"In July 2018, the Prime Minister announced a
new five-year funding deal that would see NHS funding rise by £33.9 billion in cash terms (ie, not adjusted for inflation) by 2023/24 compared to 2018/19, a rate of increase that is closer to, but still lower than, the long-term average." (
Works out to about £650 million more per week.
"Over the last year (April 2019 to April 2020) the number of nurses has gone up by 13,502: from 282,506 to 296,008.
Over the last year (April 2019 to April 2020) the number of doctors has gone up by 7,890: from 112,304 to 120,194." (
Roughly on track towards the goal of 50,000 more nurses by the end of this parliament.
So the narrative that more money isn't being spent on the NHS - and on nurses - is nonsense.
Of course one could argue that it should be more, I wouldn't disagree, but then that's saying that close to
double the side-of-a-frikkin-bus-bull-number isn't enough!
As for nurses pay... it's pathetic. The 1% rise might cost about £100 million a year; peanuts compared to the rest of the NHS budget or even the increased spending noted above. This stands on its own without the meaningless distraction of a bus.
Finally, being a pedant, I can't help but note that fata morgana shifts the image of a real object, so isn't the kind of mirage that makes a good analogy for the bus!