The Smokers' Thread

  • Thread starter W3H5
  • 22,895 views mum smoked and I hated it, couldn't understand why she did it or anyone else for that matter...

I was was indifferent to smoking throughout my younger years but as I got older (teens) I turned more against it. My mum hated smoke and banned it in our house for my father and, later, step father, both of which smoked.

As a junior school student I even played the lead roll in a school play about the hazards of smoking and was actually the last of all of my friends to take it up.

I tried to start smoking, but I just didn't have the willpower.

I think more than anything it's the financial cost which puts people off being smokers in a lot of instances. 7 quid a day on snout? That's more than it was costing me in petrol for my weekly commute on my motorcycle when I lived in London!
Don't know if this has been mentioned before but one thing that's also not to be forgotten is the gesture of smoking itself, if you just stand somewhere being bored and your hands unoccupied just looking a bit oafish, I always find myself lighting up a cig even when I don't particularly crave one at that moment (probably making me look even more oafish :lol:).

There is something to be said about the beauty of the gesture of smoking (it's used functionally in movies for a reason), there's something both absurd and artificial about it which can't be replicated by for example eating (maybe drinking to an extend though).
Don't know if this has been mentioned before but one thing that's also not to be forgotten is the gesture of smoking itself, if you just stand somewhere being bored and your hands unoccupied just looking a bit oafish, I always find myself lighting up a cig even when I don't particularly crave one at that moment (probably making me look even more oafish :lol:).

There is something to be said about the beauty of the gesture of smoking (it's used functionally in movies for a reason), there's something both absurd and artificial about it which can't be replicated by for example eating (maybe drinking to an extend though).

Agreed, something I found out a while back which looks pretty cool, hold a lit fag facing upwards and move it down swiftly, it creates smoke rings in the air. You do have to be careful doing this though as it can make you look like a complete prat.
I really need to stop or cut down. I've getting through about 20 or so a day and it's getting bloody expensive.

But Mayfair ftw.
But aren't Mayfair still £7 a box? I was smoking them when I ran out of Chinese fags in August and remember wincing every time they rang up a box at the till.
But aren't Mayfair still £7 a box? I was smoking them when I ran out of Chinese fags in August and remember wincing every time they rang up a box at the till.

Ready rolled cigarettes are horrendously expensive here! That's partly why I smoke roll ups. Less than £10 a week compared to around £50 a week. Also. if you put a roll up down to do something, it goes out and doesn't just burn away to ash. I also seem to remember hearing once (but could have imagined it) that loose tobacco isn't filled with all the crap used in normal cigarettes, and is therefore slightly less harmful than normal cigarettes.

I also smoke less rolling my own.
Nice MR2 Lissa, I've got a MKI of my own and hope to move up to a MK3 once the old girl goes under the knife.

As far as health effects go, I knew someone that died of lung cancer, yet never smoked a day in his life. I also know a couple of elderly people that have smoked for 60-70 years and show no signs of the negative effects of smoking cigarettes. Of course, these are the exceptions, but some people really can smoke and still be reasonably healthy.

I'll quit one day, when I'm damn well ready to, but there is just too much stress inducing things going on in my life to try right now.
My smoking history:

The first time I ever tried a cigarette was back in 2010 when I was around the age of 14. It just so happened to be one of my mates had a roll up on them they jacked off their mum as they wanted to try smoking. So me and two of my mates met up and sparked it up, we all coughed like babies but we all got the head rush you get when new to smoking.

My next experience with smoking wasn't for another year and a half, the start of 2012 to be precise, and now I was 16. This time me and my mate were talking about some memories and remembered the roll up incident back in 2010 so we went to ASDA and stood outside for 10-15 mins until someone went in and got us 10 Mayfair for £3.40 or something. This time my experience was some what different, instead of coughing the cigarettes were going down a lot smoother and we enjoyed the nicotine rush and the relaxation. So for the next couple of months before a party or day out me and my mate would buy a pack of fags. We weren't addicted and smoking on a daily basis, but we only smoked at parties and events.

The next step in my smoking history happened about 6 months ago in June/July 2012 which was when I bought my first pouch of rolling tobacco as we got bored of the cigarettes. My first ever rolling tobacco was Amber Leaf 12.5g, the pouch came in a little box, with some rolling papers too, which was nice as I was new to rolling tobacco's. As I got used to rolling and eventually got the nack of it a month later, I was enjoying every roll up I had to this point.

When I first started smoking roll up's last year in July I was 16 but a mate of mine's sister was 18 and got everything we needed. When I first started I was on 1-2 roll ups a day, but when I started college in October things changed. I suddenly had the freedom to smoke whilst in education which I didn't have before at school. So I then started 5-10 roll ups a day depending on how long I was at college and when I was working.

Now in January 2013, I am now 17 and have been smoking daily for a good 6-7 months and intend to until I finish my education at college and uni.

As a young smoker I have no intention of stopping as I enjoy it too much, I'm not saying I'm addicted, I can stop at any time but I love ways of rolling tobacco's, there are so many different tobaccos to choose from regarding strengths, blends, flavors and aromas. The wide variety of rolling papers to choose from regarding flavors, size's and widths.

Stay lit.

ETID, I'm just gonna warn you about the thinking you can stop bit. Thats what I thought until I couldn't smoke for a couple of days and was craving one.

My story is similarish to yours, smoked very occasionally when 14 because some mates smoked, smoked maybe 1 or 2 a day in year 11 (last year of compulsory school) and now I'm 16 and at sixth form I smoke about 5 a day.
Used to be a heavy smoker around my 20ies. Now only one or two cigars per year.

Record: a pouch of rolling tobacco (50 cigs) and pack of Marlboro during an examanition day. It was the same room where I slept. :yuck:

I also used chewing tobacco Kopenhagen. But I cannot find that stuff in Holland any more.


Now only once a year for lighting the fireworks on new years eve: J Cortes. Fine cigars

Good to see a fellow cigar smoker. And one from Holland! Enjoy those Cubans.

I just got done enjoying a Flor De A. Allones with a few glasses of melot. My favorite cigar at the moment.
A J. Cortez was the first (proper) cigar I ever smoked. 👍

A colleague of mine uses chew. He buys it online, currently got a Lossnus on his desk. I tried it but it was too strong for me.

I've been looking into snuff for a while but the quality here in China isn't great and the imported European stuff is expensive.
Well, smoked my first cigar. It was actually pretty nice, reminded me of coffee. I suspect I didn't do the whole process correctly, but I suppose that comes with practice.

At any rate, while it was nice, I think I'll keep it to a once in a while occasion.
Not a smoker, smoked maybe 2 times in my whole life (both were cigars at friends weddings), really didn't care for it, actually it was vile... I don't have so much of a problem being around smokers/passive smoking since my parents smoked everyday whilst I was growing up, so I'm used to it. Used to sit in the pub drinking with my mates smoking away and not notice it too.

Two things really put me off; 1) Sold Hi-Fi for 17 years, used to have to do the odd repair/service. When you got something from a smokers house it stank, really awful, then once I'd pop the lid off the item, and start cleaning it - the sludge was vile, and it'd stain my fingers, leaving them smelling like fag ash for hours.
2) Kissing a girl that's just had a fag... not cool. I've been a heavy drinker, I don't expect anybody to kiss me if I've just been sick in my mouth, and I'm pretty sure that doesn't taste as bad as cigarettes! (in fact often it tasted of Southern Comfort and Wheat Crunchies... mmmmm)
3) (two, no... three, THREE things that put me off!) The cost.
4) (FOUR THINGS!), my Mum was diagnosed with cancer a few years back, it might not have been the smoking to be fair... but is it really worth it?

I tried to start smoking, but I just didn't have the willpower.
I think more than anything it's the financial cost which puts people off being smokers in a lot of instances. 7 quid a day on snout? That's more than it was costing me in petrol for my weekly commute on my motorcycle when I lived in London!
------------> daan's comment

-------------> Your head.
I think more than anything it's the financial cost which puts people off being smokers in a lot of instances. 7 quid a day on snout? That's more than it was costing me in petrol for my weekly commute on my motorcycle when I lived in London!
Back when I started smoking I said I was going to quit when the price got to be 50 cents a pack, didn't happen nor did it happen at 75,1.00,1.50,2.00,etc. I think the price was around 3.50 when I did quit(Oct 2007).
I was raised in the Philippines so I did have some experience with second hand smoke. I hated the smell, and I don't want anyone else to experience that around me (including family, etc.) so that's one of the main reasons I won't commit myself to smoking in my future. Another is money. And my own morals....
Smoked a Gurkha Double Maduro (first pic) this afternoon. It was fantastic. I love Gurkha cigars. My favorite is the Gurkha Legend (second pic). They're not for beginners since they are typically strong cigars.

I think I went through about 50-60 cigarettes yesterday. Drinking always turns me into a chimney.
I have been smoking since I was 17 about 35 a day.

A year ago I discovered electronic cigarettes and im hooked.

Im not sure if its healthy for you but I do know its 100 times better than normal cigarettes I dont cough alot in the morning, no smelly clothes and I breathe much better I was going to use them to quit but now I cant quit these, I love them too much.
Hmmm, do they really offer a satisfying alternative? And less expensive?

They do offer a great alternative and I am a heavy smoker so yes they are satisfying and I spend less in a month what I used to spend weekly.
They do offer a great alternative and I am a heavy smoker so yes they are satisfying and I spend less in a month what I used to spend weekly.

Might look into it if it indeed could offer an alternative to an unhealthy habit (at least making it significantly less unhealthy) and it'll also costs far less.
I never smoked. Not cigs anyway I own a hookah that I ONLY use for flavored tobacco. a pipe is nice once in a blue moon, but my wife smoked for 15 years and just quit, my aunt smoked 40 years and died of breast cancer, I hate the smell, and the taste on my wifes breath. so i am very happy she quit. the patches help a lot!
I never smoked. Not cigs anyway I own a hookah that I ONLY use for flavored tobacco. a pipe is nice once in a blue moon, but my wife smoked for 15 years and just quit, my aunt smoked 40 years and died of breast cancer, I hate the smell, and the taste on my wifes breath. so i am very happy she quit. the patches help a lot!

Thats what I like about e cigarettes no smell and fantastic flavours currently im smoking banana (well the proper term is vape).
Is there any vacine to stop smoking?! Just let me know :lol:. I smoke since i was 12 or 13 and its almost impossible to stop, sondering i like to smoke, the pleasure i take from it but also the ritual of smoking. I think the mind and body must be ready for it... thats not my case:dunce:. Well at least i stopped with the alcohol, the pot and the likes.
I've managed to fight the urge to buy a new box this morning after having some chest issues for the last week. I don't think it's smoking.

I'm hoping the several I had before work will get me through until tomorrow when I get a chest X-ray and then perhaps I can get back to puffing away like a chimney again.