The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff


For several years after WTO '99 I studied the primitive anarchist movement headquartered in Eugene, Oregon. I read stacks of their literature, including the works of John Zerzan and the Unibomber Manifesto. I dwelled for a time in Eugene. F

Barbed wire added for effect
Here are some extras (without Photoshop) highlighting that yes, this is a historically significant building, where signs of the times tend to manifest;


1941 (These are Civilian Conservation Corps members):

1970 (Kent State shootings protest):


My point is - you should be more than capable of getting your point across (I presume your point to be Trump is a coward, due to the extra security around the WH compared to decades of prior demonstrations) without the need to be rather dishonest and warping reality with Photoshop. It's easy for that to get out of hand. You can clearly see the extra barriers and cordon of riot cops in the last image. That's more security than at the war demonstrations against Johnson or Nixon, more security than the ban the bomb marches of the seventies, and more than the black unity marches of the mid 90s. It speaks for itself without need for an edit.
Well that's a laugh. By now, Trump's policies that have kneecapped even legal immigration should surely illustrate the contempt he has for her; he wouldn't have her down there with him even to clutch at her copper ****.

I'm astonished Republicans haven't had her off of there already.
Meanwhile, back in the present day... Republicans have finally started attacking Trump as this Lincoln Project ad indicates. Will his supporters claim TDS or simply try to write them off as Never Trumpers?

Meanwhile, back in the present day... Republicans have finally started attacking Trump as this Lincoln Project ad indicates. Will his supporters claim TDS or simply try to write them off as Never Trumpers?

Ooh, an investigation, I like investigations.

Here's one.

Further Googling: "Superman World War 2 Propaganda"

It does include others but you get the point.






Well, heck, here are some other "brats" having "tantrums".




Damn Kids!
I see a clear difference between peacefully protesting and laying down on the road achieving nothing while blocking traffic, especially during this health crisis
I see a clear difference between peacefully protesting and laying down on the road achieving nothing while blocking traffic, especially during this health crisis

That's funny. You see a big difference between the people laying in the road protesting and the people crowding the road protesting, but you don't see a difference between a toddler that wants a toy and people who want to end police brutality.

Or was it a lollipop all those tantrum-throwing people wanted?