The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Incoming Terronium and Gundam Unicorns Ponies fanboyism.


Pinkie fits right in with Ali.

Who's Setsuna Pony? I can't make anything out other than the eye/pupil.
I think it's Twilight. Not sure. But the guy who made these images is big Gundam fan and hated Friendship is Magic... until he sat down and watched the pilot episodes and his personal favorite 'Winter Wrap Up'. :lol:
I think it's Twilight. Not sure. But the guy who made these images is big Gundam fan and hated Friendship is Magic... until he sat down and watched the pilot episodes and his personal favorite 'Winter Wrap Up'. :lol:

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Making a man out of you since 2010.

It's gotten to the point where people who don't watch it are being called "girly". :lol:
Thanks! I'll see if I can find it on my shelves or in the nearest library!

You're welcome. I sincerely don't know how good is the Estonian version, but the Spanish version was very good. Hope Estonian version is just as good.

Exactly... IMO This show does not need this.

Yeah, people should keep their twisted thoughts about ponies to themselves.

Enough is enough, I agree. But if people want to discuss it, I'll tolerate and love the s**t outta them!

As I said again, I'm sorry, it was a bad combination of curiosity, boredom, and the cynicism caused by that boredom.

Halo pony?


Idea for new Trojan advertisement campaign.


Who needs horsepower when you can have PONYPOWER?


This is why I just limit to eat potatoes.


This is what Equestria's soap operas are like.


But no matter what...

Found something interesting... and a good prank for anyone who cares enough. If anyone remembers that creepy picture of Applebloom I posted a couple of pages back, it seems as though it's part of a game. It's called 'Luna game' and looks like a harmless platformer with Luna (duh), but after around half a minute... it goes creepy. It also spams your folder with pics of the background.

If you want to try it... download and play at your own risk. The game is below...


For those who want to get freaked without the annoyance of have to manually shut down in order to exit the game (yeah it's those kinds of pranks), here's a video of it being played. Scared the @#$% out of me.

It isn't just Applebloom. There's also another screen of a zalgofied Pinkie Pie and four different eerie tracks that play. All random at times.
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D'oh! I haven't provided a link? My apologies!

Here it is.
The Party Hasn't Ended

13 chapters. Dash/Pinkie friendship maxed out.
I'm on 12th chapter right now
The story gets 18+ closer at the end. "Viewer descression is advised!"

Hey that's actually really good! I've never read a fanfic before, but this is a great one to start with. I'm on the 4th chapter right now, who would've thought pony romance would make for good reading?? :lol:

And can someone PM me a link to this Cupcakes everyone's talking about? I tried searching but there are sooo many other MLP Cupcake related results...

Oh and anyone see these? Check this site out:
I'm thinking about picking up one of these bad boys, but I'm not sure which... it's for a good cause, at least.

Why is it Pinkie and Fluttershy still look the most worrisome and frightening of the six? :odd:

And, I'm totally buying one of those shirts!
Well, I can assure you...I don't write endings with death or th' nasty as the end. Largely because I'm a sucker for happy endings.

Well, now I HAVE to put Rainbow Dash's "military" training into the que, if for no better reason to convince myself the idea won't work.

Also...I strangely like the Megaman Ponies. I now have the urge to do Stinkoman as one. X3
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Normally I wouldn't post anything like this, and if I personally knew any of you I might hesitate a little more, but this is unbearably adorable.

I mean, you would have to be dead inside to not find this adorable, even if you're not a Brony.