The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
The carried over annoyance of the driver light for the Super GT GT500 cars. Instead of programming the lights to switch each time the player pits, players have to spend 800,000Cr. for the light.
Please explain this, it does not make sense to me
There are primary and secondary drivers in Super GT GT500. An amber light in the top left hand corner of the windscreen denotes the first driver and after pit stop/driver change, it changes to blue to indicate the second driver is now driving the car. We have to buy both available “liveries” to try and simulate this. Yet, we can’t switch those cars during a pit stop. It just negates the purpose of simulating the Super GT series. PD didn’t even bother to at least program the lights to change during pit stops. It was bad in GT Sport and just bad in GT7. Just a minute change would eliminate this.



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It annoys me immensely that HUD on/off cannot be assigned to a button.
wow that would be perfect. i drive without hud mostly, however, in races when i need to view fuel, weather and lap count, i HATE having to pause and change the settings each time. to be able to have a button to pop in to view and check things quickly and then back off AS I CONTINUE TO RACE would be amazing.
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wow that would be perfect. i drive without hud mostly, however, in races when i need to view fuel, weather and lap count, i HATE having to pause and change the settings each time. to be able to have a button to pop in to view and check things quickly and then back off AS I CONTINUE TO RACE would be amazing.
Yeah I’ve been saying this since GT5. It seems like an absolute no brainer, but maybe that’s the problem, whoever is in charge of the HUD… jk lol
It just negates the purpose of simulating the Super GT series.

To be fair to them, they never did this

It annoys me immensely that HUD on/off cannot be assigned to a button.

I can just see it now, hordes of controller users flicking their HUD on and off involuntarily when gripping the pad too tight 😆

Edit: merge posts
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To be fair to them, they never did this
Not sure that’s fair. Thing is, they never did this before GT SPORT where we had to buy the same livery for a driver name and different light. They experimented in GT6 with the Base Model as a way to trial Livery Editor by way of the Paint Chips. We used to get multiple Super GT GT500 liveries of the same car(maybe ten liveries per car?). Sure, licensing probably stopped that, but the logic of paying 1.6mil for the same car that only changes a light and doesn’t even switch the driver names around in the livery, I dunno. Super GT drivers share the same car. It’s not like buying an LMH that’s #7 & #8.
I can just see it now, hordes of controller users flicking their HUD on and off involuntarily when gripping the pad too tight 😆

Edit: merge posts
If it’s assignable it should matter, assign it to the touch pad or something. In my opinion at the very least they should give us that option. The game looks so good with nothing but car (cockpit view) and track on screen.
You know what really grind my gears, has happend a few times to me randomly,

When the AI exits you out of the pits on Bathurst and it squirrels the car because of maybe the new physics update or sumthing, but the car always tends to cross the penalty line, giving me a 3sec penalty and messes up/chugging my whole race up.

Bathurst is a tricky enuff course anyway, 3secs added doesnt help becuase the AI cant drive me out of the pits?

Honda Cooking GIF

I mean it simple thing to do, drive out of the pits.... No?
I can just see it now, hordes of controller users flicking their HUD on and off involuntarily when gripping the pad too tight 😆
I sometimes do this with windscreen wipers as I have the mapping assigned to L3. So if you see me turning on my windscreen wipers mid-corner you know what's going on
No engine swap label (or/and separate category), having 500+ cars it's very hard to find ones with swapped engine,
Haptic triggers not fixed,
Stuttering on PS5 not fixed,