The Simpsons Quotes

  • Thread starter oscarfulz
Marge: Oh wow, a zen pond, now I have a place to hear my thoughts *how much money did he piss away on this*
Marge: Now I'm going to think about thing's I'd like to perchase...Oh I like that, oh that's good...I don't have one of those.

Nelson: HAHA, your mum's in jail.
bart: So is your's.
Nelson: Oh yeah...let's play.
Proffesor: Well I see alot of new faces, but you know what they say, out with the old in with the new-cleus
Everyone except Homer: *laughing*
Proffesor: *drops papers*
Homer: *laughing* Ha did you see that, he dropped his, hahahaha, he dropped hi... hahahahaha, did you see him drop his papers, ahahahahahaha!
Marge: Their floors are sticky mart,
Lisa: They made dad sicky mart
Bart: lets hurl a brickie mart
Homer: the kwickie mart is so, d'oh
Homer: Are we in India yet?
Apu: No.
Homer: Are we in India yet?
Apu: No.
Homer: Are we in India yet?
Apu: No.
Homer: Are we in India yet?
Apu: No.
Homer: Are we in India yet?
Apu: No. Oh wait, Nnnnnnow we are.
Ralph: Miss Hoover, my worm crawled in my mouth and I ate it.

Ralph: my milk money...AND MY MILK!

Ralph: I'm idaho.
Lisa: I'll just call you Snowball 2 and pretend this whole thing never happened.
Skinner: Isn't that a bit of a cheat?
Lisa: Yes Principle Tanzerian...
Skinner: Lisa, Snowball 2 *walks off*
Bart: homer have you seen my skateboard
Homer: i gave it to pepi
Bart: whos pepi
Homer:he's my little brother, thats right your not the only one who can abuse a non-profit oraganisation
Press: Is this a joke?
NASA Reperesentative: No.
Press: No seriously, is this a joke?
NASA Reperesentative: No, are there any toher questions... Any that aren't asking whether it is a joke.
Press: I have a question for the chef, what do you think of untrained men being sent into space?
Homer: I'll field this one. I think we will be perfectly fine unless we land on that planet of the apes. Wait..Statue of Liberty...That was our planet! Damnn you! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!
Homer: Doh!

Lisa: If you want me I'll be in my room.

Marge: (is it possible t o spell her quote?)

bart: Ay Carumba!

Barny: Burrrp!

Apu: Thankyou, come again.

Snake: Bye!

Krusty: HEY HEY!

Dr Nick: Hi everybody!
Homer in Viagragade commercial -

Woman: Oh Steve, you are soooo hot. How do you do it?
Steve (Homer): I use Viagragade. It gives me a full head of hair, and it helps me down there! So what are you waiting for, losers?

Announcer: Side-effects include loss of scalp and penis.

Homer: What!
Lawyer: Mr Simpson, my witness claims you have anger management probelms

Homer: Why you little! Ohh..uuuh... I mean, that was a tiny lapse in my otherwise calm personality.
Judge: Will the court stenographer please read the last statement.
Stenographer: "Why you little!"
Homer to stenographer: Why you little!
Bart: Hahaha.
Homer to Bart: Why you little!
Judge: mhm
Homer to judge: Why you little!