limo's.

Continental GT

DB9 Vantage

P! Impreza

D'oh, at Harrods..

Gemballa Twin Turbo Cayenne:crazy:

I'll post some more later this day..

Comments are welcome:tup:
Here is one from of my I-Pod :D

Click For Bigger Image

  • Camera Model Name: Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
  • Tv(Shutter Speed): 1/40Sec.
  • Av(Aperture Value): F5.0
  • Metering Modes: Partial metering
  • ISO Speed: 100
  • Lens: 70-300mm
  • Focal Length: 227.0 mm
  • Image size: 3888 x 2592
  • Image Quality: RAW
  • White Balance: Auto
  • AF mode: Manual (MF)
  • Color Space: AdobeRGB

Nice shots, Like that tree shot Tabs.
Porsche GT3?

The nicest car in the world, the Exige:sly:

My lord, what a beauty.. The Brera.

Sorry, just, I had to..

GT Continental, what a color!👍

Just a everydays meeting...

Comments are welcome:tup:
Here are some of the only worthwhile pics I took (out of nearly 300 :indiff: ) from the airshow. There's only so much you can do with the kit lens... I feel like such a noob posting these since I havn't posted in here in aaaages... I'm way too rusty. :(







And here's one of my friends. I like the way this one turned out.


edit - this thread has 1600 posts now :)
Nice pics. Don't get discouraged with the kit lens. I've seen people take awesome pics with it. Makes me wish I would've bought it with mine, instead of just the body.
Was messing around with different things to capture some sort of motion. The theme for a photo comp on another forum. What do you guys think?


An 8 second shutter with the 50mm F/1.8
While waving an optical mouse in front of it.
Was messing around with different things to capture some sort of motion. The theme for a photo comp on another forum. What do you guys think?


An 8 second shutter with the 50mm F/1.8
While waving an optical mouse in front of it.

Thats real good. 👍
I took a picture simalar to that a while back, although only with a simple digital camera. Didn't come out as good, but i always think Lghts + Motion + Shutter timer = good pictures.

I'll find some pictures i did, with my mates camera on a bridge overlooking a motorway. See if i can dig them out.
So I went out the other day for the first time in several months to take some photographs. It appears that you can forget how to ride a bike.. I've got to get back out there.

Anyways; forgive the angles.





Was messing around with different things to capture some sort of motion. The theme for a photo comp on another forum. What do you guys think?


You gave me some insperation!

*I know, the lens is dirty, but it's been a while since I've taken a pic, needed some insperation. I'll be sure to clean it tomorrow, especially as winter is on it's way. For now it's just my ol'digital camera, any tips would be welcome as I'm just used to catching racing cars. :lol:

Number 1, of me. I know, not the greatest model ever to breathe Oxygen..

And then number 2, also of an optical mouse,

edit: wah, total spam while i wrote this!

originally directed at speedy:

very nice, usually people make these with torches, so the light of the mouse gives it a unique touch. i also like the shapes! again unique compared to the usual circles and stuff. well done.

The overhead shot is beautiful Neocrox 👍
indeed! the rest are just snapshoots of exotics, but the perspective and the different shapes in the overhead shot are amazing!

i also love your pictures of the yellow tree and datsun, franz. great perspective and colour in those!
i'm not such a fan of nightshots where the trails start and stop so abruptly, though.

Here are some of the only worthwhile pics I took (out of nearly 300 :indiff: ) from the airshow. There's only so much you can do with the kit lens... I feel like such a noob posting these since I havn't posted in here in aaaages... I'm way too rusty. :(
oh c'mon. i think the first one is amazing actually, the composition is great!
and i'd love if you had given the third one a bit more room, there should be more space in the direction the planes are travelling than where they come from, except if you wanted to document their trail of course!
i like what you have done to the colours, that very much suits the military theme.
no 5 would have profited from a wide angle lense, but i can't afford such a thing either.
and getting a nice girl to accompany you to such a thing as an airshow beats any nerdy camer equipment, really. ;)

i'm afraid i don't have anything here at the moment that can compete at this level...i liked the contrast of colour as well as content wise in this pic, though:

Thanks for the compliments and tips vlad and speedy. The first one of the Chinook is my favorite out of everything I took. I had never tried that type of coloring before, so I figured a pale color would definately suit the military theme as you said.
Porsche GT3?

The nicest car in the world, the Exige:sly:

My lord, what a beauty.. The Brera.

Sorry, just, I had to..

GT Continental, what a color!👍

Just a everydays meeting...

Comments are welcome:tup:
Beautiful shots, thanks for the Brera, Ive never seen one, seeing as Im in America, but that's not an Exige!

EDIT it says Exige on the side... Am I missing something? Did they make an Exige before the current model? :confused:
here are my favorite pics. i got them all when i was at Universal Studios in Los Angeles 2 years ago. I have a Nikon Coolpix 4100, so theres nothing really professional about these, but hey, i think they're pretty good for what i got 👍 :D

Thanks vladimir! I was too cold to get a perfect nightshot :)
Your latest one looks really sharp, great comparison between skyscrapers and abandoned land

Integra: Nice airshow photos ... I particularly like the mature colour on them

burnout: great artistic closeups
You gave me some insperation!

*I know, the lens is dirty, but it's been a while since I've taken a pic, needed some insperation. I'll be sure to clean it tomorrow, especially as winter is on it's way. For now it's just my ol'digital camera, any tips would be welcome as I'm just used to catching racing cars. :lol:

Number 1, of me. I know, not the greatest model ever to breathe Oxygen..

And then number 2, also of an optical mouse,

I like the first picture, although its could be better. Maybe f you turned your head at a perfect angle.. but its good. :)
The second picture, i think you moved it toomuch. But still its good. :)

While we're posting "mucking around" shots, here's me with my son taken with the aid of the bathroom mirror.

Conversion to B/W was done on the RAW file using a simulated orange filter, and then adding a blue tint. Into CS2 for minor levels work, followed by resizing, framing, EXIF & copyright addition.


The observant amongst you will note that I have recently purchased a 3rd party battery grip, and that I could do with washing and cutting my hair! Also, the B/W conversion neatly hides the fact that Jonathan's blanket was pink!
GG love that shot great pic.

here are a few of mine, note that all were down at the Long end of a 70-300mm lens (all towards the 300mm end), and all hand held, no tripod.

sprite: you've got some good DOF going there. Nice shots.

Sakiale: you may know the series 1 Exige as the "Motorsports Elise". I've actually driven one: it was blinding.
Wow, haven't visited here for a while...

Just a few messing around shots when I got bored at a wedding reception.




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