I love that this is a meme. Hillary seems to have only lame ones.
Let's not forget the stock market is going sky high, which is the ultimate indicator of how well a president is doing. /sOr America coming out of a pandemic with saved up cash, buying lots of stuff while the rest of the world is still catching up. These same people would be happy to see prices go up as long as we're buying American. When some of that happens, suddenly it's liberals.
I think it was "feelings don't care about your facts".What was it again? Facts don't care about your feelings, was it? 🤔
Even if he was found not guilty, he still took life, he still killed unarmed American citizens. Citizens of the country you 🤬brains profess to love so much. It's appalling that you've all gotten yourselves to the point where you'll even celebrate death as long as it lines up with your politics. Finding any glee in this situation is disgusting, it's twisted, it's deranged. And probably most damming of all, it's thoroughly unsurprising.
I thought this was just taking the piss out of the GOP, but this is real. This is a real thing they put out.
The reaction from the far right was definitely unsurprising. They literally vociferates for the depredation of legal means and institutions (when convenient), prejudice in justice system and, at the end, even political killings. They salivated in the killings and now in the acquittal.Even if he was found not guilty, he still took life, he still killed unarmed American citizens. Citizens of the country you 🤬brains profess to love so much. It's appalling that you've all gotten yourselves to the point where you'll even celebrate death as long as it lines up with your politics. Finding any glee in this situation is disgusting, it's twisted, it's deranged. And probably most damming of all, it's thoroughly unsurprising.
I'm glad the victims received justice.
When privilage is taken away, equality feels like oppression.
A fair reaction. I saw her in Taxi and nearly bit my own eyes out."He saw Queen Latifah in The Equalizer and just snapped."
I spent the better part of an hour today trying to figure out why it isn't the Xi Variant. Outside the obvious connection to China, not one media outlet is offering an explanation. As far as I can tell, there wasn't even a potential variant that got that label. I don't want to be all conspiratorial here, but I mean if the shoe fits right?