The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
I bet that guy used to be a pickup artist before moving onto general right-wing grifting.
There's definitely some incel energy coming off that tweet.
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I bet that guy used to be a pickup artist before moving onto general right-wing grifting.
Unless there's another Matt Walsh figuring prominently in the alt-right propaganda machine, this is the same ****er who weaponized Cannon Hinnant's name and slaying.


These Fox screenshots are starting to make what remains of my brain dribble out of my ears.

The fact that this Faulkner lady is even entertaining the notion that the order to cancel the Seuss books came from inside the White House speaks volumes to me about what her ilk wishes Republican government officials would do to publishers she doesn't like should they gain power.
These Fox screenshots are starting to make what remains of my brain dribble out of my ears.

The fact that this Faulkner lady is even entertaining the notion that the order to cancel the Seuss books came from inside the White House speaks volumes to me about what her ilk wishes Republican government officials would do to publishers she doesn't like should they gain power.

Deep cancel culture would suggest pulling "Green Eggs and Ham" based on "If I Ran the Zoo". Of all the things to talk about right now, whether or not to publish "If I Ran the Zoo" from the Dr. Seuss catalog, is not even in the top 5 maybe it's number 6... maybe... number 6 million! I've never read any of those books. Cat in the Hat? Yes. Cat in the Hat 2 - Cattier and Hattier? Yes. Green Egg and Ham? Yes. 1 fish 2 fish? Yes. Horton, the green pants thing, sneetches, oh the places you'll go? Yes yes yes.

As far as I know, none of those popular books are being talked about right now. The publisher is nixing publication of much lesser-known books because... gasp... the market!

This is looking like tan-suit-gate.
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As far as I know, none of those popular books are being talked about right now. The publisher is nixing publication of much lesser-known books because... gasp... the market!

This is looking like tan-suit-gate.
I think Cat In The Hat has also received criticism which might prompt cynics to say that while it continues to be a top seller it's safe from censure. At least that'd be a more intelligent line of criticism than "BiDeN dId iT!!!1!!".
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I think Cat In The Hat has also received criticism which might prompt cynics to say that while it continues to be a top seller it's safe from censure. At least that'd be a more intelligent criticism than "BiDeN dId iT!!!1!!".

I think you're dead-on that the simpletons at fox news would not understand the difference between Biden ordering all Dr. Seuss books banned from purchase or publication in the US, and the publisher deciding not to print certain books from the catalog. Pretty much the same right?
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I think you're dead on that the simpletons at fox news would not understand the difference between Biden ordering all Dr. Seuss books banned from purchase or publication in the US, and the publisher deciding not to print certain books from the catalog. Pretty much the same right?
I'd rather say "the simpletons who believe what they see on Fox News" rather than the lying liars who fabricate their "entertainment" content. Those Faux hoaxers know exactly what they're doing.

I'd suspect them of insulting their viewers' intelligence and ability to think critically... if I thought they were in possession of either.

Damn, I missed one when my kids were growing up.
I was veering towards "Cat 2: Scholastic Boogaloo" myself...
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@Liquid The reference to a female anatomical feature is considered a swear according to the GTP swear filter, hence the edit
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Not quite on topic, but here's a 'political video' featuring the UK's 2nd in command (the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak)

File under 'Oh dear Christ, just stop talking!' and/or 'Dig up, stupid!'

It is from Viz but actually from 2004.
I suppose it's always been pretty dark. I would post the SWANT strip but there's some uncomfortable ethnic stereotyping there that I'd feel uncomfortable putting my name next to.
Not quite on topic, but here's a 'political video' featuring the UK's 2nd in command (the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak)

File under 'Oh dear Christ, just stop talking!' and/or 'Dig up, stupid!'

Imaginary fight: put him up against Starmer in the next election...
I suppose it's always been pretty dark. I would post the SWANT strip but there's some uncomfortable ethnic stereotyping there that I'd feel uncomfortable putting my name next to.

Viz is better than people give it credit for. There's some actually good, sharp stuff in there amongst the toilet humour.
These Fox screenshots are starting to make what remains of my brain dribble out of my ears.

The fact that this Faulkner lady is even entertaining the notion that the order to cancel the Seuss books came from inside the White House speaks volumes to me about what her ilk wishes Republican government officials would do to publishers she doesn't like should they gain power.
I'm not completely up to speed, but from what I've read, isn't the issue more with characters depicted in the books than the stories themselves & some of the characters have been changed to be slightly less offensive? Or are the stories themselves the issue?
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