The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
This is one thing that frikkin annoys the **** out of me, especially when racing recently and you are trying to lead the pack or stay ahead of your rival. Why does it take so long to pit in? Why does it have to load the same generic pit animation of the stupid pit crew, and then when I wait for the prompt (which take ages) to tyre change and fuel, I accidently (on a controller) press the "dont/skip fuel" button and there no alternative to change it and I am basically screwed up my entire race, if I'm very low. There is no decent strategy plan to do in the pits also. Also there are three words at top: PIT IN > OUT/TYRE > REPAIR, but we never see an animation of the car being repaired if the crew are doing anything to mend the race car your using.

Lastly on some larger tacks within the pit lanes. The two same guys are animated running back and forth, between the pit garages and the paddocks area. Come on PD, do a bit more animation, for my money please won't be a long ask in an update at least. :banghead:
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This is one thing that frikkin annoys the **** out of me, especially when racing recently and you are trying to lead the pack or stay ahead of your rival. Why does it take so long to pit in? Why does it have to load the same generic pit animation of the stupid pit crew, and then when I wait for the prompt (which take ages) to tyre change and fuel, I accidently (on a controller) press the "dont/skip fuel" button and there no alternative to change it and inm basially screwed up my race if I'm very low. There is no decent strategy plan to do in the pits also. Also there are three words at top: PIT IN > OUT/TYRE > REPAIR, but we never see an animation of the car being repaired if it is doing anything to mend the racecar your using.

Lastly on some larger tacks within the pit lanes. The two same guys are animated running back and forth, between the pit garages and the paddocks area. Come on PD, do a bit more animation, for my money please won't be a long ask in an update at least. :banghead:
Annoying and was hoping more tracks would be added with better views of car entering pitlane like they did with Spa endurance pit entrance, Have done that mistake a few times, no rush too press tyre n fuel options as long as it done before car enters pit box, still done it last night and had too do last half lap of Le Mans on no fuel, but had a huge gap thankfully :)
Getting rear ended or side swiped by the AI and causing damage to my car or spinning me out.
Not being able to close the gap between 2nd place and 1st place before the end of the race or running out of laps before I can make my move. Hitting the curb at too high a speed and flying off into the run off. Mis-judging my line and braking points and going off track. Traffic jams at the start of a race. Having to fight from 20th place to the middle of the pack or higher with damage turned on.
Dumb AI drivers.

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anything else now.
What annoys me since launch, is the broken mobile webpage. Some layout elements overlap or aren't visible at all. On shared content (decals, liveries, photos) in my GT Sport profile page I can scroll down to look at the comments, which I can't in the GT7 section as I can't scroll past the message box. If I want to see the comments I have to switch to desktop version. I know it's just a minor thing, but this feels like a 2003 problem and even more annoying that it worked fine for GTS. In the grand scheme of all the unfinished, unpolished, buggy or straight up missing features of GT7 since launch, this makes me wonder how little resources were actually spent on rebranding GTS.
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This one is very minor, but it still annoys me.

The way the bits of rubber show up on the track during gameplay and replays, but as soon as you enter photo-mode they no longer appear.


I not sure if this is an annoyance but I guess it is, because most people may feel the same way. The lack of any Snowy or Dakar style Rally stages in GT7. Gran Turismo like to emphasis that it is a world wide recognised game, yet for some of the most exciting races to do are on variable surfaces. We even don't have any Pikes peak hillclimb as of yet?

It is often said that RALLY is an afterthought in GT, but after the next update we receive, maybe PD should focus on making new Cafe books for Rally or even new alternate stages. I like the Catalunya Rallycross and was hoping for more like that. At least tandem racing so we go against the clock in a Race shootout?

SEGA Rally 2 (1999-2K) is over 20yrs old and this game is younger than that and has no SNOW ffs:

WRC 6 - a 2016 game that has snow and foggy stages.

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After all this time, I can't believe that my idiot pit crew still hasn't figured out that they can refuel the car while the tires are being changed. :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
Speaking of idiot pit crew... when you come into the pits for intermediate or wet tires... the pit guys are still holding slicks! And when you come back later for dry tires... the doofuses got out another set of treaded tires! :banghead:
For me, It's just a shame at the sorry state of balance the GR classes are in. With the following;

Gr1 - Porsche 919 dominance
Gr2 - CLK LM for high speed, 2016 SuperGT cars for everything else, lexus VGT isn't even selectable
Gr3 - Supra for straights, Porsche for everything else
Gr4 - Alfa 155 for corners, Subaru/GTR for straights

Yet when most of the classes have 20 or more vehicles to choose feels really bad to be pigeonholed into using these options to be within an optimum opportunity
Speaking of idiot pit crew... when you come into the pits for intermediate or wet tires... the pit guys are still holding slicks! And when you come back later for dry tires... the doofuses got out another set of treaded tires! :banghead:
Thats just because the model used is the same as what is currently equipped.
You can see this when going in for inters or wets from slicks.
They put on smooth tires.

Speaking of pitting
I wonder if the reason why we cant see our car driving down the pit is because the GPU cant render the polygons from the car because of all the people standing around in the pit(against safety rules mind you)
Also inconstancy with tire change times
Do the WTC700 it takes 4.5 seconds or so to change all tires
Do the WTC600 Tokyo and all tires are changed in under 3 seconds.
Speaking of pitting
I wonder if the reason why we cant see our car driving down the pit is because the GPU cant render the polygons from the car because of all the people standing around in the pit(against safety rules mind you)
Thing is, we can see the car driving down the pit lane on the new tracks/layouts PD added like Spa 24H, Watkins, and Road Atlanta. It's just a cutscene.

It's clear they just haven't bothered doing it for the tracks that shipped with the game.
Thing is, we can see the car driving down the pit lane on the new tracks/layouts PD added like Spa 24H, Watkins, and Road Atlanta. It's just a cutscene.

It's clear they just haven't bothered doing it for the tracks that shipped with the game.
Yeah but your own car only.
No AI cars or other player cars.
Even with the 24h Spa one, you dont see yourself driving down the first pit lane.
Not sure if this is already said over almost 40 pages but:

Not being able to set a fully customized time and weather settings in time trial/practice mode, just the 4 or 5 presets for each circuit. IIRC in GT6 you could set it as you want.

The chase camera please, in GTSport was great to adjust it to get that GT2 or GT3 feel. In GT7 we lost that possibility, and didn't returned yet 9 months after release.

Buying a 20 mil Daytona and being unable to enter it in any of the races!! Argh. I really love the car, but doing time trials and custom races against safety cars is a bit annoying….
Having to reset my TCS setting literally every single time I hit reset on an event. Like, why can't I set my TCS and have that persist through being reset on a qualifying lap? Most annoying thing in the game. Oh, and if you try to go into settings and change it in said event, NOOOOOOPE. No dice. Also why does expert preset have TCS 3 by default?
Having to reset my TCS setting literally every single time I hit reset on an event. Like, why can't I set my TCS and have that persist through being reset on a qualifying lap? Most annoying thing in the game. Oh, and if you try to go into settings and change it in said event, NOOOOOOPE. No dice. Also why does expert preset have TCS 3 by default?
You set TCS under assists. It will then stay on that setting with every restart but it affects the TCS on every car you drive. So it's kind of like TCS is a driver setting and brake balance is a per car setting.
It doesn't annoy me as such, but I find it a shame there's no way to track in which cars you have won the single player races.

I've tried a couple of hacks. Currently I'm saving a new settings sheet for each race with the title of the event won (also a good excuse to try different tunes), but I'm still flooded with garage cars and no way of immediately checking without selecting each one at a time. Previously I was taking a photo and saving it in my gallery as a reminder of the occasion, but again, really janky and not ideal to go in and out of the collection to find the info.

Does anyone have any other solutions which don't involve getting out a pen and paper?
It doesn't annoy me as such, but I find it a shame there's no way to track in which cars you have won the single player races.

I've tried a couple of hacks. Currently I'm saving a new settings sheet for each race with the title of the event won (also a good excuse to try different tunes), but I'm still flooded with garage cars and no way of immediately checking without selecting each one at a time. Previously I was taking a photo and saving it in my gallery as a reminder of the occasion, but again, really janky and not ideal to go in and out of the collection to find the info.

Does anyone have any other solutions which don't involve getting out a pen and paper?
You could just use this??

It doesn't annoy me as such, but I find it a shame there's no way to track in which cars you have won the single player races.

I've tried a couple of hacks. Currently I'm saving a new settings sheet for each race with the title of the event won (also a good excuse to try different tunes), but I'm still flooded with garage cars and no way of immediately checking without selecting each one at a time. Previously I was taking a photo and saving it in my gallery as a reminder of the occasion, but again, really janky and not ideal to go in and out of the collection to find the info.

Does anyone have any other solutions which don't involve getting out a pen and paper?
I have a speadsheet with all the events on, distance, prize money, PP, tryes, car restrictions etc. Once I put my time in it tells me the credits/hr. I also note the car I used and whether it's dry or wet.
It annoyed me you can't pick a car then see what events it can do, or pick an event and see what tracks are in it, the only way is to go through the tracks one by one on the map. Feels very cumbersome.
Also hate how there are no weather forecasts!
Now I can filter events by lots of variables.
Want to use your 600pp European road car in an event without having to buy IM tyres, I can get a list up in a few seconds.

I have always used spreadsheets for Gran Turismo games, always useful.

You could also use the excellent KudosPrime. Each car has a notes section where you could note what events you have won with it.
Half the cars in this game have correctly pitched engine sounds when upgraded, half of them don't. Some of them aren't even pitched correctly when stock! Surely some of you have noticed this.
I have 1200W of sub woofer in my space, run bumper cam and nothing sounds right or good or car like.