The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
There's no thread for sound, so I suppose I'll post here.

Maybe because there is nothing wrong with the sounds at all!

Been watching a few vids on Youtube, and I'm not at all impressed with the engine sounds. They sound too forced and synthesized. Not at all realistic.

@TheCrazySwede Have you had a look? Thoughts?

What do you mean by forced? and of course they are synthesized, that doesn't make then unrealisitic. You need to be much more specific and descriptive if you want to be taken seriously. What are you listening to these sounds on? string and a tin can?

I personally have found the sounds I've witnessed to be mostly glorious!

I've, personally, driven many race cars.

Any one can say things like that, how about some verifiable confirmation?

Our current car is a Porsche GT3 Cup Car. I agree with Speedster. I've said it before and I'll say it again, pCars' sounds are way too choppy and synthesized. They sound un-finished and un-polished.

Have you heard the sounds within the game itself? could you just be listening to poor quality youtube recordings? I haven't heard any choppy sounds, perhaps you could provide a youtube link to an example of choppy sounds. What exactly do you mean by unfinished? that there are certain tone ranges missing maybe? That could certainly be due to poor mp3 quality sounds.

Sounds like a room full of floppy disks

AFAICT a floppy disk does not make any sound at all, so a room full or empty of floppy disks would be the same, quiet. I have a couple of boxes here and just gave them a good listen, but all I could hear was nothing.

Now compare the floppy disk version to the real song. That, to me, is the difference between pCars and the real cars.

Irrelevant. Post links to actual examples of this poor quality sound in PCars, if in fact they do exist.
It will never compare, it can only try to reproduce, the same thing goes for every other aspect of a sim. I'm sure TheCrazySwede's favourite sim sounds perfect.
You can't actually say that this

can compete with this

I agree,but there is still the potential for discrepancy to enter via youtube quality or lack of.

and neither compare favourably to this

I would also add I've paid very little attention to the Formula x categories of PCars as I'm not really interested in them, but didn't make that clear in my earlier post on this subject, so apologies for that.
You can't actually say that this

can compete with this

There's one sound file that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and it wasn't the real one. The PCars one sounds magnificent. The real footage is not recorded for great sound with the onboard camera. The tiny little condensor microphones don't record the sound in anything approaching good quality.
There's one sound file that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and it wasn't the real one. The PCars one sounds magnificent. The real footage is not recorded for great sound with the onboard camera. The tiny little condensor microphones don't record the sound in anything approaching good quality.

Oh dear, come on. You're making a fool of yourself.
There's one sound file that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and it wasn't the real one. The PCars one sounds magnificent. The real footage is not recorded for great sound with the onboard camera. The tiny little condensor microphones don't record the sound in anything approaching good quality.
I was about to comment on the horrible tinny sound of that recording. These onboard recordings don't always have great sound. Specifically, many of them lack low frequency content and environmental sounds (wind rush, kerb rumble, thuds etc.). This may in part be due to the high frequency engine note, much of which is transmitted to the the cam/mic through the cassis, drowning out most other sounds. There are a few with a lot more wind rush and rumble than in that example video. This is not a comment on sim sound fidelity though (I'm all for that improving with every iteration), just on the all to often lack of it in real life onboard recordings.
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Okay, I don't wish to go into great detail here because 1. I don't feel the need to explain myself further for finding the sounds disappointing, 2. Don't want to bring about a self-inflicted headache and 3. There are games doing a far better job of sound and PCARS doesn't come close as far as engine/exhaust notes go - FM5, FM4, Horizon 1 and 2 etc.

The youtube quality was fine. I had a decent pair of headphones on. Everything sounded satisfactory from the tranny sounds to the tires going on/off kerbs. The engine itself, the rev range just sounded fake. Like it was programmed in increments.

Bad sound destroys the experience, but I suppose some of us can just live with that, as is clearly evident.

Personally, sound for me breaks the experience, so the best physics and visuals ain't worth a penny.

You folks who are praising PCARS' sounds, have you played any of the FM or Horizon games on a really good sound system set up properly?

I remember seeing this promo clip of PCARS titled "sound is everything". I even remember posting that myself in this thread, but someone already had. Now THAT clip had brilliant sounds. The over 2 dozen vides I've seen ranging from 6-8 month old builds to very recent ones, ALL have poor sound. It doesn't even sound next gen. The engine revs sound completely fake between shifts.

Fake..synthesized.. forced.. linear.. simple rev up/down sound with no depth or dynamism. There you go, can't explain it any better, and neither do I wish to.

Those of you who think it's great, well and good. Frankly, after playing the FM and Horizon games, anything less simply does not satisfy.
Some cars sound very good, and some doesn't sound really good. The reason for that is that some cars still have an unfinished/placeholder sound.

This is one of the cars that has a "more finished" sound.
^^ That sounds okay to me. Though the downshifting sounds are not that impressive. Upshifting sounds are fine, but on the downshifting, I hear no engine resistance or inertia. Plain and linear sound.

Could you post more finished vids please? Preferably cockpit or bumper cam/hood footage.

Please, tell me more on how you've driven these cars and know how accurate the sounds are? :D

Good question; while I've never driven race cars or been to a live race, I'm seen plenty on TV and test drive/hot lap/review vids to know those aren't realistic engine sounds. They are typical videogame racing game sounds.

I hope I am wrong, and also dearly hoping the vids that made me cringe were unfinished in some shape or form.

PCARS better not muck up the sounds... and why in they heck do the side view mirrors start wobbling??? That never happens in real life! :lol:
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Project Cars has nowhere near the budget of Turn 10, and if "Those of you who think it's great, well and good. Frankly, after playing the FM and Horizon games, anything less simply does not satisfy." is true then what are you doing wasting good track time in the Project Cars thread.
Oh dear, come on. You're making a fool of yourself.

I think the sound you posted from the F1 game even if Anthony Davidson wasn't talking throughout are not great. Much less alive than either Project Cars or the real onboard shots.

As regards the Rosberg lap from 2011 (V8's) I did listen properly through good headphones and speakers and turned the volume up for the real shots. There are bits which are nicer than PCars (eg downshifts) but the real sounds are still missing lots of mid to low end as they are on most onboard F1 recordings. Although I do accept some cars can still benefit from improvements PCars is generally the best sounding sim I've heard in clips. I also agree with the point made by another poster that it isn't actually F1 so they can use a bit of artistic licence.

I agree with you that the 2014 cars from another post aren't a good comparison. In fact they should never bother trying to model them, they're much worse than most forms of motorsport (except Formula E).

Project Cars has nowhere near the budget of Turn 10, and if "Those of you who think it's great, well and good. Frankly, after playing the FM and Horizon games, anything less simply does not satisfy." is true then what are you doing wasting good track time in the Project Cars thread.

I listened to the Lotus in Forza 5 and also the 70's F1 cars and to me Project Cars sounds a good deal more immersive/better.

Very strange wheel/rumble strip/wind sounds.

In the end I am only listening to these on Youtube. The best comparison is not there but a side by side comparison using your own speakers/headphones.

Seeing as this is a Project Cars thread I'll add this in here for further comparison even though it's probably appeared here before

Here's another Project Cars one

Also that Ben Collins (Stig) interview was excellent - especially the bit at the end. He comes across extremely well in that. He should return to Top Gear but this time replacing the wooden Richard Hammond.
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Any one can say things like that, how about some verifiable confirmation?

I already have. Many times.

Have you heard the sounds within the game itself? could you just be listening to poor quality youtube recordings?

I've been part of pCars' development program for a long time, and I have the latest build running on my PC. Does that answer your question?

AFAICT a floppy disk does not make any sound at all, so a room full or empty of floppy disks would be the same, quiet. I have a couple of boxes here and just gave them a good listen, but all I could hear was nothing.

I honestly cannot tell if you are being serious right now....are you saying that floppy disks that are sitting in boxes doing nothing are quiet, or that floppy disks actually active make no sound at all? I am so confused...did you even watch the video I posted? As many on here know, I worked as a Computer Engineer before I started taking on racing, so I am quite familiar with the sounds of floppy disks and older gen HDD's.

Irrelevant. Post links to actual examples of this poor quality sound in PCars, if in fact they do exist.

I'd end up filling the whole page with every clip on youtube if I did that. Besides, weren't you just saying that youtube links aren't a suitable way to judge the sound? And now you want me to post links of videos showing off the sound? I don't understand...

If you think pCars sounds accurate, then I am sorry. Different grapes deliver different tastes to individual mates, I guess. Like I said, I'm no stranger to GT2/GT3 race cars (I've also competed in Formula Mazda's) and I find pCars' lack of quality disturbing. ;)
while I've never driven race cars or been to a live race

so you don't actually know then do you.

PCARS better not muck up the sounds... and why in they heck do the side view mirrors start wobbling??? That never happens in real life! :lol:

I see you are really here to ridicule, tut tut, showing your hairy feet, how carelessly honest.
Just an opinion, but my best to worst order of "overall" racing game sounds (of the games I play recently - not going back to older games), not every car of any game may the best):

1) R3E/DTM (easy one)
4) FM 5 FH 2
5) Assetto Corsa

10) GT 5/6

From what I understand AC will be updating their sounds soon (maybe v1.0). None of the top 5 are bad or take away from the experience, the top two are great! Most of the PC racers have much more depth and variation to their sounds.
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So why aren't you giving any feedback about the audio on WMD Portal?

I didn't have to. I've seen people mention the same things on their forums and nothing changed, so I didn't bother.
pCars sounds a lot like Shift 2 (Same developer, I know.) Most people, however, seemed to like the sounds.

I was never a fan of Shift 2's sounds, either. Oh well...
It will never compare, it can only try to reproduce, the same thing goes for every other aspect of a sim. I'm sure TheCrazySwede's favourite sim sounds perfect.

Nah, nothing sounds perfect. My favorite sim is GTR2 loaded with mods. That game sounds amazing, even though it is 10 years old. I still play that more than anything else. I tried iRacing for a while and got really bored. Besides, I couldn't always get the timing for the races right, because the scheduling was live for the online races.