The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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First time posting in this thread but not the first time I've visited. Some of the work here is just AMAZING.

From my pictures you can see that I do like a lomo style shot. Nothing great here but I hope you enjoy. All are my pictures, just from different parts of the world (the following are from Winnipeg, Spain, Newfoundland, Arizona and the Grand Canyon) that I've visited and some from my local area.

I like the lomo look so much that I believe I may pick up a lomo camera soon:)
Cod_Father, those are some amazing shots. The colours are stunning.
Went out to the field at my halls of residence when it was foggy recently and took a few shots. Nothing came out that well though :(

Technically they're ok, but they seem to be lacking a certain something. Oh well, was worth a try!
Really cool pics cod_father & Moglet 👍

Joined a photography club in my school today, so you might be expecting more pics from me soon :)
Nice way to pop your cherry cod_father. I'm a huge fan of the lomo style also, you've done a really good job with it. That lonesome house is an awesome shot, looking forward to seeing more of your post.
Moglet, nice as always.
Two very poor and out of focus shots, but after spending half a day trekking about with a friend these were two ok ones, the rest were rubbish. even missed a great opertunity to get some good dragonfly shots too :(

This ws about 1.5cm tall, and was on a mega steep bank at the side of an abandoned railway, tricky to get too, I just whish I had a better shot.

This was a nice mushroom.

Really happy with how this turned out :)
There's a lot to look at in that pic GJB93, and seeing you used a Canon Powershot to take it, I would say it's almost perfect. I might like to see a touch less exposure though: for me the sky and the sunlight on the bark are a little blown.

sprite: your second mushroom is excellent.

Moglet: loving the zoom shot. Another with lots to see.

Cod_Father: what kit are you shooting with? I like your shots, and I suspect you're heavily post-processing. I might also question whether you're studying photography in the same place as antihero!

Here's one of mine from last month. My three-week-old son. Really loving the razor-thin DOF you get from fast primes...

Here's one of mine from last month. My three-week-old son. Really loving the razor-thin DOF you get from fast primes...

<snip img>

Very nice photo, Giles. Was there much PP done? Also, did you try out the 50mm F/1.8 before the 1.4? My reason for asking is I have heard the 1.4 produces better bokeh in comparison. Of course, most of it can be chalked up to personal preference, but if you happen to have any thoughts or examples of your own to share, well . . . I'm using the 50mm 1.8 as my standard walk-around lens these days and am just trolling for opinions. Hell of a run-on that was . . . heh.

My bosses (husband and wife) just bought a Nikon D80 and are bringing it by either tomorrow or Sunday for me to play around with before I go on Monday to take pictures of a project we are submitting for a few lighting design awards. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I need to look at in particular (either with this camera or shooting a retail business in general)? I am used to using manual mode with my Dimage Z2, but the submitting pics for the award has me more concerned.

I'm at home now, but I'll try to get onto works network and post some pictures we've already taken with our *old* cameras.

Any thoughts would help.

so your capturing the lighting? I'd say try a few long exposure shots to get a nice effect, just make sure you pack a tripod.
Very nice photo, Giles. Was there much PP done? Also, did you try out the 50mm F/1.8 before the 1.4? My reason for asking is I have heard the 1.4 produces better bokeh in comparison. Of course, most of it can be chalked up to personal preference, but if you happen to have any thoughts or examples of your own to share, well . . . I'm using the 50mm 1.8 as my standard walk-around lens these days and am just trolling for opinions. Hell of a run-on that was . . . heh.


Thanks! Just Curves to bring out the contrast, and the +2/3 EC on camera really helped: it was consistently underexposing because of the white linen. Oh and there was some cropping too, but nothing outrageous.

I didn't go with the 50/1.8. I reviewed a lot of images from both lenses and basically went for the 1.4 because I preferred the bokeh. And it is lovely! The extra build quality plus the USM and full-time manual focus are extremely useful: you really get to use the MF, especially wide open.

I'm actually taking custody of a 50/1.8 in the next couple of months, so I'll be interested to competitively evaluate them.

My 50 is on the camera more or less all the time, since I'm largely shooting indoors at the minute.

There are lens sample shots here: 50/1.8 and 50/1.4
Thanks! Just Curves to bring out the contrast, and the +2/3 EC on camera really helped: it was consistently underexposing because of the white linen. Oh and there was some cropping too, but nothing outrageous.

I didn't go with the 50/1.8. I reviewed a lot of images from both lenses and basically went for the 1.4 because I preferred the bokeh. And it is lovely! The extra build quality plus the USM and full-time manual focus are extremely useful: you really get to use the MF, especially wide open.

I'm actually taking custody of a 50/1.8 in the next couple of months, so I'll be interested to competitively evaluate them.

My 50 is on the camera more or less all the time, since I'm largely shooting indoors at the minute.

There are lens sample shots here: 50/1.8 and 50/1.4

And thank you. :)

The more I examine those shots you linked, it seems there's a definite difference in sharpness as well as bokeh. Canon being know for producing soft images aside, the F/1.8 seems exceptionally soft in comparison to the 1.4. The bokeh of the 1.4 seems to really pop, while that of the 1.8 appears 'flat'. I guess the next step for me is to see if I can find a local store that would let me click off on used glass as I've no idea what others have done to the online images I've seen as far as post-processing goes.

Comparing this shot of my own to the others in the 1.4 thread, there certainly appears to be some difference in sharpness. Below is unedited aside from some color correction and minor cropping. 1/100sec @ F/1.8 ISO 100. To get the sharpness of that 1.4, I'd probably have to work a layer on High Pass or something and still fall short.

Quite a bit of a difference once price comes into play. Then again, maybe Santa will be nice to me this year. :rolleyes:

who wnats to donate to the 'buy antihero a 12-24' fund?

these are just a few, i've got a large thread coming to display my adventures this weekend in detroit (i'm around 30 shots to post so far :ill: ).



Amazing shots yet again. Just love them.

As for me, yes my shots were heavily post-processed. My camera is simply a Canon S60. I'd like to get something a bit better eventually and actually learn how to take good pictures.
well seeing as you guys are taking stunning shots, and ive got the goods but not delivering, I feel like a fool "All the gear & no idea" :embarrassed:

well here are some more shots of mine I took this Sunday. Went to the local woods and all I can say is "dead" I know its Autumn but boy was it empty, a frind and I saw not one bit of wildlife (I was hoping for some WL shots), but alas, not even any bird song, all the mushrooms were dying because of the frost and too damp, and the sky was overcast.

1) Heavy PP as shot was weak (v-weak :D )

2)Dont know what type of fungus this is (some sort of coral fungus?), but the shot turned out ok, but I whish I had a better macro lens, this was taken at the long end of the 300mm with macro swiched on (its on the lens), with the tripod and self timer so to steady the shot.

3)slow shutter shot, pretty cr*p TBH, but it turned out ok, 2.5 sec shot, had to crop it at the bottom as there was a rock that destracted the eye too much, and seeing as I was nearly in the water It was unavoidable. If I go next time, im going to take some wellies and stand head on to the small pretty worthless dribble :D

C&C always welcome.
antihero I thought you had a WA?

sprite I like your first shot.

i have a 15mm fisheye but i don't want it anymore. i want something a bit wider, and traditional wide angles have more of a 'dramatic' feel to them, fisheye just feels novelty.
sprite I like your first shot.

Thanks, got some Jessops own extension tubes today, &#163;75 for a set of three, 13mm 21mm and 31mm, they work great, two sample shots, in mega low light, 30sec shots, self times on a tripod.

This shot is of my Tamron 70-300mm lens.

Ball Point pen (if it was in better light im sure i could get it pin sharp)

as always click for bigger size.

C&C welcome.
I decided to try panning this P3 at dusk, but I knew a really long shutter would be needed to get the nice prop blur. These two came out pretty good I think.

1/50 sec

1/200 sec - :( should've made it like the first. Prop blur sucks.
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