The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Okay. I hope it's in. I see no reason why Sony or MS would not allow that.

So, on PC you can move the camera to the dashboard? I know it's not very realistic and you can't see the steering wheel, but in some cars it might give me a much better overview, I believe.
BMW M3 GTR (GT3) @ Zolder - Starting 23rd and Finishing 9th

The AI is even better in this build, they finally don't single file a turn, they will do 2 or 3 wide if the corner is wide enough which produces awesome fights between the AI and the player. There is a bug in the AI logic for some reason on the long straight at the start/finish they hit the breaks allowing me to easily overtake, if they are outside of the line (2 wide) they go full throttle so just some tweaking needs to happen.
That is much improved AI, things are really starting to come together. No huge first lap crash either which is something that would get really old, really fast. I believe that braking behaviour was in your last video too, hopefully something easily worked out.

So this was mainly done to test new G-force settings. There is a slider in UI to adjust the overall strength of the effect (here the slider is at 50%), so you can have it either way or totally off. The main change to the "old" one is different relative values for each g-force (x,y,z,)
For all the noobs (including me), what exaclty is a G-force setting?
Gforce setting makes the camera "respond" to g-forces.. like for example in acceleration the cam moves back or kind of 'drags behind'.. hard to explain well.

here's an old vid just playing aroundd with them. Go to 1'50 :P

Is it just me or is there almost no difference between the three? Firefox 30fps atm.

All three look great and that makes me happy because they say the PS4 runs at High so that should be between Medium and Ultra. You can definitely see more detail on the back lower panel though, but if you didn't see it, I don't think you would miss it.
Is it just me or is there almost no difference between the three? Firefox 30fps atm.

I found the same looking on my phone even at 60fps (chrome). When I looked at the video on my large TV using the PS4 app the differences were more apparent but even then the only differences I could see were the shadow quality and draw distance (mostly extra tree detail)

I would like to know if "Low" had all graphical options on minimum or is a preset low within the game. The reason I ask is if the game looks that good on low settings a lot of people might not need to worry too much about lower specced PC's or PS4/XB1 quality.

Even on the low settings Digiprost used the game looks great. Same test in cockpit view at 1080 and 60fps with a bit more confirmation of graphical options would be my next intrigued request but it looks great as is. Thanks @digiprost
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60 fps gameplay showing some of the different cameras ( some are WIP )

To some relaxing Glassworks by Philip Glass

Use Chrome for 60fps and proper colors(flashplayer is studiorgb and as a result crushes the blacks and looks really dark)
Comparison of the graphics to a Low, medium and Ultra at Donington Park with the Ford Mustang Boss 302R1


For those looking to spot differences go at 1:07 and stop video.

You can see details increasing from left to right and right has a different lightning. All in all medium feel ok to me... Sure differences should be valued on something more taxing...

Like nordschleife at sunset with rain on track lol