The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff

It seems so strange to me that Pompeo and the Trump administration would seek to indict Assange when the Obama administration didn't, particularly when Assange helped Trump's election campaign with leaks carefully timed to coincide with controversy. Then there's Comrade Rohrabacher attempting to broker presidential pardon of Assange in exchange for evidence that Russia didn't engage in election meddling in 2016, but that's likely done less for Trump's benefit than for Putin's, and he was sure to be rewarded a sweet dacha had the scheme been successful.

Good for him, demonstrating more knowledge of the rights afforded to him by the United States Constitution than the current US president, and at such a young age. Seems the education he's receiving is doing a fair job in that regard. However, his parents should make sure he's better aware that the right to free expression afforded to him doesn't mean there aren't consequences of that free expression, such as burning the house down when not respecting the dangers of playing with fire.

In general, I approve. Burning the flag isn't something I'd personally choose, but honoring the flag by burning it and exercising the right to do so that it represents is absolutely patriotic. I suppose that's not the message that Trumpkin Antonio Branco was trying to convey, but then he's demonstrated he's not particularly bright.

Still, though...two posts in as many hours without contributions from others between them might give people the impression that you've been triggered by recent events and that you need to vent frustration.
I suppose that's not the message that Trumpkin Antonio Branco was trying to convey, but then he's demonstrated he's not particularly bright.
As @Lain and others have pointed out, he doesn't seem to be an education fan.

As for wrestlers like Dwayne Johnson being dumb for not supporting Trump I invite people to watch this short 3'12" video and compare the crassness of Jaxson Ryker's comments with the eloquence of his sister's and of those of other wrestlers who oppose his views.

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I think a lot of questions come into play though, such as the cost of living in Denmark vs. the US as a whole? How is business for McDonald's there vs. here? Does McDonald's franchise out their stores in Denmark like they do in the US, allowing the owners a bit of leeway in how they operate their stores? Does the way Denmark's govt. support its population vs. US's massively larger population have an influence on those wages there?
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They are one of the highest income taxed countries in the world (base rate of 45% i believe) but wages are generally high anyway and people are mostly happy to pay those taxes because their welfare system is good. As a financial model it may not extrapolate up to countries with higher populations.
I think a lot of questions come into play though, such as the cost of living in Denmark vs. the US as a whole? How is business for McDonald's there vs. here? Does McDonald's franchise out their stores in Denmark like they do in the US, allowing the owners a bit of leeway in how they operate their stores? Does the way Denmark's govt. support its population vs. US's massively larger population have an influence on those wages there?
My first question is "Net or gross?"
"Danes earn about the same after-tax income as Americans, even though they work on average 22 percent fewer hours; on the other hand, money doesn’t go as far in Denmark because prices average 18 percent higher,

"Danes pay an extra 19 cents of every dollar in taxes, compared with Americans, but for that they get free health care, free education from kindergarten through college, subsidized high-quality preschool, a very strong social safety net and very low levels of poverty, homelessness, crime and inequality. On average, Danes live two years longer than Americans,

"Americans might suspect that the Danish safety net encourages laziness. But 79 percent of Danes ages 16 to 64 are in the labor force, five percentage points higher than in the United States."
As @Lain and others have pointed out, he doesn't seem to be an education fan.

As for wrestlers like Dwayne Johnson being dumb for not supporting Trump I invite people to watch this short 3'12" video and compare the crassness of Jaxson Ryker's comments with the eloquence of his sister's and of those of other wrestlers who oppose his views.

I think Dwayne Johnson is so loved that it only hurts trump to circulate that image.
Not to be pedantic but that reads as "Do iot ask shhege moieyu somes fyaom. Tnat shotsld be a ggeat sname, somgade."

Ду нот аск вег мэни кумс фром. Зат вуд би э мистейк, комрад.

I also know cyrillic letters (just about) but the whole point of the joke is that you're superficially writing in English, not actually writing in English in cyrillic script.
I also know cyrillic letters (just about) but the whole point of the joke is that you're superficially writing in English, not actually writing in English in cyrillic script.
Sounds like it's the font equivalent of the "Hitler gets mad" and "laughing Mexican guy" memes.
Ду нот аск вег мэни кумс фром. Зат вуд би э мистейк, комрад.

I also know cyrillic letters (just about) but the whole point of the joke is that you're superficially writing in English, not actually writing in English in cyrillic script.

И но, и ваз биынг а смарт-арс

Or at least that's about as close as I can get phonetically. @Rage Racer what's the closest Russian sound to "I/eye" and "in"?

How could Russia give Trump money if Obama said sanctions left the Russian economy "in tatters"? Hmm...

И но, и ваз биынг а смарт-арс

Or at least that's about as close as I can get phonetically. @Rage Racer what's the closest Russian sound to "I/eye" and "in"?
"Ай". Russian "и" is never read like this.
And I'd trancript "being" as "биин". English "ng" isn't something that Russian has a direct equivalent of.
And so on. "Was" isn't "ваз" (more like "уоз" to me).
