The Realistic Photo Thread

  • Thread starter Omamder5

best I got...
I dunno. Something about the lighting in GT5 is juuuust right. I mean, it looks sooooo real in the way that its pale but notg over exposed to the point of causing horrible reflection spots. The glare doesn't over power the details of the cars.

The lighting in these pics showcase what I am talking about.





With this pic, you can see the ground really clearly without it looking too over-exposed. You can also clearly see good detail in the rims and front bumper. In forza, a bright afternoon shot like that would have terrible white "spotlight" reflections on the car if you turn up the exposure to get to levels in this pic.

In this one, the exposure looks like its up pretty high but the tires and paint aren't washed out so much that it has to be corrected by too much contrast; so much that the tires would lose detail and be almost black. The black rubber tones are still intact and look real!

In this one, the overcast lighting is fricking PERFECT. We can't get lighting like this in Forza 4 without having to turn the exposure waaaaay down, which usually makes the picture a little too dark.

And this one??????? This one is just WIN anyway you slice it! It looks soooo real and sooooo convincing that I actually had to look for the GT watermark to see if it was real or not! The pale lighting is just soooooo real! We don't have that look in forza 4.

Looking at this pic, it looks like its 4:30pm somewhere on a racetrack. The lighting is perfect. Again it has that pale but realistic look.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Forza 4 has its strong points too and if I owned PS3 and GT5, i'd want Forza 4 too! When Forza 4 gets the lighting right, it REALLY shines. And some of its paint reflections look realer even though they may appear glossier or more polished.
Nice pics especially the evo one. The Amemiya RX7 and the LFA are very very similar to some pics i saw before...