The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
I like how Dilbert is portrayed as a representation of Scott Adams' views (even though Scott is anything but "both sides"). Does his comics also showcase Dilbert's inability to research & just latch on to Republican headlines at face value?
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As a high-school age American everytime I read "NHS" I immediately think "National Honor Society". That's why I didn't get it at first, LOL

"In July 2018, the Prime Minister announced a new five-year funding deal that would see NHS funding rise by £33.9 billion in cash terms (ie, not adjusted for inflation) by 2023/24 compared to 2018/19, a rate of increase that is closer to, but still lower than, the long-term average." (source)

Works out to about £650 million more per week.

"Over the last year (April 2019 to April 2020) the number of nurses has gone up by 13,502: from 282,506 to 296,008.
Over the last year (April 2019 to April 2020) the number of doctors has gone up by 7,890: from 112,304 to 120,194." (source)

Roughly on track towards the goal of 50,000 more nurses by the end of this parliament.

So the narrative that more money isn't being spent on the NHS - and on nurses - is nonsense.

Of course one could argue that it should be more, I wouldn't disagree, but then that's saying that close to double the side-of-a-frikkin-bus-bull-number isn't enough!

As for nurses pay... it's pathetic. The 1% rise might cost about £100 million a year; peanuts compared to the rest of the NHS budget or even the increased spending noted above. This stands on its own without the meaningless distraction of a bus.

Finally, being a pedant, I can't help but note that fata morgana shifts the image of a real object, so isn't the kind of mirage that makes a good analogy for the bus!
I don't know how it wasn't obvious for years Pepe was a questionable character; dude was straight up chasing the same cat, grabbing & kissing her at his will. Dave Chappelle even joked he was a rapey character 20 years ago.

This also seems to be a case like the Dr. Seuss & Potato Head issues where there was no public outcry, rather a company decided, "Hey, this character may not be a good idea to use going forward". At least, that's how it appears to me seeing as just like the previous 2, I went to bed, woke up, & saw he was "cancelled". Wasn't seeing a big outcry from Liberals or Lefties calling for Pepe's head beforehand.

Not that it seems to matter. I highly doubt most people have even given Pepe a second thought until this came out b/c he seems like such a minor character in the Looney Tunes archive.
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I don't know how it wasn't obvious for years Pepe was a questionable character; dude was straight up chasing the same cat, grabbing & kissing her at his will. Dave Chappelle even joked he was a rapey character 20 years ago.

It was the entire schtick too. Her escaping him was the whole point of every cartoon. It was total garbage.
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Pepé Le Pew strikes me as a symbol of the conservative anti-consent set; the Limbaugh League, if you will.

"It used to be that a lady would always say 'no' to your initial advance, because saying 'yes' would make her seem easy and therefore unappealing to real men. So you had to keep harassing her trying to win her favor until she gives in to your unwanted advances sees that you're a suitable companion.

Sometimes she would never actually say 'yes' at all, but a real man can read a lady's body language and understands that sometimes 'no' really means 'yes,' even if she's screaming and you have to put a pillow over her face so that the neighbors don't hear. And it was better that way because actually communicating intent and being sure that a woman consents to intimate contact kills all of the spontaneity and romance.

If you try to pull that stuff from the old days, well, here come the rape police."
Pepé Le Pew strikes me as a symbol of the conservative anti-consent set; the Limbaugh League, if you will.

"It used to be that a lady would always say 'no' to your initial advance, because saying 'yes' would make her seem easy and therefore unappealing to real men. So you had to keep harassing her trying to win her favor until she gives in to your unwanted advances sees that you're a suitable companion.

Sometimes she would never actually say 'yes' at all, but a real man can read a lady's body language and understands that sometimes 'no' really means 'yes,' even if she's screaming and you have to put a pillow over her face so that the neighbors don't hear. And it was better that way because actually communicating intent and being sure that a woman consents to intimate contact kills all of the spontaneity and romance.

If you try to pull that stuff from the old days, well, here come the rape police."

Grab 'em by the skunk.
I don't know how it wasn't obvious for years Pepe was a questionable character; dude was straight up chasing the same cat, grabbing & kissing her at his will. Dave Chappelle even joked he was a rapey character 20 years ago.

This also seems to be a case like the Dr. Seuss & Potato Head issues where there was no public outcry, rather a company decided, "Hey, this character may not be a good idea to use going forward". At least, that's how it appears to me seeing as just like the previous 2, I went to bed, woke up, & saw he was "cancelled". Wasn't seeing a big outcry from Liberals or Lefties calling for Pepe's head beforehand.

Not that it seems to matter. I highly doubt most people have even given Pepe a second thought until this came out b/c he seems like such a minor character in the Looney Tunes archive.

I had no idea about this until I heard about a 10 minute rant between two mechanics outside my widow today. Somehow the discussion eventually got around to one of them saying, "You just wait and see, there will be a war against Christians pretty soon". Once I Googled Pepe LePew and saw what they were talking about, I first thought "yeah this has been a thing since he first appeared". But the second thing I thought of was "how in the **** do you work this around to there is going to be a war against christians!!!". All I've heard for the last 12 years or so is how liberals are so whiny but these conservatives are taking whining to a new level with this junk.