The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff

This just keeps being relevant:
Desperate Dan:


Desperate Don:

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Not only. Right now, the US troops are in Syria without an invitation, showing how the US respects other countries' sovereignity and teaching others how bad it is to invade one.

You're making it sound like it is better to bomb another country into the stone age then leave (like US did to Serbia, Libya, or others) than to make a land a part of your own, rebuild what was ruined in the war (what Russia is doing in Mariupol and other ex-Ukrainian cities), develop it like your own and take responsibility for the local people, providing them with healthcare, infrastructure, paying them pensions and so on. In Crimea, for example, Russia had a lot of **** to clean after 22 years of Ukrainian reign.

After all, it would be just stupid for America to annex Iraq or Afghanistan, there are wholy different nations living there, not to mention they're so far away on another ****ing hemisphere. On the contrary, the so-called "eastern parts of Ukraine" are populated by Slavic people who are culturally no different from us, except the passport. They speak the same native language as us, although the Kiev government was trying to forcibly ukrainize them, especially for the last 10 years, to the extent of erasing their Russian identity (Zelensky actually said before the war, in his message to the people on his east - "If you're Russian, you must leave this country").

TBH, maybe it would be even better if the US annexed Afghanistan, making it one of its own states, and raise the Afghan people from their deep in **** poverty to the American standards of living, but... who would agree for that? Huge expenses and responsibility with no benefits.

Your governments do, as well as other official speaking heads (or if they don't outright support it, they are at least still much more tolerant to it). For example, Russia and Belarus are banned from Olympics because "oh what a terrible war", but Israel is not, because "the Olympics are out of politics and the athletes are not responsible for their government" 🤡 🤡 🤡

Playing the "Why aren't you on the frontline?" card isn't as smart as you think it is. Because it works both ways.
And no need for excuses like "I'm a Brit, it's not my war". If your heart is bleeding for Ukraine so much, there's nothing stopping you from helping them directly (they're in desperate need for manpower). There are your compatriots fighting for Ukraine (around 800 UK citizens have volunteered in total, according to the OSINT data), and they are taking losses, too (so they would like more men to join them). Never thought about showing how brave YOU are before calling someone a coward, when you have both ability AND motivation?

But, no, no, I'm not urging you for anything. It is actually better for you to stay in your comfortable home, not waste your life under Russian bombs or drones (let the Ukrainian draftees do that instead). No one will call you a coward.

Instead, you can try reaching the local ukhilyanty ("draft evaders" in Ukrainian), those men of conscript age wrapped in blue-yellow, yelling "Slava Ukraini" (and sometimes doing cringe performances in front of the Russian embassy), so patriotic that they ran away to Europe before the border closed. There should be plenty of them in UK, too. However, if you try calling them to go home and fight for their money-begging comedian, they'll most likely refuse and tell you to "follow the Russian warship". The better for them, though.

Are you sure you seriously want me to personally kill Ukrainians and orphan more of their children? You don't look like an anti-war person who wishes the best for Ukraine and its people. Why do you hate Ukrainian men so much that you want +1 person to be killing them?

I don't also know why'd you decide I'm some kind of blood-thirsty warmongerer. If you rewind the Ukraine thread back to January and early February 2022, when the "Operation Z" hasn't started yet, I expected there will be NO full-scale war, and I didn't want to be mistaken. When I did start, I hoped Ukraine will surrender as soon as possible (because Zele's regime and monuments of the Nazi "national heroes" aren't worth dying for, but unfortunately, their propaganda convinced them otherwise). Sadly, it ended up we know how. Sadly, because I don't cheer about Ukrainians dying, there's nothing cool in seeing their forcibly drafted men getting torn into pieces on a drone footage.

On the contrary, in this forum's Ukraine thread (that I'm banned from, but still do read occasionally), there are much more belligerent people. Particularly, one humongous member, whose posts are soaked with hate (like, "More dead orcs! Orcs must die! Bomb ruzzian cities!"). His blood-thirstiness could have a good use for Ukraine on the battlefield, but he still didn't raise his ass from Netherlands and join other Dutch volunteers. But this is actually good. One less person for our orcs to spend bullets on.

As for me, I hate the war no less than you. Nor that I want Ukraine to be gone (like some people here think for some reason). I just want my country to not be defeated, that's all.
Defeat would mean that millions of Russian people in Donbass and Crimea would be forced to flee their homes, or face mass repressions from Ukrainian regime; and Russia would be forced to pay enormous money Ukraine and its sponsors would claim (given an open cheque with ANY number for the winners to write in, like Germany after WWI). Remember how the defeat in WWI resulted for Germany?

So, I believe that: war is bad, but a lost war is even worse. Vae victis.

Wow, that's some quality copium you've got there.
Say, if the Russian military is such **** as you say, why hasn't Ukraine won the war already, for over two years?
How come Ukraine, armed by the modern NATO equipment (like the Vietnam war era M113 APCs), still keeps losing ground to the typhus and cholera infected Russians armed with WWI-era Mosin rifles (another cool story from your propaganda) with commanders in fear of being fragged by their own? I'm curious how would you explain this.

For example, Julian Roepcke (aka Jihadi Julian, a pro-Ukraine propagandist from Germany) doesn't seem so addicted to copium.

Ukraine is winning so much that their men of conscript age are being hunted down like stray dogs on their streets by military recruiters (there are tons of videos of that) if they can't flee their country through closed borders. Or go for groceries dressed as women to avoid being dragged to war. Even drowning in Tisa river (trying to cross it to escape to Romania) scares them less than getting drafted.

Meanwhile, Russia had only one wave of partial mobilization and the borders never closed. Male civilians can leave, and go back, like before. While AFU reports "we're killing 10000000000 orcs per second" but still loses controlled land. BTW, how's their kontrnastup (counter-offensive) of June '23, still going? Have they entered Crimea already, as they planned?


Right now, as I am typing this, the mighty Ukrainian troops are committing suicide by the Russian border of Kursk region, while their own defense line is cracking (RF forces are capturing Niu-York and advancing into Toretsk - on those Alibaba golf carts, I guess!).

Buddy if being two and a half years in to a war against a nation that's your lesser in pretty much every metric being armed with offcast equipment and being a few miles from your own borders with 60 years of stockpiled equipment flaming in featureless fields represents an impressive display of a war you're winning, then we clearly have nothing to discuss; you just aren't operating in reality.

As for turning the coward call back on me well, that's predictably flat and disappointing; for a start I am not eligible for service for medical reasons, I do not speak Ukrainian or Russian, and quite frankly as an amateur student of warfare absolutely the last conflict I would jump into is a land war in eastern Europe with both sides heavily influenced by Russian/Soviet infantry doctrine; a brief glance at history will show you they have all been awful.

However the simple fact is this, you continue to go out of your way to support this deeply unpopular war here in a forum that is quite heavily biased to the support of Ukraine. I can only really think of two reasons for this -

1. You are a true masochist and seek only to derive pleasure from being insulted, derided and lectured by your peers.

2. You are a true supporter of the Kremlin narrative, which, you have to understand, as denizens of nations with free media and speech, makes it very difficult for us to see you as genuine.

Far aside from any high minded concern about the return of Naziism (which has more traction in parts of western Europe right now than the Ukraine...) it should be plain to see that pursuing this war is not a boon for your nation - it has cost you international trading relationships you spent 30 years building, it has cost you most of the stockpile of weapons that has kept NATO honest at negotiation tables going back further; more tragic than any of course will be the human cost of such starkly attritional warfare on your people, who die for a war that does not serve their interests and the world considers pointless and evil.

Let's not get away from the scale of the lies you've been told. We have gone from "there will be no war" through "three day special military operation" all the way to "the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk is a suicide attack" in two years. That is not a conflict that is going to the scripted plan. There is no face to be saved now, India, China and whoever else is morally spineless enough to still trade with you are laughing as they grow fat off your ailing economy. You are winning nothing and your government is ****ing you and telling you to like it.

Now I'm not telling you not to like it - sexuality is a spectrum - but don't spit points back in my face as if we stand on the same ground. We don't.
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Oh lol I didn't even see that post.

If you rewind the Ukraine thread back to January and early February 2022, when the "Operation Z" hasn't started yet, I expected there will be NO full-scale war, and I didn't want to be mistaken. When I did start, I hoped Ukraine will surrender as soon as possible (because Zele's regime and monuments of the Nazi "national heroes" aren't worth dying for, but unfortunately, their propaganda convinced them otherwise). Sadly, it ended up we know how. Sadly, because I don't cheer about Ukrainians dying, there's nothing cool in seeing their forcibly drafted men getting torn into pieces on a drone footage.
I was in the Ukraine thread back in January and February of 2022, so no rewind necessary. You were blaming Ukraine (solely, of course) for not following the Minsk agreements as justification for Putin's invasion into the disputed areas with what Putin called "peacekeeping forces." That's a position that a lot of people were willing to come to the table about even if they were calling you out for cherry picking how things got to that point. Except you were doing this even after it became clear what Putin was instead doing was carpet bombing Kyiv with the explicitly stated goal of demilitarizing the entire Ukrainian government. You're perfectly free to go on the internet and tell lies about the past to whatever people on Twitter are dumb enough to believe you, but when you're doing it at people who were there when you were first doing it then
don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
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That entire post is drenched in the brainwashed propaganda every sane person can see right through, except for a self proclaimed orc (clown).

It's not worth trying to reason with him as he's too far up Putin's ass.
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I'm just waiting for Trump to either say the n-word or "bitch" into a hot mic and his base absoultely love it.

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

I mean, don't get me wrong, Kamala isn't homely or anything, but it's just weird hearing Trump say something like that. I thought he had more of a type:
