The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Simple points, one by one (happy to discuss in a civilized way):

· All of them said that they are committed in the fight against racial inequality.

· Kneeling is the gesture people has chosen around the world to protest against racial inequality.

· When asked to kneel (to protest against racial inequality) they said no. In front of the millions watching the race, they decided not to kneel. Thereby, they are not that committed.

· They backed a bit and made pictures and released statements in twitter, because they are afraid of loosing sponsors and endorsements.

· They don’t give a damn about racial inequality because they don’t understand it.

now, are they racist? Don't think so. They are just rich, privileged boys who never suffered racism in their life, hence they can't understand it. They don’t know how to handle it. And they are afraid of loosing sponsors.

Gosh, even Lewis Hamilton said he is still learning about racial inequality, and he's black. I don't expect privileged people who live a privileged life to understand inequality. But if you say that you support it, do support it. If you don't support is fine, just don't go full pc-******** in twitter because you are afraid of losing endorsements.

I don't support Ricky Gervais's campaigns to save dogs in china, but I don't go and tell everyone I stand against animal abuse when actually I don't support any action at all.
· All of them said that they are committed in the fight against racial inequality.

I thought they are taking stance against racism? ... and btw. where exactly is that racism, is it in the laws or in people? I want to know what "End Racism" really means :)
I thought they are taking stance against racism? ... and btw. where exactly is that racism, is it in the laws or in people? I want to know what "End Racism" really means :)
It's nice that you have an open mind and want to learn.

This professor explains the origin of the segregation and economic diferences betwen whites and blacks. In USA.

I'd like to find more works like this regarding the big social gaps in UK between white and BAME, particularly in London
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I can only speak in Birmingham, but I know that from the early 50s, the city council went out of their way to deliberately segregate groups of people based on their race, and it still continues.

Certain areas are unsafe if you don't fit into the predominate racial group - as a white male I have been threatened on numerous occasions that I will be killed after the end of my shift because I'm white in places such as Newtown and Small Heath, which are predominately black 'areas'.

I'm not saying all suburbs are like that, nor are all people, but there are areas in most large cities where this does happen, and it has been created mostly by the city council, but also because in Birmingham there is a tradition of not moving out of your local area - you might as well have left the country if it's any more than five miles from your familial home.
Is it? Is the USA the richest country in the world? Because it's actually Qatar.

The US doesn't even crack the top 10 - most of which are on the Arab Peninsula (Qatar, UAE, Kuwait) or in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Brunei, Macao).

Fact checking level, literally zero.
Myself and literally everyone with half a brain knows the US isn't the wealthiest country in the world. But neoconservative "American Exceptionalism" types are always hyping the US around like it's the best at everything. Which is what that image was referencing to.
Just imagine, that the world could be #blessed with another 4 years of this meme gem of a President. Our generation will be set for life with material.
Myself and literally everyone with half a brain knows the US isn't the wealthiest country in the world. But neoconservative "American Exceptionalism" types are always hyping the US around like it's the best at everything. Which is what that image was referencing to.
The image is misleading, though. It doesn't make it in any way clear that it's supposed to be parroting the views of a neo-con, or anyone else, it's not in quote marks, it's just presented as fact. "Myself and literally anyone with half a brain" doesn't cover it. I'm more inclined to believe that whoever made the image just didn't bother to look up if what they were saying was actually true. Which sort of casts everything else they're saying into doubt.