The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
The main problem is that the debt seems to be going up. A reasonable person might infer that debt should go down during a Trump presidency. But nope it's all lies and hot air.
Well the stupid stimulus the democrats wanted definitely didn't help. Imagine the deficit if they passed the round 2 of stimulus they wanted. It seemed like it literally doubled our debt under Trump with one signature.

I recall saying everyone was gonna bring up the debt come election time.

Not defending him just wanted to brag about my prediction being correct.

Carry on Gentlemen...
Well the stupid stimulus the democrats wanted definitely didn't help. Imagine the deficit if they passed the round 2 of stimulus they wanted. It seemed like it literally doubled our debt under Trump with one signature.
I see we're going to conveniently leave out the part where a pandemic hit & crippled the economy resulting in that stimulus to help Americans.
I see we're going to conveniently leave out the part where a pandemic hit & crippled the economy resulting in that stimulus to help Americans.
Anyone who's been paying the slightest of attention would know.
It wasn't needed and was a complete waste of our tax dollars. I make what they gave out in 1 check. I took off the stupid 2 weeks and had gotten another pay check before they sent the first check. Regardless $1200 doesn't go far in America. Also the people getting a $600 unemployment "bonus" per month. Screw them I deserved that, I had to do twice the work than usual while people who never made that much in their life were getting more than me per week and don't get me started on all the multi million dollar scams people were doing.
The whole thing was stupid and a waste of taxpayer money, something that the government does very well.
It didn't slow down a damn thing as far as corona is concerned. It's going to keep on chugging along.
Anyone who's been paying the slightest of attention would know.
It wasn't needed and was a complete waste of our tax dollars. I make what they gave out in 1 check. I took off the stupid 2 weeks and had gotten another pay check before they sent the first check. Regardless $1200 doesn't go far in America. Also the people getting a $600 unemployment "bonus" per month. Screw them I deserved that, I had to do twice the work than usual while people who never made that much in their life were getting more than me per week and don't get me started on all the multi million dollar scams people were doing.
The whole thing was stupid and a waste of taxpayer money, something that the government does very well.
It didn't slow down a damn thing as far as corona is concerned. It's going to keep on chugging along.
Let me, as a person still unemployed searching for work share something. At the end of that program, you still have a job. You're still making money. I don't & I'm not. I'm relying on my savings & UE benefits to keep myself going b/c I somehow accomplished what Republicans believe everyone has: a slew of money stashed for emergency.

So you can graciously go **** off with that, "Woe is me, for a brief time people were making more money than me". Typical Republican ******** ideology, "Screw thinking about others, only my life matters".
Sorry to hear you are still unemployed. At least you qualify for benefits. I wasn't making a penny. Just curious, what's your normal job? I understand if you don't want to answer or already answered. I don't remember?
Sorry to hear you are still unemployed. At least you qualify for benefits. I wasn't making a penny. Just curious, what's your normal job? I understand if you don't want to answer or already answered. I don't remember?
I used to work for a dealership. Was told I could possibly return when things picked back up. Then they sold the company to another who gutted it some more. Now I'm like millions of others; trying to do the same thing I was doing before, but without accepting considerably less money.
Did someone hack into her Twitter account? If so I don't understand why that person is asking the Dems when they're not in power.
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I want Kanye West to be at the debates, they'd be worth watching just to see if he pulls a "I'm real happy for you and imma let you finish" moment.
So long as he doesn't finish it with "but Trump is the greatest president of all time... of all time" or I think I'd lose my lunch.
It’s not that I dislike Trump/Biden, I just don’t like that the debates are pretty much 1v1. They’d be worth watching if there were more than two candidates on stage because I think it’s best for people to be exposed to many viewpoints, so that they don’t feel like they’re stuck with two choices.
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Anyone who's been paying the slightest of attention would know.

Here's what anybody who has been paying attention would also know:

Total spent on relief payments to US citizens: $784 billion
Total debt increase during Trump's first term: $4.832 trillion
Current US debt: roughly $26 trillion (sources vary between 26.2 and 26.8)

So, despite what it seems like, this...

It seemed like it literally doubled our debt under Trump with one signature.

...isn't true.

Payments sent to US citizens actually represents 16% of the total debt accrued during Trump's term, and 3% of the total debt overall. That's a lot of money, to be sure. But it nowhere near doubled the debt under Trump, literally or figuratively.

Now, if you meant the entire total spent on all COVID-related measures, then sure, we get pretty close to it being half of Trump's debt. However, the $1 trillion or so that went to businesses is most certainly not a "stupid Democrat" thing. Much of the corporate aid that was given out was demanded by Republican lawmakers, and much of it ended up in the pockets of huge companies that probably didn't need it. Or, ya know, Republican politics as usual. And the other odd trillion that was spent in the first round of relief was on things like testing, boosting CDC funding, and hospitals, clinics, and local governments who needed help managing this extremely unusual situation; spending that pretty much any Congress would have had to approve, "stupid Democrats" or not.
It’s not that I dislike Trump/Biden, I just don’t like that the debates are pretty much 1v1. They’d be worth watching if there were more than two candidates on stage because I think it’s best for people to be exposed to many viewpoints, so that they don’t feel that they’re stuck with two choices.

The powers in charge are afraid that both of their muppets will look like absolute morons when challenged by someone with a normally functioning brain.
Then why is everyone in such a big tiz about it? That was my whole point. I predicted this was gonna happen.

The only people "in a big tiz" about it are Republican politicians who know their base are easily scared by words like "deficit" and "debt" yet also too apathetic and ignorant to know that Republicans are traditionally no better, and often worse, about generating both than Democrats are. It's an election year, so they're ratcheting up the same tactics they use every time. Good job predicting the predictable, I guess.
Well the stupid stimulus the democrats wanted definitely didn't help. Imagine the deficit if they passed the round 2 of stimulus they wanted. It seemed like it literally doubled our debt under Trump with one signature.

I recall saying everyone was gonna bring up the debt come election time.

Not defending him just wanted to brag about my prediction being correct.

Carry on Gentlemen...

When debt is going up in a good economy, it can only get worse when the economy flops.