I too had an insanely awful experience with that mission!! I don't have the free-time to really attempt 1-hour races very often, so when I got Covid back in June (thankfully very mild and took the anti-viral meds) and all of a sudden had full-days to myself, I decided to tackle the comedy missions. Soooo much fun, gold all but two and two silvers with Lake M left. I know it is considered difficult by viewing threads on here. So I tackle the CE, but can't get gold for the life of me, but I'm very close. So I try the race and it felt like I've never played before. Unlike you, I was no where close to the front!! In fact, for the first 5-or-so laps I'm fighting for P19... P1 is gaining time on me non-stop. I'm trying to keep my cool but the frustration was growing. Forget gold, I'm good with Silver only need top 5. About 40-mins into the race and I'm in P20 and probably 10+ seconds off P19, but maybe I can still get bronze? Half-way through the lap and here comes P1-P4 getting ready to lap me! Ahhh, I better get my 💩 together! Then, as if they don't even see me, dive-bomb and throw me off the track!
I hit the PS button, scroll over to the power, and put it to sleep, alllllmost spiked the controller (thank god I'm not 18 anymore!) I felt that deep-down rage inside me, rage from gaming that I've decided is silly for a grown man and a strong reason I try to not play multiplayer games anymore lol. I didn't play the game for a solid 5-days because I was still mad as hell! And that was during a time where I was obsessed with the game and was living with my parents while my home was being built, which meant built in babysitter and another TV for others to watch. But man, did that shake me to my core. I still haven't attempted that race again and TBH, I don't know if I ever will.