The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
It's almost as if they see the population as a hindrance or maybe a commodity rather than the actual body of people they are employed to serve.
I suspect they trust large parts the population not to pay enough attention to detail to work out who is the biggest bullpooper.

Boris Johnson is a massive blank.
Is it 🤬, Les?
So this exists:


What exactly was there to protest? Nobody is defending the perp like people do cops when they murder someone, he was pretty much universally condemned. There is also no need for calls of justice because he was arrested rather quickly.

If you want to see protests about it though there is certainly nothing stopping you. 👍
Delaware News Journal
When you remember Cannon Hinnant, don’t remember him for what his death brought to your social media timeline. Remember the boy with the light brown hair and beautiful smile who loved Spider-Man and Crocs. Remember how senseless his killing was.

And remember, too, that he never asked for this, to be used as a political prop, the latest victim flung into a culture war stoked by a loud social media culture that is bringing this country to its knees.
Can someone explain to me why this murdered kid keeps getting brought up as if it's an example of hypocrisy?

From what I can see, his killer was a scumbag, who was caught and charged in under a day. That doesn't exactly seem parallel with someone else being murdered by the people who are supposed to protect us, who are not only never imprisoned, but never convicted, never charged, never arrested, and are able to carry on doing (what they apparently think is) their job of protecting people.

Sure, both are heinous murders of innocents, but one is subject to entirely appropriate use of the criminal justice system, thus does not need any calls for reform on unrest at the system, and the other is apparently invulnerable to it, thus does.
Imagine as a parent, seeing people concerned with bringing your child's death to light only to realize they just want your child as a political prop & have forgotten about him already.
Can someone explain to me why this murdered kid keeps getting brought up as if it's an example of hypocrisy?
Because these people are disgusting and will use any cheap tactic in an attempt to change the narrative that black people are being disproportionately mistreated by the police and in systemic ways throughout all of society. Because they don't want black people to be equal to them. It's a deep seeded hatred that has been kindled with ignorance.
Sure, both are heinous murders of innocents, but one is subject to entirely appropriate use of the criminal justice system, thus does not need any calls for reform on unrest at the system, and the other is apparently invulnerable to it, thus does.
If he does get off, I doubt he will, I can only imagine what might transpire.
Given that private tests are available I wonder if the government can incease capacity by compelling private laboratories to test "state" samples?

I had a test done privately this morning, and have already had the results. Throat swab, nose swab, and finger prick. Negative for having it now, and negative on the antibody test, so I probably haven't had it either.

Happy to be clear, but **** me, I didn't know it was possible to stick something so far into my skull and not trigger involuntary spasms!
The reason these kids get brought up...This is JUST Chicago, children senselessly killed.
Are they being killed by people who are supposed to protect them, and are their killers getting away with their murders - being protected by the systems that are supposed to punish murderers, even to the point of retaining their jobs in protecting the public despite murdering people?

If not what is there to protest about, and to whom?
If not what is there to protest about, and to whom?

That’s 40 so far, children...In many cases it’s stray bullets.
I should think citizens in these areas would protest lack of adequate law enforcement when children innocently playing on playgrounds are catching stray bullets.
I’d protest LACK of safe streets, personally.
@Groundfish This bit in bold is one of the big differences you keep missing when trying to drum up outrage over situations that actually don’t compare.

Wth are you talking about?!

See this?


You got 40 children killed. Unsafe streets with gang shootouts sending stray bullets.
You need MORE law enforcement.
What’s a social worker gonna do in a gang shootout sing kumbaya?
You need MORE law enforcement.

How would law enforcement stop stray bullets? How does law enforcement stop most murders for that matter? They're typically called in after the crime has been committed, which very well might lead to an arrest but it's not bringing the dead person back to life.
It's obvious what must be done. We need to fund more money into the police departments, to the point they can afford to develop a system that actively predicts & prevents a murder before it happens. We'll call it PreCrime & then... wait, that story didn't end without cover-up either.
More patrols more on foot, on bikes, whatever it takes to make CHANGE.

CHANGE the playgrounds so that families can use them without getting caught in a crossfire.
Sad that you have to say it would be a CHANGE to have safe streets in an American city in 2020.
Imagine having been beaten so hard with the idiot stick that you try to counter criticism of law enforcement departments and officers not operating in the capacity expected of them by citing problems that are, at least in part, the result of law enforcement departments and officers not operating in the capacity expected of them.

This is the right, folks. Moreover, this is Trumpism...and it's not going away when he's vacated office.
Reading through this thread and many others in this sub-forum, I almost feel bad for Groundfish. Literally every post he makes gets quoted by the same group of members. It really must tiring to be constantly attacked by radical libertarian propagandists in such an echo chamber like this forum.

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