The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
That's funny. You see a big difference between the people laying in the road protesting and the people crowding the road protesting, but you don't see a difference between a toddler that wants a toy and people who want to end police brutality.

Or was it a lollipop all those tantrum-throwing people wanted?
Sorry but I don’t understand how laying on the street being an inconvenience to people trying to get places is a protest against the police....

(hope this isn't against AUP)
I see a clear difference between peacefully protesting and laying down on the road achieving nothing while blocking traffic, especially during this health crisis
People are supposed to be staying in during this health crisis, not out on the roads. But yeah, COVID-19 has been a popular misdirect employed by those who oppose peaceful BLM protests, humorously even by those who oppose shelter-in-place advisements and orders.

Sorry but I don’t understand how laying on the street being an inconvenience to people trying to get places is a protest against the police....
Blockade tactics have been utilized in protest for and against all manner of causes--certainly since the Civil Rights Movement and likely before. They can consist of inanimate physical barriers, human bodies or a combination of the two--sometimes that last example may also utilize the lock-on tactic wherein human protesters attach themselves to inanimate objects to make both the objects and the protesters more difficult to remove.

Blockades can and do have direct impact, such as prohibiting access to a building or area such as is depicted in one of the images @jjaisli posted. Here's another example of the blockade tactic, one of the non-human sort, being utilized in Hong Kong to impede government forces' access to human protesters:


Protest blockades may also have an indirect impact. Indigenous peoples in Canada have blockaded rail lines to protest the construction of a natural gas pipeline that would run through their land. The rail lines aren't actually linked to the pipeline, but the form of protest has forced people in power to consider the issue more closely, as those protesting don't believe they have.

BLM roadway/highway blockades are an example of the latter.



Trump's tweet has been labelled "Manipulated media" by Twitter. Surely there must be enough bad journalism on CNN that he and his followers don't have to make it up? They couldn't even spell "Todler" right in their fake fakery. :lol:

[EDIT] Since the copyright holder has now squelched Don's tweet here's a video explaining the source of the controversy:

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Ruh roh, Twitter is censoring Trump again!
Judging by the comments the approved Trumpie spin this time is "No one said it was supposed to be real...". Real hand-caught-in-the-cookie-jar stuff. :lol::dopey:
Judging by the comments the approved Trumpie spin this time is "No one said it was supposed to be real...". Real hand-caught-in-the-cookie-jar stuff. :lol::dopey:
That would be the sarcasm defense, then?

Man, he's even hating on Fox News now. Like how far right do you need to be to think Fox News is "fake news"?

He just has to get the sense someone isn't lavishing him with praise and he snaps.
Man, he's even hating on Fox News now. Like how far right do you need to be to think Fox News is "fake news"?

That would be the sarcasm defense, then?

He just has to get the sense someone isn't lavishing him with praise and he snaps.

That's narcissism. Gotta keep your submissives in line now and again so they don't go looking for a healthier relationship. Think about it from Fox's perspective for a second. They get this message from the President and think... well we can't lose the MAGA viewership... it would sink us. If Trump tells his supporters to leave Fox in droves, they will. And it's all Fox has. So he gets to do this kind of "shape up" manipulation to feed a phony image of his perfection without fear of retaliation. Fox in particular is under his thumb.


TL;DR Make no mistake conservatives, Fox is a propaganda arm.
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That would be the sarcasm defense, then?
He is supposed to have been playing some kind of weird 4D chess with the MSM and when Twitter flagged the tweet they fell right into his trap... apparently. If we point out he posted a fake meme with no contextual explanation then we're just proving his point as he was trolling us all the whole damn time. Trumpism man... pass the Kool-Aid.
In a few days time he will tag Fox & Friends in some ridiculous self-slap on the back and all will be forgiven.

The man's a maggot. He can't leave office soon enough, however long it may take.
The Lenin statue is often vandalised but it stands on private property which seemingly hampers attempts by some to remove it. Are you saying there's an equivalency between privately and publicly owned statues, or are you going for some much less subtle point without research?
looks pretty public to me.
looks pretty public to me.

Just because something can be seen while on public land doesn't mean whatever you are looking at is on public land. Kind of like how I can see where you live from the road but that doesn't necessarily mean your home is on public property.

I also find it humorous (ok not really) that you obviously haven't done any research on this since if you did you may be shocked at what message the sculptor was intending.
I also find it humorous (ok not really) that you obviously haven't done any research on this since if you did you may be shocked at what message the sculptor was intending.
Thank you for adding this. It would have been enough to distinguish between public and private property for the wilfully ignorant, but I wasn't aware of the story behind the statue's conception (I wasn't even aware of the statue itself, if I'm honest) until you said something and I sought out more information.

I just love that art and artists have this power.