Okay, I don't wish to go into great detail here because 1. I don't feel the need to explain myself further for finding the sounds disappointing, 2. Don't want to bring about a self-inflicted headache and 3. There are games doing a far better job of sound and PCARS doesn't come close as far as engine/exhaust notes go - FM5, FM4, Horizon 1 and 2 etc.
The youtube quality was fine. I had a decent pair of headphones on. Everything sounded satisfactory from the tranny sounds to the tires going on/off kerbs. The engine itself, the rev range just sounded fake. Like it was programmed in increments.
Bad sound destroys the experience, but I suppose some of us can just live with that, as is clearly evident.
Personally, sound for me breaks the experience, so the best physics and visuals ain't worth a penny.
You folks who are praising PCARS' sounds, have you played any of the FM or Horizon games on a really good sound system set up properly?
I remember seeing this promo clip of PCARS titled "sound is everything". I even remember posting that myself in this thread, but someone already had. Now THAT clip had brilliant sounds. The over 2 dozen vides I've seen ranging from 6-8 month old builds to very recent ones, ALL have poor sound. It doesn't even sound next gen. The engine revs sound completely fake between shifts.
Fake..synthesized.. forced.. linear.. simple rev up/down sound with no depth or dynamism. There you go, can't explain it any better, and neither do I wish to.
Those of you who think it's great, well and good. Frankly, after playing the FM and Horizon games, anything less simply does not satisfy.