The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Uh... wait what?

I understand that you do not think you can force people to vote a particular way. But you are telling them how to vote. Specifically you're telling them to not be "VOTING FOR THE SAME CRAP THEY LEFT." What exactly do you mean when you say take into consideration the people in the neighborhood you moved into? You mean vote like those people?
Dude it's a catchy shirt I agree with.
Should we change it to "Please don't California my Georgia"? Would that make everyone happy?
I'd give you a like if you posted a "Don't Georgia my Colorado" shirt...
I'm done. Done.
Dude it's a catchy shirt I agree with.
Should we change it to "Please don't California my Georgia"? Would that make everyone happy?
I'd give you a like if you posted a "Don't Georgia my Colorado" shirt...
I'm done. Done.

If Georgians come to Colorado en masse does that mean the weather in Colorado turns to Georgia weather from Georgians Georgia-ing Colorado?
Man I just lost a response I was typing...
No. But look what happened to "America" when we came through it before, in and after the 13 colony days.

Things happen slowly...
Dude it's a catchy shirt I agree with.
Should we change it to "Please don't California my Georgia"? Would that make everyone happy?
I'd give you a like if you posted a "Don't Georgia my Colorado" shirt...
I'm done. Done.

I agree more with the shirt than I do with your characterization of its meaning. The shirt I can kinda rationalize. Your specific interpretation of it is confusing to me (at best).
I agree more with the shirt than I do with your characterization of its meaning. The shirt I can kinda rationalize. Your specific interpretation of it is confusing to me (at best).
What difference does it make what you think and I think the shirt means?
At the end of the day, we both, it seems, kinda agree.
I don't know why it is so important to question me on my thought of a shirt. I'm not about to question you why you do or don't like it.
People wear stupid shirts everyday and no one says a word usually. You get some looks, a few nice shirt and everyone goes home.
It's not like it's a swastika.
I have a shirt no bus or train operator really likes but I still get a few compliments from the MARTA employees.
It says MARTA made me late.
MARTA is Atlantas "rapid" transit system.
What difference does it make what you think and I think the shirt means?

On a discussion forum where you posted it of your own volition? I'd say it makes some difference. Otherwise, what was the point?

I don't know why it is so important to question me on my thought of a shirt.

You posted it on a forum where people engage in debate on just about anything. I'd say the much bigger mystery here is why you seem to be surprised that people are engaging with you.

I'm not about to question you why you do or don't like it.

Why not? Isn't that what we do here? Have discussions, learn other viewpoints?

People wear stupid shirts everyday and no one says a word usually.

Maybe so. But if those people then go online and tell a forum full of people about their stupid shirt? I'd imagine words get said.
On a discussion forum where you posted it of your own volition? I'd say it makes some difference. Otherwise, what was the point?

You posted it on a forum where people engage in debate on just about anything. I'd say the much bigger mystery here is why you seem to be surprised that people are engaging with you.

Why not? Isn't that what we do here? Have discussions, learn other viewpoints?

Maybe so. But if those people then go online and tell a forum full of people about their stupid shirt? I'd imagine words get said.
Please explain to me how me posting a god damn picture of a shirt I'll never own needs a life history of why I like it. Y'all know my views.
I'm not exactly new around here. We've gone through this **** god knows how many times.
Please explain to me how me posting a god damn picture of a shirt I'll never own needs a life history of why I like it.

I don't understand why you're focusing on the shirt. Nobody else is. Nobody has asked you about the shirt. They've asked you about the accompanying comments you made. Specifically:

I'm not telling people how to vote. It's more of take into consideration the people in the neighborhood you just moved into.

If you're not telling them to vote, then what are you telling them to do? How else should one take their neighbors into consideration if not by voting like them?

It's a simple question, and it carries no accusation with it. I have no idea why you're getting so defensive. Honestly, it seems like just about the most reasonable question you might expect to encounter when posting what you did.
I don't understand why you're focusing on the shirt.
Cause when I originally mentioned it. I opened an unnecessary web of posts obvs... I made my original post as a joke, I later shared the picture as a joke and here we are.

Do you want me to come GA wherever you live?

Why can't people just take a joke even though there is truth behind it?
Y'all don't need me to explain that shirt. It explains itself. Y'all are some damn smart people I've met but at times it seems common sense and comprehension of a simple joke stumps y'all.

Seriously! You can vote how you want, you can move where you want and I can complain about whatever I want.

I've gave examples. So did others. We don't agree and I'm moving on.

Edit: I'll wait for y'all to start questioning the post above. If you do...
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Please explain to me how me posting a god damn picture of a shirt I'll never own needs a life history of why I like it.

I was asking you about your post, not a shirt. I don't need a life story, just wanted to understand how I missed your point.
I was asking you about your post, not a shirt. I don't need a life story, just wanted to understand how I missed your point.
If everything I said didn't get my point across I don't know what else to say man.
If everything I said didn't get my point across I don't know what else to say man.

You could start by answering the question that you left out of your quoting of my post:

If you're not telling them to vote, then what are you telling them to do? How else should one take their neighbors into consideration if not by voting like them?

It's a very simple question.

Y'all don't need me to explain that shirt. It explains itself.

Yes, the shirt absolutely explains itself; it says "don't come here and vote liberal/Democrat." I'm confident in saying that is how almost anybody would read the shirt.

However, after posting the shirt, you then said you did not intend to say that people should vote a certain way. You seem to disagree with the shirt's main message. See the confusion?
If you could just point me to where that answer was, that'd be great.
3rd paragraph.
Explain what man? I've posted my thoughts on it. Go back and read it. This is the part I don't like about debating y'all here sometimes.
I get asked to explain why by someone, I explain, I get asked the same question by a different user, I explain. I then post something else on the same subject and it ends up with me having to explain EVERYTHING AGAIN! I have better things to do with my life!
I already know you're not going to agree cause all you want to do is ask me the same question over and over again like you expect a different answer(they have a word for that).

Last time, I don't have the right to tell anyone how to vote. I don't have the have the right to tell anyone where to move. On the flip side I do have the right to complain about someone MOVING HERE, COMPLAINING, AND VOTING FOR THE SAME CRAP THEY LEFT.
I'm not yelling, just saying it loudly for the people in the back row.

Now to address BloodEagles post...
That's a huge problem in a state that hasn't seen major price increases in a decade much less a minimum wage increase in almost 2 decades.
Say what you want about GA but you can get a house that would probably be over a million in CA or NY for 3-400K here.
Now you come in and buy something, increase the property values and then your neighbor who had been living there for 40+ years has to move cause they can't afford the property tax cause they are on a fixed income.
Good job, you just took a retired persons home they worked their entire life for and given it to the government all cause you didn't like where YOU came from and you don't like where YOU decided to move.

It's not all about voting. It's about coming into a state and turning everything upside down, slowly but surely cause you don't like it.
If you don't like it here go back to the state you came from and fix it. Leave us alone!

It's like the whole gentrification is good argument. It's not. All it does is move the problem to another area of town. They say we'll build affordable housing, they do for some. When I stayed in the hood and I've talked about it here. We stayed in some low rent apartment. We were paying $650 for a 2100sqft 3b/2ba. We were told we could return at a similar rate. Nope, they turned it into condos starting in the low 200s. Would've been $1400 a month lease. How the hell am I supposed to pay that? My pay didn't increase.
If you're fortunate enough to get government assistance all you're doing is putting an ever growing strain on an already flawed system which ends up cost the tax payers more which also means less money in their pockets cause their pay at work didn't increase.

It's fine and dandy till you get that letter on your door... They sell it like you're gonna be living in a utopia, you can't afford after they said they would. You end up in a trailer in the mountains broke cause your baby mama left cause she said "you failed" to me.

Screw the whole system man!

I'm done, don't expect a response soon. I've taken the subject in to many directions, pissed myself off thinking about the past and pretty much done with the subject as a whole.

/r sorry for the wall of text rant

Edit: And funny enough they haven't even sold 10 condos. Good job upending 100s of people's lives so you could sell 10 condos. I wonder if the 2 apartment complexes that are still there have something to do with it...
2nd half of first paragraph.
I might be wrong but you are giving examples of how voting how you voted where you moved from affects the people in the area you moved to. I'm not telling people how to vote. It's more of take into consideration the people in the neighborhood you just moved into.
You hit the nail on the head in your 4th paragraph. I just gave a perfect example of the elderly couple losing the house they spent their entire life working for. All cause property values increased and in turn property taxes increased and guess what? Not a vote was cast.

I can see how it looks like I'm telling someone what to do but IMO I'm just voicing my opinion. At the end of the day I can't control how someone votes, or the out come.
I can be that grumpy millennial sitting on my porch beer in hand yelling at my neighbor to get off my lawn! You ruined the neighborhood!

We can agree to disagree or you can think I'm a hypocrite. I honestly don't know what you think. I'll still be sitting on my porch like the grumpy old man.
3rd paragraph.

2nd half of first paragraph.

Besides what Danoff said, there's also the thing where property values are going to go up in any fast-growing area, no matter where people are coming from. So that has nothing to do with California, or even leftist places in general. A bunch of Louisiana folks moving there would have the same effect.

So, I guess thanks for the answer, but this whole things continues to not make much sense.
Those paragraphs do not refer to voting for the same crap they left. You can see why that's confusing.
I gave a good example when we were debating this. My friend that moved from NY to here, remember? I'm sorry but I'm not about to go that far back to find it.

I never told him how to vote. I just observed he did everything I'm complaining about.
So, I guess thanks for the answer, but this whole things continues to not make much sense.
It really doesn't. While I agree with the shirt.
I posted it for lolz. That's what this thread is about, ain't it?
Y'all want to pick my brain for some stupid reason about a stupid shirt.
Here! Don't Texas my Georgia. Don't New York my California. Don't China my America.
Y'all happy now? The basis of the shirt can be made to everyone's liking.
Y'all over think crap way too much and this is how it turns out.
Do I need to post 1250 versions of the shirt to make everyone happy?
God people...
Oh and just cause I voted for Trump and Kemp doesn't mean I voted Republican down the entire ballot.
How exactly I vote and you voted is no ones business.

I do have a right to complain and make jokes. Y'all do it daily about Trump. So give it a rest.
I gave a good example when we were debating this. My friend that moved from NY to here, remember? I'm sorry but I'm not about to go that far back to find it.

I never told him how to vote. I just observed he did everything I'm complaining about.

I accept all your answers it's just my opinion that the CA/NY people ruining the state thing isn't well thought out most of the time and based on some opinion that spreads around very quickly although there is at least some truth to it. FWIW my uncle moved from CA to Georgia 24 years ago to Dublin. In near a quarter of a century, his home hasn't appreciated in value any more than 15-20K. But the word on the streets is that the Californians are taking over and home values/property taxes are skyrocketing. Looking at a breakdown of his property taxes, it looks like they peaked in 2015 to $1350 and as of 2019 they are $1230 and have remained that amount for the past 3 or 4 years. I could see big city property values and taxes skyrocketing as seems to be truth everywhere. But I don't think one could place the blame on out of state people solely. But it's accepted. I just think there is a lot more to it.
I gave a good example when we were debating this. My friend that moved from NY to here, remember? I'm sorry but I'm not about to go that far back to find it.

I never told him how to vote. I just observed he did everything I'm complaining about.

You're talking about this:

You pretty much hit it on the head.
Had a friend move down from NY due to CoL and taxes, first thing he did was complainn about the traffic and roads I told him about a nice suburb. He moved there for a while and then moved back, guess why. CoL and taxes...
He also wanted to vote for Stacy Abrams...guess what she wanted to do and even campaigned on it? Raise taxes, the same thing he wanted to get away from.
Some people are that stupid IMO...

As I explained at the time, this is not super clear. You lumped cost of living in there, and then it's not clear what he voted for, or whether there was some more important issue that caused him to vote for Stacy Abrams. You're making assumptions in your friend's case that I'm having trouble seeing are warranted. And even still, it's a single anecdote which is causing you to complain about a phenomenon that I honestly think is basically made up.

Here's my response at the time:

I could not follow this. Your friend moved back to NY because of taxes? How is that possible given that your friend moved away because of taxes? Did the relative tax rate change so much between the two states that suddenly NY had lower taxes now?

And you're certain that taxes were the motivation? And you're certain that your friend was voting to raise taxes specifically on their particular demographic?

I think you're still projecting here.
Explain what man? I've posted my thoughts on it. Go back and read it. This is the part I don't like about debating y'all here sometimes.
I get asked to explain why by someone, I explain, I get asked the same question by a different user, I explain. I then post something else on the same subject and it ends up with me having to explain EVERYTHING AGAIN! I have better things to do with my life!
I already know you're not going to agree cause all you want to do is ask me the same question over and over again like you expect a different answer(they have a word for that).

Last time, I don't have the right to tell anyone how to vote. I don't have the have the right to tell anyone where to move. On the flip side I do have the right to complain about someone MOVING HERE, COMPLAINING, AND VOTING FOR THE SAME CRAP THEY LEFT.
I'm not yelling, just saying it loudly for the people in the back row.

Now to address BloodEagles post...
That's a huge problem in a state that hasn't seen major price increases in a decade much less a minimum wage increase in almost 2 decades.
Say what you want about GA but you can get a house that would probably be over a million in CA or NY for 3-400K here.
Now you come in and buy something, increase the property values and then your neighbor who had been living there for 40+ years has to move cause they can't afford the property tax cause they are on a fixed income.
Good job, you just took a retired persons home they worked their entire life for and given it to the government all cause you didn't like where YOU came from and you don't like where YOU decided to move.

It's not all about voting. It's about coming into a state and turning everything upside down, slowly but surely cause you don't like it.
If you don't like it here go back to the state you came from and fix it. Leave us alone!

It's like the whole gentrification is good argument. It's not. All it does is move the problem to another area of town. They say we'll build affordable housing, they do for some. When I stayed in the hood and I've talked about it here. We stayed in some low rent apartment. We were paying $650 for a 2100sqft 3b/2ba. We were told we could return at a similar rate. Nope, they turned it into condos starting in the low 200s. Would've been $1400 a month lease. How the hell am I supposed to pay that? My pay didn't increase.
If you're fortunate enough to get government assistance all you're doing is putting an ever growing strain on an already flawed system which ends up cost the tax payers more which also means less money in their pockets cause their pay at work didn't increase.

It's fine and dandy till you get that letter on your door... They sell it like you're gonna be living in a utopia, you can't afford after they said they would. You end up in a trailer in the mountains broke cause your baby mama left cause she said "you failed" to me.

Screw the whole system man!

I'm done, don't expect a response soon. I've taken the subject in to many directions, pissed myself off thinking about the past and pretty much done with the subject as a whole.

/r sorry for the wall of text rant

Edit: And funny enough they haven't even sold 10 condos. Good job upending 100s of people's lives so you could sell 10 condos. I wonder if the 2 apartment complexes that are still there have something to do with it...

I think your angst towards CA is misplaced. Economic growth is the driver of basically everything you are talking about and it is disruptive whoever is in charge. Trust me in that I share your frustration. The market here seems just about tapped out but I'm not in the gravy-train tech industry so it's not exactly a cakewalk to get by even with a professional degree. These problems are just going to get worse as massive tech companies consolidate their respective industries and squeeze out more and more people. As a thought experiment, just imagine if Jeff Bezos was able to consolidate online shopping entirely while simultaneously automating his entire company. That's a $500bn segment of the economy and if what I described were true (lets stay abstract here) all of the profit would go to a single person. That's what tech has done - consolidate larger shares of the market into fewer and fewer hands. And it will continue to get worse - what you ascribe to CA is coming to the rest of the USA whether Californians do or not. I feel like you would like what Andrew Yang has to say if you gave him a chance and didn't write him off as some urbanite liberal commie. We're kind of at an inflection point right now as a country and it seems prudent to choose the fork that prioritizes IDEAS. In the very least I think all of us need to stop being so confrontational.