The Physical Training Thread

I haven't done jack Sh** except sit on my computer chair and drive to clients houses for the past....all my life.

So I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the weakest one if I go to the UK. :)
I would suggest to you bigger guys, when you start training, do your squats. Start out light, and do lots. 9 sets of 12, trust me you will be puking. But it is the best way to gain strength throughout your entire body. Doing squats also releases a lot of testosterone into your body, so it's almost like doing steroids, minus the scary needles. Best part is you can do squats in your own home if you want.
I would suggest to you bigger guys, when you start training, do your squats. Start out light, and do lots. 9 sets of 12, trust me you will be puking. But it is the best way to gain strength throughout your entire body. Doing squats also releases a lot of testosterone into your body, so it's almost like doing steroids, minus the scary needles. Best part is you can do squats in your own home if you want.

Id like to mention deadlifts and bent over rows. Great all around exercises. 👍
220 lbs

In decent shape, strong but have put on little bit of love everywhere and have been in better shape for most of my life. Played football/baseball through high school and college. Currently doing a lot of cardio and looking to get back down around 205 which is a healthy fighting weight for me. I hate all of you skinny guys when I go to the go kart cart track. But I'll kick your ass if you ballast up. :) 👍
27 years old
200 lbs

Once round 2 is underway I will be starting a little more "cardio" orriented excercise. I currently put time on the stationary exercise bike while "Bspec Bob & Tom" are on course. Seems to be more enjoyable than just watching TV "riding."
Seems like this has come up in a few threads, so I figured it's time for a dedicated one here. It's early in the competition, but some of the top ranked drivers are already thinking about physical conditioning for Silverstone.

How about we get this started (all fields optional):
- Age (it's a repeat, but relevant)
- Height
- Weight
- Current physical condition
- What are you doing to train/physical goals?

5'7 6"
Pretty good shape - I was a cross country runner in high school, and have been an avid skier for 20 years. I'm also coming off a flag football Madden my speed would be like a 97...
I will keep up my 3-4 workouts/week, and probably introduce a little more cardio/neck (maybe start wearing my helmet around town?)/core work if I still have a chance after round 2/3.

Hope you know a 97 speed rating in Madden means you should be able to run a 4.30 in the 40. Thats extremely fast.
I would suggest to you bigger guys, when you start training, do your squats. Start out light, and do lots. 9 sets of 12, trust me you will be puking. But it is the best way to gain strength throughout your entire body. Doing squats also releases a lot of testosterone into your body, so it's almost like doing steroids, minus the scary needles. Best part is you can do squats in your own home if you want.

Squats are great..... until you get a hernia. The reality is its easy to do especially if you're in your mid 20s or older. I had one its not pleasant, and my surgeon says he sees them a lot, and squats are the culprit often (along with busted knees!).

There are much better workouts for racing, look earlier in this thread for the post I made. I'm not a trainer, most of that comes from books on motorsport fitness, and training programs I've used for triathlons that has tremendously helped me in my go-kart and race car endurance.
Hope you know a 97 speed rating in Madden means you should be able to run a 4.30 in the 40. Thats extremely fast.

More like a 4.1...pfft!

Lol - it's all relative. If you were to assign ratings to flag football players and compensate for the overall talent level of the beginner league, I would have hypothetical ratings similar to a Chad Johnson Ochocinco.

I never ran a timed 40, but I did run track and cross country in high school. I was faster than my college roommate who was timed at a 4.6 - whatever that's worth...but now we are talking glory day fish stories :sly:
hahaha, bleep test from day 4 reminds me of 8th grade! God I hated those back then.. I'm in a lot better shape now and probably would fair pretty decently. Also cool to see some triathlon in there as well. I wish all tri's were run, bike, drive!!
Wow after seeing that video I really need to shape up lol. But hey there was one pudgy bastard standing at the podium so there is hope lol.

And all day karting???? sign me up ill run the race solo if my partner gets tired
Decent but not where I should be.

Track jock through out high school, 4 years in Marine Corps Infantry, and 13 years of Taekwondo throughout my 30's and early 40's.

Haven't done much the last year or so other than kyaking, and golf. But my old instructor has opened a new school around the corner from me so I'll probably start up with the TKD again soon. Was eligible to test for my 4th dan (degree) black belt when I stopped, so it would take about a year for me to get back to that level.

But thats more for general reasons, because at mid 2500's nationally, and mid 500's regionally I don't think I'm moving on in the GT Academy. Unless I can really ring the neck of the Cape this weekend.
Ok so the average weight of the 7 people who have posted so far is 156 lbs. Like WTF?! I thought gamers were supposed to be obese and out of shape! Im 222 lbs, you guys are gonna smoke me in the go-kart race. Im gonna look like Donkey Kong out there. Maybe they'll give me some banana peels and green shells to help me keep up. =D



I was gonna say based on your "this is unfair" forum post that you should use your tv for benchpressing, or maybe curls who knows. Haha Ill be rooting for you man!
25 years old

I crossfit nowadys ( which posts a new workout each day and concentrates on very high and intensive 15-25 minute workouts. It is a great way to get you on track!
26 years old
5 11
about 170 when in shape, 180 when lifting heavily
165 currently.

I am training for my second degree black belt at the martial arts studio I also work at. Our style is a mix of TKD, BJJ, Muay Thai, western boxing and some general self defense with Escrima thrown in for good measure, and I also teach what is called "Tricking" - which is martial arts mixed with gymnastics...

(I apparently don't know how to embed a youtube video so here is the link instead.)

I'm the first guy on this video, we have dozens of others spread out over youtube, and here is my page..

which has more Black Ops vids than tricking lately because...

Right after Thanksgiving I had to have an emergency appendectomy, so I put down most of my practice on my Playseat with my G27 while trying not to rip open my stomach....

The great thing is, I wasn't able to do ANYTHING, and I still haven't trained in almost 2 months, but racing every day with my wheel has at least kept my arms strong, and probably kept me a bit thinner than if I didn't do anything haha. I credit GT5 for keeping me in shape enough to do a standing back full on non plyo floor. Woo! I am only 139 nationwide though, I can't imagine even coming close to physical test, but I think I'm well enough prepared.
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I have been focusing on cardio myself, not that I need to lose weight coming from


But I don't think I've seen either mentioned as a diet is super important, and don't forget to work out your neck if you are serious about racing... wearing a 3lb helmet @ 1g = 6lb, and on long sweeping tracks you could lose your neck muscles.. at least in a kart, maybe cars help solve that issue, but I doubt it.
im gonna just prove that fat guys can go fast too!!!!:) 5'11, 235lb. i was built a little stocky i suppose lol
With Round 3 finished, I hope those 32 guys are thinking about getting ready for the physical fitness testing that those Brits will administer at Siverstone,

Just the 5K and the obstacle course look tough besides the 4 hour endurance karting race. I know I might be stereotyping but the Euro's generally are more aerobically fit than Americans and they seemed to be having a tough time from the videos I've watched.

So, my advice would be to get as aerobically fit as possible within those hours spent shaving seconds off of the various virtual racing you'll be doing.

Real racing is a lot more about mental and physical endurance mixed in with real-world consequences ( no re-starting ) so get out there or to a gym and get yourselves race ready in a holistic sense!

Good luck, gentlemen!

Real racing is a lot more about mental and physical endurance mixed in with real-world consequences ( no re-starting ) so get out there or to a gym and get yourselves race ready in a holistic sense!

I don't make enough money to pay for a gym membership along with everything else, but I have purchased a bicycle so I can start riding as well as a few books/maps on for local hiking so I can put some serious time in there as well. Assuming the weather cooperates as my hike on Saturday was canceled due to rain. :grumpy:

Edit: and I'll be purchasing some running shoes here shortly.
Pretty much ditched all triathlon team practices last week to play GT but I'm back in full force this week. I'm definitely going to add in some more strength training into the mix as well.
There are these things called muscles, apparently. I just heard about them. Not exactly sure what they're for, but I'm told they're helpful.

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