The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
I'm not completely up to speed, but from what I've read, isn't the issue more with characters depicted in the books than the stories themselves & some of the characters have been changed to be slightly less offensive? Or are the stories themselves the issue?
According to my link the books are being cancelled. I'm not sure whether they can just nip/tuck the pictures since Geisel is the illustrator as well as the author.
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Good point. If any bombs are dropped by the US military, it's not a good idea for you to protect your neighbors from your infect... wait a minute! You're making no sense!
Hey, hey, hey. Hey. Hey! Hey, Danoff,'re not supposed to think about it. You're supposed to have a kneejerk reaction and nothing more.
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I looked through this guy's Twitter for "teh luls". Man, he really is as stupid as he came across.
First response:
I’m not a fan of cancel culture, but so far democrats have made it work to turn businesses and media against conservatives.

Therefore boycotting businesses that are funding liberals, has become the best route moving forward.

Fight fire with fire.
Second response:
Cancel culture is removing something from society, boycotting is a personal choice. That is the difference.
Wait, but you said we had to "fight fire with fire", now there's a difference?

That second response was his also his second time retweeting Matt's picture within' an hour. Triggered much Tom?
It honestly amazes me that even the "intellectual" right-wing figureheads like Shapiro or Dinesh D'Souza or Jordan Peterson believe that a trans woman, for example, is just a confused, delusional man pretending to be a girl just for woke brownie points.


The subject of the right's performative outrage over action it has taken is actually profiting from said performative outrage.
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I have no problem beating a dead horse like Dinesh again. The man is cringe and awful at his attempts to bring forth "Gotcha Libs!" takes. He's a desperate, 3rd-rate Ben Shapiro.

The more I've dug a little deeper into this, it doesn't even seem like the publishing company was facing backlash. My understand from others is that they did this entirely on their own.
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Everything's dumber in Texas.

He's just trying to catch up with South Dakota's Kristi Noem and keep up with the rest of CPAC.

Here's Noem boasting about not doing all the successful things that Australia did and CPAC giving her a standing ovation.

(In case you missed it, S Dakota ranks #2 behind N Dakota in Cases per Million.
Not sure why we need two Dakotas, but that's for another time.)


The subject of the right's performative outrage over action it has taken is actually profiting from said performative outrage.

I looked into this a bit more, and it really is the other books that are selling like hotcakes. It's not that people are trying to gobble up books that are going out of print. This leads me to the conclusion that people are just morons.

"If I Ran the Zoo" is going out of publication. So Fox News says cancel culture for Dr. Seuss, and people buy "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" (that's a long title) to... support Dr. Seuss apparently. But One Fish was never going out of publication. So it seems that they're confused that it was going out of publication, based on misleading rightwing hype, or they think the Dr. Seuss estate needs the money? Which... I mean... here's a comment on the subject by a company called "Dr. Seuss Enterprises": “[the] books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.”

So Random House and Dr. Seuss Enterprises choose to drop books from publication, and in blowback, people buy books that weren't being dropped from Dr. Seuss Enterprises and Random House. I'm stunned at how stupid this appears to be.


After searching this stuff, Google News now thinks I'm a full-on cancel culture crying right-wing person obsessed with anything Dr. Seuss or Fox News. Thanks Obama.
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The more I've dug a little deeper into this, it doesn't even seem like the publishing company was facing backlash. My understand from others is that they did this entirely on their own.
If there's anything the Political Correctness thread has taught me, it's that the woke mob is always there, especially when they're not. You can always blame them.
They're not victims of the woke mob...they're part of it! This goes much higher than virtue signaling sandwich cookies.

The takeaway here is that the anti-Social Justice™ playbook is super easy to read.

It's Biden! I'm telling you this is what happens when you have a liberal in charge. [/s]
Gay windmills shoot freeze rays. It happened in Texas and it can happen anywhere now.
It's Biden! I'm telling you this is what happens when you have a liberal in charge. [/s]

I just had a co-worker come up to me and say "That Biden is doing a great job. Gas really likes him. Prices are really up since he's been in charge".

I really don't have the heart to break it to him and it would really cause a big stink here at work between me and about 4 other people, but:
I'm going to an Antifa Dr. Suess book burning party tonight and have an extra ticket if anybody wants to join.

In this day and age, I would not be surprised if you* were actually going.

*not you personally, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was an actual thing.
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