Here's one of mine from last month. My three-week-old son. Really loving the razor-thin DOF you get from fast primes...
<snip img>
My bosses (husband and wife) just bought a Nikon D80 and are bringing it by either tomorrow or Sunday for me to play around with before I go on Monday to take pictures of a project we are submitting for a few lighting design awards. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I need to look at in particular (either with this camera or shooting a retail business in general)? I am used to using manual mode with my Dimage Z2, but the submitting pics for the award has me more concerned.
I'm at home now, but I'll try to get onto works network and post some pictures we've already taken with our *old* cameras.
Any thoughts would help.
Very nice photo, Giles. Was there much PP done? Also, did you try out the 50mm F/1.8 before the 1.4? My reason for asking is I have heard the 1.4 produces better bokeh in comparison. Of course, most of it can be chalked up to personal preference, but if you happen to have any thoughts or examples of your own to share, well . . . I'm using the 50mm 1.8 as my standard walk-around lens these days and am just trolling for opinions. Hell of a run-on that was . . . heh.
Thanks! Just Curves to bring out the contrast, and the +2/3 EC on camera really helped: it was consistently underexposing because of the white linen. Oh and there was some cropping too, but nothing outrageous.
I didn't go with the 50/1.8. I reviewed a lot of images from both lenses and basically went for the 1.4 because I preferred the bokeh. And it is lovely! The extra build quality plus the USM and full-time manual focus are extremely useful: you really get to use the MF, especially wide open.
I'm actually taking custody of a 50/1.8 in the next couple of months, so I'll be interested to competitively evaluate them.
My 50 is on the camera more or less all the time, since I'm largely shooting indoors at the minute.
There are lens sample shots here: 50/1.8 and 50/1.4
antihero I thought you had a WA?
sprite I like your first shot.
sprite I like your first shot.